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Man the stupid dreamer


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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from Esther Vilar genius:

MAN HAS BEEN MANIPULATED by woman to the point where he
cannot live without her and therefore will do anything she asks of him. He fights for his life and calls it love. There are even men who will threaten their idolized female with suicide unless she accepts him. Not that this is much of a risk for them – they have nothing to lose.

Woman, nevertheless, is incapable of living without man. Like a queen bee, she cannot survive on her own. She, too, is fighting for her life, and she, too, calls it love. They each need one another, in fact, and it seems therefore that they share at least one sentiment. The cause, nature, and con- sequences of this sentiment, however, differ as much as do the sexes.

To a woman love means power, to a man enslavement. Love provides woman with an excuse for financial exploitation, man with an emotionally charged excuse. “For the sake of love” woman will do things that are of advantage only to herself, while man does only those things that will harm him.

When a woman marries, she gives up her career “for the sake of love.” When a man marries, he will have to work for two “for the sake of love.” For both sexes, love is a fight for survival. But the one survives only by be- ing victorious, the other only by being defeated. It is a paradox that women can also make their greatest gains during moments of utter passivity and that the word “love” endows them with a halo of selflessness, even at the moment of their most pitiless deception of man.

As a result of “love,” man is able to hide his cowardly self-deception be- hind a smoke screen of sentiment. He is able to make himself believe that his senseless enslavement to woman and her hostages is more than an act of honor, it has a higher purpose. He is entirely happy in his role as a slave and has arrived at the goal he has so long desired. Since woman gains noth- ing but one advantage after another from the situation as it stands today, things will never change.

The system forces her to be corrupt, but no one is going to worry about that. Since one can expect nothing from a woman but love, it will remain the currency for any need she might have. Man, her slave, will continue to use his energies only according to his conditioning and never to his own advantage. He will achieve greater goals, and the more he achieves, the farther women will become alienated from him. The more he tries to ingratiate himself with her, the more demanding she will
become; the more he desires her, the less she will find him desirable; the more comforts he provides for her, the more indolent, stupid, and inhuman she will become – and man will grow lonelier as a result.

Only woman can break the vicious circle of man's manipulation and ex- ploitation – but she will not do it. There is absolutely no compelling reason why she should. It is useless to appeal to her feelings, for she is callous and knows no pity. And so the world will go on, sinking deeper and deeper into this morass of kitsch, barbarism, and inanity called femininity. And man, that wonderful dreamer, will never awaken from his dream.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
I own this book. It definitely opened my eyes.

Its truly amazing how the majority of men are victims in relationships with women.. yet the woman always comes out looking like the innocent victim the majority of the time. A woman's ability to manipulate defies comprehension. They are the worlds greatest actors and for this reason... most men will never totally understand them (and that's how they like it).

Another funny thing about women is they KNOW when you've figured them out and they punish you for it. Its amazing how fast a woman will vanish or go cold when you make it clear that you've seen her cards. Some of them will shed their skin and become someone else. A totally different personality! Why? To keep you from ever figuring her out.

I've never met a woman with one consistent personality.

In any event.. knowledge is power and I've learned to shut my trap around women. Even when I've seen their cards I keep a poker face and use that knowledge to get what I want from them while playing dumb. Its the only way to win.

Women want stupid men they can use and manipulate. A man who knows what she is up too is out of her control and therefore.. not desirable.

The main weakness of women is not knowing when to quit while they're ahead. This is what we are seeing today. Women are pushing things too far and now they are creating a growing backlash from men who are realizing they're full of sh!t. The Internet is exposing women faster than anything else. It allows more men who have "figured it out" to expose this knowledge to other men and let it go viral.

Once the death of the white knight finally happens (and it will) things are going to be interesting.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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PlayHer Man said:
Women want stupid men they can use and manipulate. A man who knows what she is up too is out of her control and therefore.. not desirable.
this is truth

something very few men grasp.

men believe women want alpha men...this is nonsense....what women want is the approval of other women and the parasitic utility of men

men are there to service women's lives....emotionally, physically...but mostly financially.

men are there to be seduced, controlled, and finally discarded by the women that claim to 'love' them

men do not understand this and they resist violently when you try to tell them..perhaps men don't want freedom..perhaps the majority of men are meant to be slaves by the delusion of their false dreams.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
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East Coast USA
Burroughs said:
this is truth

something very few men grasp.

men believe women want alpha men...this is nonsense....what women want is the approval of other women and the parasitic utility of men

men are there to service women's lives....emotionally, physically...but mostly financially.

men are there to be seduced, controlled, and finally discarded by the women that claim to 'love' them

men do not understand this and they resist violently when you try to tell them..perhaps men don't want freedom..perhaps the majority of men are meant to be slaves by the delusion of their false dreams.
While this might sound crazy to some.. it seems women are trying to take over the world by breeding strong men out of existence.

Its been mentioned in other threads how every generation of men has lower testosterone than the last. Now that women have birth control, they can choose the father of their children with laser precision while still being able to ride the c0ck of the bad boy in their youth.

By choosing weak, soft, controllable men as fathers and providers.. they can technically breed "strong man" genes out of existence. Women are trying to tame the human race it seems. Looks like its already happening in Japan:


But it looks like its starting to backfire. If men get too weak.. they lose their desire to protect and chase women all together... as this article shows.

Anyway.. just an observation. Could be a coincidence.. but you must admit its strange how men are getting weaker every generation. The few strong men around get demonized.. like Chris Brown did. A lot of women and white knights would still like to see Chris Brown's head on a stick.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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The problem is that women have no truth In them. This is why They should be 100% reliant on men. Like a child they need constant direction. It was that way with my grandmother (in their prime in the 30s/40s). She needed ever-approval from Papa. He brought in the kill, she cooked what they ate whilst he was out by the shed putting finishing touches on the fresh meat, hushpuppies. It was "he doesn't produce, they don't Live." His comradery, and ability to be the captain of the ship where he worked enabled them to live comfortable (not rich) blue-collar lives. My grandmother only had a mind for him and his needs, and couldn't even THINK to sue, leave, or go against him very much even in speech. The man was the Law of the household back then. They stayed married 60++ years. She wouldn't have even THUNK to go against Papa. She yielded to him Always.

Phuh, look at today...not only is that stability (always yielding to the man's direction in the household) turned on it's head, but it never drops below 50% or 50/50 decision making because the woman is now consider "Equal" in her Own mind as well as in what the ponzi'd jack-fvcked society we live in today has imposed in men's minds, not only by the media, but by Law now. This unnatural fakery is fvcking us all, our family gel, of kinetic, nucleic unity. It really Was "until death do you part" back in the old days. THAT was reality, and it wasn't given a second thought. The wife Always yielded to the husband, no matter how weak the husband may have been, she knew that he was 9/10 more right that her about much of Anything.

Sad, that Natural ways of living have been thrashed and trashed by this insidious, pervasive presence in our lives and American culture, that's also infecting cultures abroad to jack the Old natural order that's still left in the world (which is OLD...try 4.5 Billion years old; this backwardization has only been taking place for a few decades now, I'd say as far back as the 60s, at best...natural will win out, but unfortunately, in our lifetimes, we have to live with this extreme unnaturalness...if it gets "ironed out" anytime soon (highly unlikely, don't know for sure) remains to be seen..it will take a massive actionable awakening by men though, to revert this Bullsh!t back to the way it was, where the woman or wife Always yielded to the man's speech on Any matter).


Oct 20, 2012
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I have several times had my married lover be "riding" me, when hubby called on the phone. She could continue the sex and talk to him with a normal voice. Shameless with him, and he was/is the biggest sucker who ever walked this earth. This went on from 1978 to 2006, man. I kid you not.


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
Women have so many f**kin' entitlement issues these days it's un f**kin' real.

The fact is, men value love, but women love value. This book that Burroughs talks about is a big eye opener, just like this other book by Matthew Fitzgerald called "Sex-Ploytation."


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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PlayHer Man said:
While this might sound crazy to some.. it seems women are trying to take over the world by breeding strong men out of existence.

Its been mentioned in other threads how every generation of men has lower testosterone than the last. Now that women have birth control, they can choose the father of their children with laser precision while still being able to ride the c0ck of the bad boy in their youth.


great posts nismo, playher, goundra, poonani...much insights

yes strong men are being 'bred' out of existence....feminism was put in place by the rockefellers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NN05DHO9bJw) and the banking cartels at the turn of the century...encouraged first through elite society then filtered down to the masses....

..this is so that when the population is rounded up and put into camps to be enslaved or executed all the men who could POSSIBLY fight back are long dead bred out of existence by millions of stupid, materialistic, emotional women who don't understand the long view and the fascist aims of a small group of elite men.

when you BREAK UP THE FAMILY..the state is free to rule the minds of our children...and it is been this way for 80+ years...


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
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It is disgusting. Men have become far too complacent in their personal lives and in dealing with women...and the skinny jean-wearing boys keep multiplying at a rapid rate. Marriage is a surefire way to kill all my career efforts before it gets off the ground (i.e. doing harm to myself through "love").

If I am to be accused of being "selfish" or an "alpha d!ck" fine. I see through the vast majority of these females and I get a kick out of watching THEM squirm when they realize I won't put up with their facade. They try to weasel their way out of my life with texts like "IDK, things just got weird between us." HAHA. Yeah it has become "weird" in today's context but yesteryear it was not even an exception.


bmxcetera said:
Marriage is a surefire way to kill all my career efforts before it gets off the ground (i.e. doing harm to myself through "love").
I'm not so sure about this. I was under the impression that a wife was one of the great motivators. Or, at least her fascination with consumerism prompting the husband to achieve ever greater things.

Pvssy is certainly one of my motivators. I don't buy nice clothes to impress guys, for instance.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
Ephesians 5:22
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to
the Lord.

Genesis 3:16
To the woman he said, “I will surely
multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain
you shall bring forth children. Your desire
shall be for your husband, and he shall rule
over you.”

Just a couple of versus in the Bible. This is why a Christian women with strong Christian values would make good wives.

But then again, alot of these Christian Women behave as entitled and "empowered" women anyway.


Master Don Juan
Jul 11, 2012
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"The more he tries to ingratiate himself with her, the more demanding she will

***In other words, the more a man does for a woman, the more demanding she will become. Instead of having a deep appreciation for the hard work and sacrifices a man makes, she will simply demand more from him. Doing more for a woman usually just increases her sense of entitlement and lack of gratitude.

"....the more comforts he provides for her, the more indolent, stupid, and inhuman she will become – and man will grow lonelier as a result."

***In a sense the word "inhuman" is fitting to describe this particular trait. I would even go a step further and say compared to some women, a domesticated animal has a greater sense of gratitude. Have you ever had a dog complain, act mean, and growl at you after feeding it and petting it and being kind to it?

"He will achieve greater goals....."

***Yes. He will achieve greater goals. But at what cost? He will never really get to enjoy the increased fruits of his labor if he chooses to try to satisfy a person who only becomes increasingly demanding with every kindness and favor shown. Her lack of happiness and her selfishness will simply eat up the fruits of his labor. HE works harder but in the end has little to show for his increased efforts except for a thankless, disrespectful, demanding wife.

Gentleman, good women are hard to find. And even the good ones will need some training. I know. I found a good one and I still had to train her. And I still have to put her in her place when she starts to get an attitude or becomes overly demanding. These things rarely happen now but it happened more often in the beginning and she had hell to pay every time she tried to cross the line. She has a lot of good qualities and redeeming features so she was worth putting some effort into.

Naturally couples will have some conflict because when you have 2 different people who have different ways of looking at the world, conflict is going to happen some times. There actually were times when I had to correct myself. Where I overreacted to something and it caused un-necessary conflict or made an existing argument worse. Or situations where I was in the right, but corrected her with a rigid hand or an iron fist (figuratively speaking of course) when a softer approach would have worked in that moment. Sometimes you have to be harsh to get the point across and to put a stop to something. Other times you can accomplish the same thing with a more gentle approach. It's all part of the learning curve though.

"Only woman can break the vicious circle of man's manipulation and ex- ploitation – but she will not do it. "

***This I have to disagree with. The Nazi's killed millions of people and tried to take over the world and it was the MEN of the world that stopped them. Men built this civilization and it is up to the men to conduct themselves with respect for others and SELF-RESPECT, and to put a stop to the manipulation. Women are not the enemy but they do need to be corrected. And if a woman is manipulative and mean-spirited to the core, then the men of this world can simply avoid those types. If you choose not to become someone else's slave, to not put up with disrespectful, rude, senseless behavior, and you make no exceptions, then even the most manipulative person in the world won't be able to manipulate you. Only MEN can break the vicious circle of man's manipulation and exploitation.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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So let’s zero-in on the enslavement mechanism: the financial system, combined with the notion that men must be the provider for not only their wives, but also their ex-wives, and their children, whether they wanted or asked for these children or not.

In order to eat, put a roof over your head, drive a car, and otherwise obtain the necessities of life in America today, one must have money. The American economic system has been engineered to channel the survival needs of people, to lash those needs up with the economic system, and to compel people to act in certain ways in order to get money.

For example, it forces men to get a job, and to work hard at that job, to stay in that job, etc., and this ultimately benefits the overlords, and also of course their accomplices, and here I speak of women. The economic system can encourage individualism and freedom (as having your own farm did some two hundred years ago in America).

Alternatively, the economic system can encourage the concentration of power and widespread slavery (as was once done on Southern plantations with black slaves, and same general approach has been refined and has morphed into modern institutions like the military, coal mines, and factories — institutions where legions of male slaves work).



Nov 4, 2010
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just caught on to this thread, havent read the book but Ive ordered it !

had a look around youtube and found this, its pretty much a female translating her [ Vilar] words, its quite interesting and sums up a lot of what I observe, as for pu, where do I go to meet women 5.30 is interesting and cites why a lot of women really work.



Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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TyTe`EyEz said:
This guy gets it haha.
all I get is you are both ignorant faggots haha


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
Burroughs said:
all I get is you are both ignorant faggots haha
Lmfao xD


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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SoSuave666 said:
Alpha men will have lots of utility, will be able to satisfy a woman emotionally and physically, and be rich. Your definition of what women want is basically my definition of alpha. Those characteristics are things that men SHOULD be able to attain, without women.

It's a tough phuckin pill to swallow to realize that women are not capable of the same kind of love that we men are. It's an even tougher pill to swallow that men are either too brainwashed to realize the nature of women or too stubborn to change their outlook when presented with evidence to the contrary of their beliefs on women.

As you state it almost seems like men have bought in to the nature of being controlled. Not only by women, but gov't as well. I think it's no surprise that the most willing men I have encouraged to embrace change with women are also those that have conservative political views.
Absolutely...just because most men are caught up in mental prison doesn't mean that a few wise men cannot get rich

i don't mention this a lot

its on purpose

the road to wealth and power is a secret road that can never be spoken of directly :up:

for most men however their fate is misery and despair..they live in the blue pill world...they elevate women to lofty mental heights...they are painfully ignorant to the true nature of womens thoughts...how men are viewed as objects of utility...and frankly they are too ignorant to ever wake up

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
Burroughs said:
Absolutely...just because most men are caught up in mental prison doesn't mean that a few wise men cannot get rich

i don't mention this a lot

its on purpose

the road to wealth and power is a secret road that can never be spoken of directly :up:

for most men however their fate is misery and despair..they live in the blue pill world...they elevate women to lofty mental heights...they are painfully ignorant to the true nature of womens thoughts...how men are viewed as objects of utility...and frankly they are too ignorant to ever wake up
Burroughs.. the male ignorance these days is mind blowing. Maybe this is by design. The few smart men rise to the top and the majority of ignorant men live lives of slavery for the good of women and children.

Most men will die ignorant, oblivious and bankrupt because it's easier to fool someone than it is to convince them they've been fooled.