Mall Report: Cold Approaches & Almost Getting in Two Different Fights


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
Alright so yesterday I went to the mall with my friend looking for some girls. I made a couple cold approaches. First time I walked up to a group of slightly older women, wasn't successful. No rejection but I greeted them and got a response but the thing is when I approached them I greeted the whole group so I didn't get one person to talk to, I got like half a bit of attention from the whole group so I moved on they weren't worth my time anyway.

Second approach was in Spencer's went well, but I didn't see it going anywhere so I didn't even bother to ask or give out my number.

I approached some girls that showed interest but were only 14, I'm 17 but they didn't look that young, I still moved on. Another set of girls that had on attractive girl in it that showed me some interest. She recognized me from school but I didn't know her. She'll probably talk to me in school though.

I approached this group of guys and girls (I think the girls boyfriend liked me more than anyone, when he exclaimed "I love this kids energy!") well there was a ten in that group and I talked to her and was getting onto asking if she wanted to get away with us to match us on a blunt. Did it real smooth and she actually seemed willing. Then I asked, "Is that your boyfriend?" and that's when I withdrew my offer and gave them some respect because they didn't try to harass us at all.

Now before I go on to the success story, I will let you know about the two potential fights my friend almost got ME into with some adults.

1st time, were heading towards the exit. This dude's girlfriend was walking in pissed, her boyfriend was Asian. Keep in mind, I'm 17 years old, 6 feet tall about 140 pounds (defined abs, okay arms) and I got good speed and power. I don't hesitate to throw knees and elbows with my punches if the situation calls for it. This asian guy was short. So when they were walking in I was like "You don't look happy" and my friend was like "Do you needa hug?" and he turned around and was like "What was that?" I turned around and stared at him as my friend exited the door and then came back in when he realized what this guy was trying to do. My friend said something else along the lines of kiss my ass. So his girl is trying to hold him back. He approaches and stops in front of me to start talking. This is when I know he wasn't serious. His girl is holding him back and I was like "Don't even come at me like that until I take my shades off" and then I grilled this dude. I said "My friend ****ing gave you and your girl a ****ing compliment chump, be proud and leave it at that". Then we left at the direction of his girl, he seemed to understand that though he shut his mouth.

I went back in the mall and saw his girl, I apologized for the problems and she was pissed and told us to not open our mouths. Then I saw him standing outside a door. I approached him let him no my friend meant no disrespect by it and wasn't serious. He was cool, asked us "How old are you two anyway". We gave him dabs and left.

Second potential fight.

This was an older dude of equal height, shaved head, really big earrings, I think they were gauges. Upbeat, resembled someone on coke. Fresh outta jail according to him. I first saw him when my friend was going into Hollister and I was like "Don't make me go in there" and me and this dude had some small chat while he was sitting down. These girls were acting like lunatics around the mall. Not that I care about who someone belongs to, but little did I know these girls were taken. At points they were running away from there boyfriends playing. They kept staring at me and my friend. I thought nothing of them so my friend approached them when I wasn't around and asked for her number and whatnot. Eventually before I know it we walk around again and this guy is staring at us. I'm looking at him and he said something about talking to his girls and he approached me instead of my friend and started talking. I didn't back down but I was just told him I didn't say nothing to them and I didn't know they were yours. There's no name tag. He tells us just to walk away so me and my friend do. He's still talking so my friends like "Which way are your girls? That way?" and continues walking and then this dude starts following us. I turn around whip out the brass knuckles flip them around my finger and tell him I really am not looking to do this right now. He walked straight up to me and put his hands in his pockets. This is when I knew that once again although he was upbeat, he was not serious. No one with half a brain puts their hands in their pockets. He starts talking about how he's been in jail for 6 months and 7 months and whatnot, I'm just like thinking "Yeah, you get raped to there buddy?". He was clearly insecure. When my friend tried to talk he comically called him Curly Cue and Screech because of his curly hair. So the situation ends up being diffused we walk away. He gives me dabs. Later, I seek this dude out again with my friend in the car. I walk back in the mall and let him know I honestly didn't say anything. And he apologized for how he blew up and he was just being a boyfriend. I wanted to see if he'd give me any disrespect because I was kinda pissed.

Now onto the success.

I was walking by this group of girls and one of them asks to take a picture with my friend. I say I'd let her with me for $5 bucks and she tells me she doesn't have $5. So I take the pic with her anyway, I put my arm around and her and grab her hand and slowly and gently rub her hand as her friend takes the pic. I tell her to send me that pic and she takes my number and texts me and tries calling me in the same night. I was too busy getting blunted with the headies.

Ya dig?

For anyone who still followed my last thread, thanks for the PMs, there is actually now a third girl flirting with me in that class. After class the first two, the one who approached me and grabbed me by the neck and kissed me and the one with a boyfriend ended up wrestling with me just playing. The girl with the boyfriend got in a fight yesterday and won so I teased her a bit about it when she was talking her ****, I was like "So you think your tough now cause you can beat on some girl?" the second girl is like "Those are fighting words" so I approach the girl and the 3 of us playfully started wrestling for a second.

Then after I changed I saw this 3rd girl who was flirting with me writing on someone's arm. So I come up and I'm like "I wanna write one someone's arm" eventually she hands me the pen and I grab her hand and I'm like "What should I write" and she's like "How about your number". So I wrote it down for her on her hand and on the hand of the second girl (I already have the first girls number from day one).


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
As for the first almost fight, it sounds like you kind of butted into a lovers quarrel. That wasnt cool on your part. Imagine if you and your girl were fighting, or whatever, and some random dude made a comment about it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Dante good shhht

But you losing your focus when you let other guys get too you, when I'm out on the field I don't pay attention to other dudes, nor do I let them bait me, I personally would have walked away, not cause I'm P*ssy but on principle

I don't fight over girls!!

I've been in situations like that, and walked away, were cats was trying to set me up and lied on me etc etc. It ain't worth a charge when cops are at the mall or outside a club venue wherever you may be at.

I'm glad you squashed it and gave'em daps. I respect that, but don't let motherfuggas get to your head man, knamean? they just strawberries (haters)



Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Sounds pretty intense, but you handled everything pretty good for the most part. Congrats on the success man.


Don Juan
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
On campus
You must be a tough 6'0 140lb or about 20lbs of you must be balls haha can't imagine backing down from someone your size. Seriously though fights are rarely worth it, especially with brass knuckles and stuff man. Not trying to sound like mom here but I've been charged with assault for just a fist fight that I took a little too far, not a fun thing to deal with.

Other than that though, good **** dante, your field reports are always good reads and interesting haha. Pretty quick thinking with getting her to send you the pic too, props man.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
I'm going to dry to do something similar to this again. Out of principle I don't fight for girls either, unless someone were to hurt someone I love, but I would fight someone who's approaching me and looking for that. Wasn't worth it though, glad everything worked out. I would have hated to have gotten my car towed and whatnot. I'm going to have a new field report within the next week with a bit more approaches. I'll try to lay out the dynamics of the groups I approach as well.

Thanks for the advice. Solomon you still got that line up?

As to my fighting abilities, I got lightning speed, good power, and just about nobody can beat me on the ground. That goes for people with 60 pounds on me and more, I can control your body. I also throw elbows and knees if necessary.


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2009
Reaction score
The town that lost the War of the Roses
Yo man, I smoke the illicit substance and I never get into fights or wannabe fights (unless blind eye drunk). The pot is meant to make you chilled, avoid fights, thats the one way it helps you when dealing with women because it shows you are relaxed and not willing to get into petty squabbles. Next time some a'hole f***s you around offer to go smoke and they'll understand. Carrying around brass knuckles is not the DJ way son.

Right, now I got my dove rant over I'll say good job man. Your approaches were smooth but try not to escalate with brass knuckles etc in the future especially in the US man.


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
Gonzo? You a fan of Hunter S. Thompson? I've read part of Fear and Loathing in Las vegas[/I then finished off with the movie.

I smoke and relax, I'm a peaceful person. Never really a dispute but if I got people approaching me to start something my first instinct isn't to back down, but my first instinct also isn't to try to escalate things when I know there are consequences.


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2008
Reaction score
no offense to you personally but if a guy tried that sh!t with my g/f and THEN proceeded to give me a "stare" i would walk right up to him and knock him the f*ck out. literally. i wouldn't give a monkeys @$$ if he was 7' and 440 much less 6' 140. he'd be the one needing the hug:up:


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2008
Reaction score
Unless somebody hurts your girlfriend or a girl you know. You shouldn't really get into fights over girls. Nothing to win, and your only feeding her ego if it's something like wanting to beat down someone who got with her.


Don Juan
Mar 15, 2009
Reaction score
The town that lost the War of the Roses
Dante420 said:
Gonzo? You a fan of Hunter S. Thompson? I've read part of Fear and Loathing in Las vegas[/I then finished off with the movie.

I smoke and relax, I'm a peaceful person. Never really a dispute but if I got people approaching me to start something my first instinct isn't to back down, but my first instinct also isn't to try to escalate things when I know there are consequences.

Yer man, I dig the Hunter S. Thompson, I think he analyzes our failing society just right ;). The best thing I could advise for you man is to not carry around weapons because it means your less likely to escalate a situation. Next time you find yourself wanting to fight just remember the dude could be an ex-Navy Seal lol.

My favorite line in the book is this one:

My central memory of that time seems to hang on one or five or maybe forty nights — or very early mornings — when I left the Fillmore half-crazy and, instead of going home, aimed the big 650 Lightning across the Bay Bridge at a hundred miles an hour... booming through the Treasure Island tunnel at the lights of Oakland and Berkeley and Richmond, not quite sure which turnoff to take when I got to the other end... but being absolutely certain that no matter which way I went I would come to a place where people were just as high and wild as I was: no doubt at all about that...
There was madness in any direction, at any hour. If not across the Bay, then up the Golden Gate or down 101 to Los Altos or La Honda... You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning...
And that, I think, was the handle — that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense; we didn't need that. Our energy would simply PREVAIL. There was no point in fighting — on our side or theirs. We had all the momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave...
So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high-water mark — that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.

Good approaches though man keep up the good work bra.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Dante420 said:
I'm going to dry to do something similar to this again. Out of principle I don't fight for girls either, unless someone were to hurt someone I love, but I would fight someone who's approaching me and looking for that. Wasn't worth it though, glad everything worked out. I would have hated to have gotten my car towed and whatnot. I'm going to have a new field report within the next week with a bit more approaches. I'll try to lay out the dynamics of the groups I approach as well.

Thanks for the advice. Solomon you still got that line up?

As to my fighting abilities, I got lightning speed, good power, and just about nobody can beat me on the ground. That goes for people with 60 pounds on me and more, I can control your body. I also throw elbows and knees if necessary.

For sure man

1-605-475-4333 Ext 568531 you can catch me nightly at 9 pm or make an appointment via pm
