Married women... wtf?


Senior Don Juan
Jul 2, 2009
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Right, so lately I've been working on being more outgoing, outspoken and trying to up the c&f and being interested in women again. I think it's working, feels like kind of flexing a muscle I haven't used in a while, I think I used to be able to do this! Anyway, while I've not been very successful at closing or getting progress with women, I'm really not that focused on that at the moment, I'm generally just trying to kick myself up in gear again.

I've managed to actually approach HBs and strike a conversation without getting bored halfway through. Well, for the most part. Hilariously I had a pretty good chance with a Brazilian chic I met at the gym and I ended up not doing anything other than small talk due to my interest dropping completely.

But I digress.

The point of this is, about a month ago I was at a farewell party of some term students that were leaving the country back to their hometown, and there is this (french) canadian couple that I've met through a friend of mine. The chic is cute, and when I first met her I was kinda interested until I found out she was married - and introduced me to her husband as he sat on the table at the pub. Anyway, we talked a couple more times, I kept it cool, but during this party we got to talking, it was a party so I was feeling pretty good and being quite funny and cheeky, and when we got to the subject of skiing and whatnot ('tis the season down here!).

She started saying how cool it was and how I should go with them next time they go skiing and she would teach me since I said I didn't do it. the thing went back and forth and how I should definitely go blah blah blah. I poked her about how good a teacher she was, she ate it all up and started to qualify herself and how she'd treat me good... Well, long story short, it was obvious she was hitting on me.

Five meters away from her husband.

Oh, my butt would be fine even if I fall on it a few times, according to her expert touch.

Anyway, I stood firm on not wanting to learn skiing, and now she barely speaks to me.

Fine by me (and not unexpected), I wasn't interested, and this time I didn't miss that a woman was hitting on me.

But a couple of weeks ago, wife of a friend who lives in another city (yeah, they are married and live in separate cities, at least for now according to them, I have no idea what their full story is like). She came in due to a conference which I was attending too. The few of us that knew each other hung out for most of the two days together, and the last day we went out for dinner and a few laughs.

Well, by the end of the night she was all over me. I hit her with some jokes and some negs, but no more than the other women in the group, which was pretty mild as I wasn't chasing after any of them. At the end of the night we changed venue, and since me and her husband were the only guys, I went and sat next to him to have a decent conversation going. Ya think she'd sit next to him too, but no, she came and sat right next to me, quite close in fact. So I'm sitting between the two of them, and she's definitely in an "exploratory" mood.

Best of all, she asked me if I was going to attend this other conference a week after that she was attending too. It would be perfectly normal if she had asked during the conference, not at the pub out of the blue when we were joking about something completely unrelated.

Lesson learned?

Apparently I have to work on my behaviour so that it comes across as "I'm not interested" when interacting with women I actually I'm interested in (which is what happened here, except I was genuinely not interested), so that their interest increases with my jokes and convo if they think I'm not interested, but I am. Kinda Zen-like.

Is there anything that may suggest I am tastier to married women than others? It's kind of odd. And looking back, it's not the first time this kind of thing happens.


May 30, 2009
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I am in love with a married woman. It has turned my world upside down. The last six months have been very difficult for me. If there is anything I could say to you DO NOT MESS WITH MARRIED WOMEN. It's horrible. The only time you should is; One and done, and you never see her again. I still watch my back, I still think about her, I still have a bad reputation with my friends. DO NOT DO ANYTHING BUT A ONE NIGHT STAND WITH A MARRIED WOMAN.

I have the same problem though, this married woman pursued me very agressively. Part of the reason is that you fit a type of a man she likes, which is not her husband. You have to be very careful.

You also have to understand that married women are very aggressive and take more risks than single women. THEY HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE. If she fuvks you, great! Ego boost. If she gets rejected, so what? She still has husband. Married women work differently. Do not think that your attitude around married women will work with single women. THEY ARE WORLDS APART.

When a married woman hits on a man she does it for a few reasons; She is being neglected at home, she doesn't get enough sex, she is trying to fix her relationship by making him jealous and more aware. SHE IS MORE AGGRESSIVE than any single women you will meet. Your disinterest in her has nothing to do with her goals. She could care less if you are interested or not. That's why the first one you met doesn't want anything to do with you. She's done, she will find a better suitor for her needs.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
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Lately, my faith in marriage has been shattered. Believe me, it's ridiculous how married women will cheat when given the opportunity. At my school, the married and engaged chicks are easier than the single ones! I really wish I was kidding about that, but it's true.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Married women are easy game. I was in love with one for a while. The other thing about married women is that because they are taken, you really don't care or have any anxiety when talking to them. YOu know you can't have them so you just be yourself, and they love that. You give them attention with out needing them or their approval. Act that way around single girls and watch your numbers increase.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Married women are easy game. I was in love with one for a while. The other thing about married women is that because they are taken, you really don't care or have any anxiety when talking to them. YOu know you can't have them so you just be yourself, and they love that. You give them attention with out needing them or their approval. Act that way around single girls and watch your numbers increase.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Warrior74 said:
because they are taken, you really don't care or have any anxiety when talking to them. YOu know you can't have them so you just be yourself, and they love that. You give them attention with out needing them or their approval. Act that way around single girls and watch your numbers increase.
Yes, that's very true. You are completely relaxed around them, so you're your normal funny self, and they can end up falling for you.

But as for a lot of married women who cheat: Once a hoe, always a hoe. A piece of paper isn't going to change anything. Some women will just go through their whole lives screwing around.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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yea dont get involved with a married woman. at best do it once. I had the same problem. met a gorgeous married woman. hit it off the first night and we had it going for 8 months. we had great sex and she liked me and we hung out once a week. its really felt good but at the sametime you are saying to yourself this could end at anytime. I know some woman cheat when they are married because their husbands are not giving them enough attention, sex or love. they grow apart from their husbands. we had an addiction for each other and it was hard to say no and for us to stop. we are done now, it has been over a few weeks. it was so easy. we we would hang out, have a fun time, it was effortless and I had unlimited supply of great sex and just got it and didnt have to "take my time" or not act like "I was just after sex" we got together and had great sex no questions ask. my advice would be not to do it or at most once. because she is back to living her life and you think about her until the next time. then you learn more about her and her family and sometimes it is too much. Trent81 really hit it on the head. they get to have their cake and eat it too.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
If they are hitting on you infront of their husbands, either they have total control of the marriage or they just want the attention fix and have no intention of coming through with the goods-see honey I'm still attraactive- HE wanted me. NOW IF she hits on you without him,she wants you for 15 minutes. You don't want her any longer than that either.


May 30, 2009
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hey dude4242, tried to send you a private message but it said it's not allowed.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2008
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****kkk me, im in exactly the same position, been seeing a married woman for a few months now, thanks for the reality check trent81, and thedude4242 you just explained my situation down to a t. Any advice on what I should do? I will admit its good but i still have lingering doubts ya know?


New Member
Sep 10, 2009
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I wouldn't touch a married woman. Yeah, it is cool to f with women's minds and feelings because they deserve it, but with a married woman, you are f-ing' with the schmuck husband at the same time.

It is kinda stepping an uncool taboo line imo - us guys should be on the same team. Plus the married guy can go completely apesh|t and want to murder you if he finds out.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 2, 2009
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Thanks for the replies guys, very good points raised. Looking at it from the "have nothing to lose" POV, it makes more sense. I guess it can still be useful as a practice ground for breaking my apathy, but I'm not planning on fooling with them (specially my friend/co-worker's wife, don't crap where you eat and all that).

Practice makes perfect! Now if I could manage to get rid of my approach apathy... (No, not anxiety, apathy! As in, say hi then become uninterested, or become uninterested even before that; meh.)


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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DJ Corleone, it does feel good but the longer you postpone stopping it, the longer and harder it is to get over. at first you are like man this is great, I wonder if she would leave her husband, but at the sametime you would never want that. here is how I put it in perspective. you meet a married woman and know nothing of her husband and their lives. if you fooled around with a married woman and you knew her and her husband you wouldnt expect much but a couple good times of sex. if you where involved with a married woman and you knew her husband or he was a friend of your or someone you see a lot, you would never expect her to leave her husband, so why think that with her. I am a pretty picky guy and when you meet someone who who meets all your standards in all the categories or better it is hard to stop, but you have to.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
derrickmn said:
I wouldn't touch a married woman. Yeah, it is cool to f with women's minds and feelings because they deserve it, but with a married woman, you are f-ing' with the schmuck husband at the same time.

I'd touch a married woman anytime. Read Warrior74's response. Also. if the wife is interested in you a lot, you'll have few problems hitting it! I hope you know how to use your fists in case you end up on Cheaters.

It is kinda stepping an uncool taboo line imo - us guys should be on the same team. Plus the married guy can go completely apesh|t and want to murder you if he finds out.

Don't let him find out. Don't tell nobody. The married guy is more than likely a AFC Psychopath. If you're more attractive than the husband, so what? Attraction ain't a choice. What if the husband's broke and you ride around in an Amethyst Purple Ferrari? She'll be all over you.
Read betwee... You already know.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
derrickmn said:
I wouldn't touch a married woman. Yeah, it is cool to f with women's minds and feelings because they deserve it, but with a married woman, you are f-ing' with the schmuck husband at the same time.

I'd touch a married woman anytime. Read Warrior74's response. Also. if the wife is interested in you a lot, you'll have few problems hitting it! I hope you know how to use your fists in case you end up on Cheaters.

It is kinda stepping an uncool taboo line imo - us guys should be on the same team. Plus the married guy can go completely apesh|t and want to murder you if he finds out.

Don't let him find out. Don't tell nobody. The married guy is more than likely a AFC Psychopath. If you're more attractive than the husband, so what? Attraction ain't a choice. What if the husband's broke and you ride around in an Amethyst Purple Ferrari? She'll be all over you! Strike while the iron's hot!
Read betwee... You already know.


New Member
Sep 10, 2009
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Dude, OJ murdered his wife's lover. Also, remember that scene in minority report? The douchebag husband had the scissors out ready to stab his slut wife's lover?

My great grandpa in friggin 1940 smashed a bottle on the head of his wife's lover, he fell down the stairs and died. Back then they didn't really press charges for that type of murder. He didn't even end up in prison.

Alot of AFC that are married have been threw so much crap with their slut wife that they have psychotic breaking points. I'm speaking from experience. It isn't wise to do for your own safety. Plenty of single girls out there.

Dude, even recently that guy when nuts on Megan wants to marry a millionaire, friggin killed his cheating wife and stuffed her in a suitcase.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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I wasn't condoning it. In fact, having been on both sides of it, (cheating wife and being involved with a married woman), I can tell you the whole thing is just not worth it. It didn't make me feel any better about myself. I would have felt better meeting and hooking up with a single girl. As a man you want to build your own kingdom, you don't want to build it with someone else's queen.


May 30, 2009
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It is a devastating feeling, knowing the woman you like, belongs to another man. I still haven't recovered from it. DO NOT DO IT.