Just got back from the Columbia mall with Crazykid on some pickup attempts...where the hell were you DJMaC23? Anyway, it was interesting to say the least...both me and Crazykid need to work on approaching. I tried 4 girls, all had boyfriends. Go figure. Crazykid tried 3. No numbers for him though...one was dumb as hell. What were you thinking? One had a boyfriend, so thats understandable. Then he tried a new approach. On the third one, he was too pissed about not approaching two possible bi's, who went into Abercrombie and Fitch...he hates that place and wouldn't be caught dead in there...so he goes up to this hot chick (who's friend was not to far away) and starts talking to her. He then said he was in a rush and gave her his number, because he could have cared less att his point. Any feedback?