Making a friend (girl) in to a 'wingman'


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
What up everyone this is the deal

This girl and I have been friends for 5 years or so. She is my best friend and I would die for her.I dont want to lose her as a friend. She likes me alot, but I dont like her in a romantic way. I get head all the time and she enjoys giving it (daily or every other day depending) She has told me that she wants to have sex with me but since I wont she is fine w/ giving me head. I have told her I DO NOT want a relationship and have even told her that I made up girls that I told her I was dating just so she would give me some space. She is aware I am not THAT interested in her, but she is still attached. She gets very jealous if I speak of other girls, or show interest to other girls outside of her.

Anyways my question is this. I need to maxamize this position. I need to turn her into a wingman because she is smart and heavily into the woman games. (She fits hair dresser stereotype)

I need to do this while maximizing the amount of head I get until she decides to stop or moves.

Anyone had this situation or offer any advice?
Either about turhing her into a wingman
or gaining maximized head recieved?

any help would be appreciated



Senior Don Juan
Jun 21, 2006
Reaction score
You say you don't want to sleep with her.

I say this sounds like it has potential for a threesome.


Senior Don Juan
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
its called a wingman, not wingwomen, for a reason.

It won't work, hang out with her for social status, or just to have fun or get more head. But it won't work as a wingwomen. Women almost always get jealous when they see you hitting on other women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2003
Reaction score
She will probably sobotage this if she is jealous. I think the more you keep other women separate from her the longer this will work.

Its an odd relationship none the less.


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
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Yes, there is great potential of having threesome with her but to turn her into a wingman, it is practically impossible. Imagine yourself in her shoes: you desperately want to have sex with her but she says no. Later on, she wants to use you as a channel or assistant to get a guy she is interested in. That certainly won't work.

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
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back to Paris, missing the USA
Is it just me or the situation is totally fvcked up????:eek:

You say she's your best friend and she gives you head?:woo: That's some fvcked up sh*t. And now you are planning to have her as your wingman so you can get other girls but you won't sleep with her? Woa, I thought I've seen it all on sosuave but this is really amazing...:nervous:

Now let me have a guess on your situation:

- She's NOT your friend. She likes you a lot and wants to be your girlfriend.

- She's NOT your friend. You don't like her in a very sexual way because she's ugly/not hot enough but since you don't have better choices, you ask her to give you head. Basically you are a user, she's sucker.

- You think that using an ugly girl who has feelings for you and who's jealous as a pivot you can get hot girls, and now you are asking us how you can achieve this...:confused: :eek: :crackup:

- Did I mention that she's NOT your friend?


Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
I think it is not possible to get her to be a wingwoman. I am not even going to try that path, though she has mentioned she wouldnt mind me acting as a buffer(sheild her from creepy guys) at a club or something. I think she would jsut end up cb'n.

BacardiGuy- I have tried working this a little (3p) without knowing what I was doing actually. She does feel flattered that girls compliment or insult her and appreciates when a pretty girl well rub up on her (a little kino) but evertime I bring it up I get the ewwwww.... Maybe with a little more knowledge it could be pulled off.

Le Parisien. = How is it ****ed up? You have never had friends that you did stuff with? In the states I have heard it called "friends w/ benifits" fvck buddies,etc...
I dont know how this is really amazing, I am just trying to work things out. As I will not hurt this girl by letting her become to attached or me feed her lines out the ass.

SHe is my friend. If I ended our "sexual" relationship she would be happy being friends. I have been through everything with her, and I trust her with my life. Therefore I bump her into bestfriend status, next to family. I am not using her, how am I using her? I dont need her to give me head to be friends. She didnt give me head for a long time. Everything I went through w/ her (crazy-law-****) before I started getting head overrides the actual sexual action.
"- You think that using an ugly girl who has feelings for you and who's jealous as a pivot you can get hot girls, and now you are asking us how you can achieve this..
First of all she is not ugly, a little chunky (about 160/12 waist) I dont want a relationship w/ her because of emotional issues,etc,etc,etc..... I am not using her. I have made it very clear to her how I feel, almost to the point where I shoot myself in the foot. IT IS VERY CLEAR HOW I FEEL. How the fck is that using?