making a girl-friend your girlfriend....


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hi, i cant figure out this girl, shes really flirty with me all the time, sits on my lap, touches me, but she has a b/f, and i do not want to come between them because i do not want to end up fighting someoen over a girl, i think thats pointless...but i hang out with her quite a bit, but i need to some how find out if she would ever want to be "more then friends" there a easy way to do this then just to go for it and look like a jack ass if she doesnt like you? Cause i dont want her to think all oddly of me if she doesnt have intrest in me... but i defently have interests in her... so if you can help, plz do. thx


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
,-._|\ ................... ............ / Aus \ ..

HER: Attention Wh*re.



Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2002
Reaction score


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
well i have read alot of that , but i dont want to just go again and look for his opinion, im asking also for u guys to post ur opions so i can get multiple views on it, but oh well, thx anyways...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
There are hundreds of posts on the DJ bible, all about EXACTLY what you're talking about. And you know what? They all say the EXACT SAME THING. Desperation = BAD. Confidence = GOOD. Over and over again. Almost one quarter of the entire DJ Bible is dedicated to this very premise!

Confidence, Charisma, Courage. The three Cs. Learn it. Know it. Be it.

Ooh, that one's going in my signature!


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
ok cool, i found some better stuff now then when i was looking a day or two ago, but one more thing...
Me and this girl, we usualy talk more on the phone then hang out, some times she coems over and we just talk or whaterver, but my question is, where should we go to hang out? that would be a good place as "freinds" but also somewhere where i would be able to figure out how she feels about me?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
LA, California
Originally posted by unknowntim3
where i would be able to figure out how she feels about me?
a good location to find out how she feels about you? I know of two places: one, in your dreams, two: in this post

Here's how she feels about you:

"Gee, I'm an attention-seeking ***** with a boyfriend. I wonder if I can find any guys to flirt with giving them the false hope that I have any interest whatsoever in them so that maybe they'll give me the attention I desire but don't need, and I can manipulate them to be my puppets without so much as ever having any intention of being with them romantically. Oh wow, here's a guy! And look, I can flirt with him all I want and all he'll do is follow me around like a puppy expecting a treat! I wonder how many years I can keep this up before he catches on that all he'll ever get from me is a pretty smile and stories about all the other guys I go out with"

Yea, I think I described that one pretty well.

Let me explain something to you: The only reason you're attracted to her is because of this process:
1) Neither you nor her had any romantic interest in each other.
2) She started flirting with you
3) You, being a guy, not to mention being dense, took this as a sure-sign that she was interested in you.
4) *Because* she was interested in you, you began to think about what it would be like to date her.
5) This thought caused you to be interested in her.
6) Then you stopped and let hesitation take a spin: "But wait, she has a boyfriend...... so IS she interested in me?
7) Mystery has added a new layer to your interest that is so strong you have turned into a one-itis AFC.
8) You come to us seeking advice but in return only get posts explaining that you don't have a chance, and you're an AFC.

Hmmm, another nail hit on the head, I believe.

Now look, I'm hard on you, but every single person on this forum has been in your shoes before...... for many, it's WHY they came here in the first place. So, take the path they all have: read the bible, forget the ***** - because as much as you wish it weren't so, you have already forfeit any chance you might have had with her by letting her play so many games with you and enjoying it; and finally, go on to live a fruitful life as a DJ.

Thank you.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2002
Reaction score
Hey, imagine this, I'll give you a reply that isn't filled with hate, hostility, or ignorance :D.

There's some girls who like to flirt, and some girls who will like you. Since I can see you're a little bit new to this, I'll try to simplify it a little bit.

Next time you're hanging out with her, get her alone (a good way is just suggesting a walk or something, if she's into you she'll go along). After getting her alone, talk to her for a bit, and keep good eye contact. When there is a pause in the conversation :)) we all get 'em, those long, kinda awkward but comfortable at the same time pauses), ask her if she likes surprises.

No matter what she says, kiss her. :) If she said she DIDN'T like surprises, after kissing her (not a peck, go for an extended kiss, like 5-10 seconds) just say "Whoops, I forgot you didn't like surprises" and give her a smile. If she said she DID like surprises, after the kiss, just smile and say "Surprise."

Her reaction to that will be your answer to if she likes you or not.

You can recognize the signs, I like that. You're a step ahead of the game. Now all you need to do is take action. :)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
Hey, that's a great idea! I'm gonna try that sometime.
But do you think he'll be DJ enough to try to pull it off?


Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
yes , everyone tells me i need to just kiss her, and i had the perfect chance the other day...but i didnt, because if i do kiss her....i am giong to get hurt probably either way, 1). if she doesnt like me, and 2). Her boyfriend after she tells him i kissed her or after i take her from him....

= \


Senior Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Tallahasse, FL
Originally posted by seloifter
a good location to find out how she feels about you? I know of two places: one, in your dreams, two: in this post

Here's how she feels about you:

"Gee, I'm an attention-seeking ***** with a boyfriend. I wonder if I can find any guys to flirt with giving them the false hope that I have any interest whatsoever in them so that maybe they'll give me the attention I desire but don't need, and I can manipulate them to be my puppets without so much as ever having any intention of being with them romantically. Oh wow, here's a guy! And look, I can flirt with him all I want and all he'll do is follow me around like a puppy expecting a treat! I wonder how many years I can keep this up before he catches on that all he'll ever get from me is a pretty smile and stories about all the other guys I go out with"

Yea, I think I described that one pretty well.

Let me explain something to you: The only reason you're attracted to her is because of this process:
1) Neither you nor her had any romantic interest in each other.
2) She started flirting with you
3) You, being a guy, not to mention being dense, took this as a sure-sign that she was interested in you.
4) *Because* she was interested in you, you began to think about what it would be like to date her.
5) This thought caused you to be interested in her.
6) Then you stopped and let hesitation take a spin: "But wait, she has a boyfriend...... so IS she interested in me?
7) Mystery has added a new layer to your interest that is so strong you have turned into a one-itis AFC.
8) You come to us seeking advice but in return only get posts explaining that you don't have a chance, and you're an AFC.

Hmmm, another nail hit on the head, I believe.

Now look, I'm hard on you, but every single person on this forum has been in your shoes before...... for many, it's WHY they came here in the first place. So, take the path they all have: read the bible, forget the ***** - because as much as you wish it weren't so, you have already forfeit any chance you might have had with her by letting her play so many games with you and enjoying it; and finally, go on to live a fruitful life as a DJ.

Thank you.
He explained it TOO well. Damn, Nice post.
Jul 21, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by unknowntim3
hi, i cant figure out this girl, shes really flirty with me all the time, sits on my lap, touches me, but she has a b/f, and i do not want to come between them because i do not want to end up fighting someoen over a girl, i think thats pointless...but i hang out with her quite a bit, but i need to some how find out if she would ever want to be "more then friends" there a easy way to do this then just to go for it and look like a jack ass if she doesnt like you? Cause i dont want her to think all oddly of me if she doesnt have intrest in me... but i defently have interests in her... so if you can help, plz do. thx
These all are INDICATORS OF INTEREST. She wants you bad. Dont worry about her borefriend - she is not happy with him - do you know why 60% of all books are romance novels?.... you get the picture.

---Kiss test.
---Sexual state projection.


Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
What's the problem? Get this girl to your home and the rest, it's your imagination!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2003
Reaction score
Oslo, Norway
I'm in agreement with seloifter on this one. Read the bible, (especially the sections dealing with confidence), and apply them in your life. Whether or not the girl likes you, it can't hurt to become a Don Juan.