Making a move on the 1st date....


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
Would it still be gentlemen like if you make a move on a girl on the 1st date if you've been talking to her the whole week going up into the date??

situation got this HB9 right now (seriously) she seems really into me i'm going to meet her prior to the 1st date and i gotta make sure if this will work i plan on making a move on her then also (a kiss on the cheek) i know if i can pull some little **** like this off then a move on the 1st date is all good...BTW im also trying to go the distance with this idk what does it say about me if i make a move on her the 1st date...what does it say about her?? she's far from a slut but any of you guys see it as alright?? and if your trying to make a girl ya GF how long you think you should wait be4 f*cking??:moon:


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
Reaction score
Wait, what exactly are you saying? Don't wait for her to kiss you on the cheek before progressing. You just keep on going, unless she gives you the indication that she wants you to stop.

Unless, I misunderstood you.

But GJ on hooking a HB9, good luck.


Master Don Juan
Sep 13, 2005
Reaction score
entering the 4th quarter....
im saying if you've been seeing her prior to dating her the 1st time and your talking to her alot in etc.... shouldn't it be ok idk i'm just tryna get you guys opinion...

thx radiance yea man she (seriously is flawless) like no joke...if her ass was bigger she be perfect:yes: :yes:


Don Juan
Jun 18, 2006
Reaction score
Badmannaz said:
ye but what if your messing with her alot prior to the date?? does it call for grounds for some intimacy on the 1st date?
I'm assuming you mean sexually driven physical contact (e.g. holding hands, kissing, what-not) then you won't have a problem, that part has already been put in place.

But I usually can tell on the first date how physical things will get, it's just one of those gut-feelings you get from past experiences. In fact, the last 6-8 first dates I ended up making out w/ the girl, but then again, there WAS prior contact for most of those, so it was pretty easy to guage.

Compare your recent experiences with her, and go with your gut feeling, BE MATURE about it however, don't keep that your main focus, you'll go nowhere, unless you just want to hit it and quit it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
My gf was telling me about this guy that took her out for five dates (he paid every time) without trying to kiss her. She said 'I want to be kissed on the first date.'

Of course it should be dependent on IOIs and you qualifying her as worthy, but denying your sexual nature is classic AFC behaviour.

All women want to be ****ed, especially the hotties. Allow me to pimp my awesome thread again in case you missed it's wisdom

You can prove you're a 'gentleman' in a hundred better ways than neutering yourself. Women want you to see through their innocent facade and awaken the dirty inner slut within.

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
Reaction score
Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
Can I awaken something while within the dirty slut? lol, guess its all the same in the end.

On-topic, I'd say the whole "meeting up/talking everyday before the date" thing is a bad idea in itself. If you guys talk about and do everything before the date, what will be left once you finally get there? Its setting yourself up for a boring time. You know everything about each other already, what will you talk about on the date? The weather? Trust me, the stratosphere is not interesting conversation.

You're supposed to make yourself scarce. You got the date already, why stick around? Give her time to anticipate it, and to miss you. When you get to the date and you haven't seen each other or talked in a week, you'll surely have things to talk about and comment on. Much more exciting, IMO.


Don Juan
Jun 16, 2006
Reaction score
Badmannaz said:
Would it still be gentlemen like if you make a move on a girl on the 1st date if you've been talking to her the whole week going up into the date??

situation got this HB9 right now (seriously) she seems really into me i'm going to meet her prior to the 1st date and i gotta make sure if this will work i plan on making a move on her then also (a kiss on the cheek) i know if i can pull some little **** like this off then a move on the 1st date is all good...BTW im also trying to go the distance with this idk what does it say about me if i make a move on her the 1st date...what does it say about her?? she's far from a slut but any of you guys see it as alright?? and if your trying to make a girl ya GF how long you think you should wait be4 f*cking??:moon:
Don't take this the wrong way dude... but have you been out with a girl before?

Seriously, you're reading too much into it. I kiss every girl on the cheek as a greeting, whether it friend or lover.
And I always go for a proper kiss on the first date.. and usually you have already been lightly touching or rrubbing them previous to that.
Just have a go, it's better her rejecting you than you being a ***** and then over analysing the whole date afterwards wondering if she likes you or not.