Somehow I really don't like this post.
Ok--sure--people who are charismatic or establish rapport will often acknowledge and "make" people around them feel good, and people will like them as a result.
So there is validity to this question.
But what I hear here is something of a technique that says, in essense, "if I learn to manipulate women to feel good about themselves, then any woman I target will like me when I do >this< (insert "compliment" etc...)
I will accept that I may be way over-reading into this---
...but if a woman doesn't feel good about herself, why would you want her around??? Low self-esteem is so unattractive and a primary red flag for unacceptable candidates.
And if a woman (or anyone) doesn't feel good about herself, how is it your problem to fix--??? This is her issue and requires her initiative. A good many people actually use low self-esteem to get you to feel sorry for them and take care of things for them--where you make their problem your problem thru a sense of obligation or guilt or the shining-white-knight complex.
If you want to improve your social skills--that's one thing. If you want to be a personal jesvs-chryst for the emotional cripples around you--that's another.