Married Men get justice: one legged hor gets ripped in court


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
As a follow up to STR8UP's If you ever find yourself LUCKY enough to get married thread

Turns out that the judgement just came yesterday and the judge ripped into Mills. From CNN, she was awarded only $48.6M. The article goes on to state Mills represented herself during the proceedings and was a "less than impressive witness" on her own behalf,

Judge Bennertt in his judgement said "I am driven to the conclusion that much of her evidence, both written and oral, was not just inconsistent and inaccurate but also less than candid,"

So all you guys who were whining and complaining can be at ease, as the one legged hor complained that the boys "club" was at work and shut her out. She was so enraged that The front page headline of Britain’s Sun newspaper tells the story: “Mucca chucks a cuppa water over Macca’s lawyer Shacka.”

For those who don’t speak British tabloid, here’s the translation: “Heather Mills throws a glass of water over Paul McCartney’s lawyer Fiona Shackleton.”

British Tabloid slide show with dry then wet hair

Hell hath no fury like a women scorned. Let this be a lesson to all you men, never get married LOL (end sarcasm)


Feb 10, 2005
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Heather Mills will see a $48.6 million payday from her split with Paul McCartney. Just where does that land the couple on the list of the most expensive star splits ever? Lionel Richie and Diane Richie
The Bottom Line: Diana Richie walked away with $20 million after their 2004 split.
Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall
The Bottom Line: Hall walked away with $15-$25 million after their 1999 split.Michael and Diandra Douglas
The Bottom Line: Diandra received $45 million following their 1998 split.Heather Mills and Paul McCartney
The Bottom Line: Mills will receive approximately $48.6 million dollars after their bitter divorce battle. Mills had originally sought $250 million from their four-year marriage.
Linda Hamilton and James Cameron
The Bottom Line: 'Terminator' star Hamilton received $50 million from the 'Titanic' director after their 18-month marriage.
Cindy Silva and Kevin Costner
The Bottom Line: Silva saw her bank account grow by $80 million after their 16-year marriage dissolved.
Melissa Mathison and Harrison Ford
The Bottom Line: Mathison received $85 million after their nearly 20-year marriage ended in 2004.
Steven Spielberg and Amy Irving
The Bottom Line: Irving received $100 million after her four-year marriage to the director ended.
Neil Diamond and Marcia Murphey
The Bottom Line: Murphey's 25-year-marriage to Diamond earned her $150 million when they split in 1994.
Juanita Jordan and Michael Jordan
The Bottom Line: Juanita Jordan married the basketball icon in 1989. She is said to have received over $150 million after their 2006 split.
Anyone see a trend here? If you marry a woman, she is automatically entitled to half of your assets! Talk about prostitution :D .


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
You guys are so hypnotized around here that you fail to see the worth in motherhood. You underestimate the value of a mother's love on a child and his or her future success. Parenting is the most underrated job in the world and the most important.

She got far from half his assets, she got 48.6 out of $800 million, its only 6%. I think its very fair considering Paul was stupid enough not to get a prenuptual agreement. Its not like Paul slaved night and day to make the money, many would say he didn't do much to earn his money.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
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Los Angeles
First of all, 48.6 is a lot of money. Maca is worth over $800 million.

Many would say he didn't do much to earn his money? Would many also include you?

Believe me, wether you like him or not he's earned it. A man is worth what he can get.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
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$12 million a year? That's (carry the 1, add...... yeah) $1 million a month for ... what exactly?

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
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I believe she got half of whatever McCartney earned during the marriage, as she's entitled to by British law. That was much less than what she asking for.

The Judge blasted her for being overboard in her demands.

I guess she didn't have a leg to stand on...

Anyway, she reportedly dumped a glass of water over McCartney's lawyer's head. And now she's lamenting to the British press about how the $70,000 a year child support is wrong because "the daughter has to travel in third class while her father goes first class" and other such dribble and stupid baseless reasonings as that.

Poor Paul. He had a very devoted and loving wife by way of Linda for many years, and when she died... well, he should've found this forum.


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
You guys are so jaded that your only looking at dollar values. Oh she's so bad cuz she took millions, oh no Poor Paul, he only has $750 million left. Guess what, she's raising his child with that money.

She supported him while they were married and is legally entitled to what she got. What is so wrong about that? If he didn't get married, he might have been so heartbroken from his previous wife's passing, that he might have pissed all his money away on booze, cocaine and hors, whereas he provided a loving home for him, gave him a child, which enabled him to go out and increase his net worth.

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
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your only looking at dollar values.
Because that's really just what it boils down to.

Remember, she was the one originally demanding a quarter of a billion dollar values.

That must be why she's so hopping mad.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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as far as im concerned you deserve to be shot in the head if you are mad at ONLY getting 40+ million dollars. you'd make at least 3 million a year just from interest on investing it.

that one legged hor is a despicable human being - people are starving to death in the world and she's upset she didn't get 200+ million.

as for maca being worth what he's worth - blah, no one is worth 800 mil if you ask me. no one should be worth 100 mil if you ask me.

if you're worth 800 million, you should give 700 million of it to charity. unless you are investing it in businesses and creating jobs.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Linda Hamilton and James Cameron
The Bottom Line: 'Terminator' star Hamilton received $50 million from the 'Titanic' director after their 18-month marriage.
And the award goes to... Ms Hamilton for being the best gold-digger of the lot.

I guess that's why One-Legged was pissed. She was aiming to break Hamilton's record.

Mr. Me

Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2007
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C'mon be fair. Heather Mills probably had one foot in the marriage and the other foot... oh wait a minute.

I'll have to rethink this and get back to it later.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 8, 2004
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Only 48 million? COnsidering they were married for about 4 years, that means Heather Mills earned over $1300 AN HOUR during that period. He could have had a different high class hooker every hour for less then that.

Sorry, just another man getting ****ed over by the courts IMO


Oct 13, 2005
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Padron Reserve maduro in hand while finishing my b
I don't pity this broad at all. She always has Dancing with the Stars to rebound with.

Perhaps her and Marie Osmond with that big idiot from Penn and Teller can go on tour and do some post Beatles Maca songs?


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2005
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Money can't buy you love, can't buy you lo-ve, everybody tells you so.

Some women think that they deserve to live at the same level after marriage as they did during the marriage. However, that would mean that they expect the benefit without giving their part of the deal.

McCartney's lawyer should sue her for assault and throw in a claim for punitive damages.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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It is (or should be) common knowledge for any multi-millionaire that "asset protection" is going to always be a major concern. Marriage is no exception, and is but one of many possible threats to an abnormally large amount of assets.

For your average marriage though, with 2.3 kids, IF you married the right woman, then she will be worth at least half. If she's worth far less than that, then there's only one person to blame. You can find that person in a mirror. I would say in 9 out of 10 cases, it would be blatently obvious to anyone in the know whether you're marrying the right woman or not before you even sign the marriage papers.

So far, I'd estimate (pulling out of the air) that I've made approximately 75% of the money that we've brought into our household. But when I reflect on her overall contributions that don't relate to money..... she's worth at least half. Anyone who knows us both would probably say she's worth more. Such is probably the case in half of all marriages, despite the chauvinistic mentality that you see here.

Wanna not worry about it? Built enough assets so that even half of it is still a shi*load. That's what I'm slowly but surely working on.

I think all of these anti-marriage threads are just another subtle form of the women hating that is somewhat popular here. Seems like a lot of men here have gotten burned in the past and still haven't let go of the bitterness. Start choosing better fellows, and put more blame on yourself. Blaming others is just downright unhealthy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2004
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It's a good thing that Paul didn't get caught short-handed.


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
azanon said:
It is (or should be) common knowledge for any multi-millionaire that "asset protection" is going to always be a major concern. Marriage is no exception, and is but one of many possible threats to an abnormally large amount of assets.

For your average marriage though, with 2.3 kids, IF you married the right woman, then she will be worth at least half. If she's worth far less than that, then there's only one person to blame. You can find that person in a mirror. I would say in 9 out of 10 cases, it would be blatently obvious to anyone in the know whether you're marrying the right woman or not before you even sign the marriage papers.

So far, I'd estimate (pulling out of the air) that I've made approximately 75% of the money that we've brought into our household. But when I reflect on her overall contributions that don't relate to money..... she's worth at least half. Anyone who knows us both would probably say she's worth more. Such is probably the case in half of all marriages, despite the chauvinistic mentality that you see here.

Wanna not worry about it? Built enough assets so that even half of it is still a shi*load. That's what I'm slowly but surely working on.

I think all of these anti-marriage threads are just another subtle form of the women hating that is somewhat popular here. Seems like a lot of men here have gotten burned in the past and still haven't let go of the bitterness. Start choosing better fellows, and put more blame on yourself. Blaming others is just downright unhealthy.
Finally a voice of reason. First off, I don't deny that Heather Mills is acting like a money hungry b1tch. My point is, she merely got what she is legally entitled to and earned. In reality, losing $50 million is going to have ZERO impact on Paul McCartney. Secondly, its HIS fault for not protecting his assets.

Women are not the devil, they are pretty amazing beings, after all, thats why everyone is on this forum, to get better at getting the EVIL NASTY WOMEN. You guys are too funny.