Makes 0 sense. chick i was talking to liked me now ignoring.

Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
Ive been talking to this chick off and on for a month. Last week i did tell her about my situation and stuff and said sorry to hear but was down to come over and everything. Since saturday though she been ignoring me conpletley sebt like 1 text. What is the deal? Should i call her out or tell her peace?


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2013
Reaction score
Was talking to an HB8 who was really into me but I was more into another girl so I didn't give her the most attention.

I asked the HB8 I wasn't really feeling if she wanted to hang out and she said she'd love to. I told her cool. I'll text you next week some time and I can see when we can hang out and that I'm not a big texter. I did that because I did not actually want to hang out because I preferred another option. 4/5 hours later, she replies saying she's looking forward to hearing from me next week. I text her the next week , she ignores my text and blocks me on FB.

You never know why. Could've been I wasn't available enough and she thought I was playing games. Could've been an ex came back into the picture. Could've been anything. Lol. Who cares, move on.

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
Reaction score
I want to respond to your questions seriously but you always come off as a troll.

So i'll keep it short and simple: girls have a ton of options and are almost constantly considering them. when she goes ghost, you go ghost. "off and on" for over a month without sex mostly always means she has no interest in you sexually.


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2014
Reaction score
Starfvcks 64 said:
I want to respond to your questions seriously but you always come off as a troll.

So i'll keep it short and simple: girls have a ton of options and are almost constantly considering them. when she goes ghost, you go ghost. "off and on" for over a month without sex mostly always means she has no interest in you sexually.
Seriously, right? He posts this kind of stuff all the time, and most of the time I can't even understand it. Look at his reputation lol

In any case, what does it mean you told her about your "situation"? Sounds to me you went in too hard and clingy so she lost interest.
Cut your losses, forget her.

Starfvcks 64

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2013
Reaction score
thelonewolflegend said:
How is this beta?
Continually working to earn a girls attention is the definition of beta.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
She has no interest and you care too much. That's beta.

Drop her ass and move on, she already did that to you.

But have you though of how strong you came on to her? That pushed her back to that a-hole football player who cares none for her feelings.

Case closed.
Jan 5, 2014
Reaction score
Ok i dont understand how it pushed her away when i wanted her to come over wnd she wouldn't im not gonna ask all the time. Do i tell her im gonna delete her and move on

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
You don't understand because you haven't read the dj bible as you were advised to. Troll is trolling.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
Thelonewolflegend wrote (my emphasis in bold):

"Since saturday though she been ignoring me conpletley sebt like 1 text. What is the deal? Should i call her out or tell her peace?"

"Im telling het to party it up with me tonight no r3ply."

"Ok how the hell do i get her to come over? What do i say?"

"I wanted her to come over wnd she wouldn't"

"Do i tell her im gonna delete her and move on"

Clearly you are interested in her. Clearly she is NOT interested in you. One text from her lately is NOT a sign of interest. She was likely trying to be polite and let you down easy. It does NOT matter what her interest has been till now OR WHAT YOU WANT IT TO BE. It is NOT there. You texting her is not going to make her suddenly feel attraction and interest. She either has it or she doesn't. She doesn't.

Clearly, she is NOT interested. So as to your question do you tell her you are going to delete her, only if you want to give up any last bit of self respect you might have left.

She has already moved on. She doesn't care. Chasing her to tell her you are not going to contact her, is a joke. Imagine someone walking down a street away from you. They are 100 yards away walking quickly in the other direction. Do you really need to get their attention to tell them you are now going to walk in the other direction? She is not interested! Doing so anyway, will either simply bring her some joy you are finally going away or make her laugh or both. You gain nothing but a greater loss of any self esteem you may have.

Your question, do you move on? Yes, and NEVER look back!!!!! If she somehow plants herself in your lap one day, on her own doing, begging for your attention, then enjoy yourself. That is a fantasy. Live in truth not fantasy. She is not interested. Move on.