Make her Blush

Young Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Ahwatukee, AZ
Three 'lines' that I've used, and have gotten a number and a date consistently, usually makes the females I use them on blush, here goes:

1. Go up to a female and ask her, "Has anybody ever told you your HELLA gorgeous. I know guys have told you your gorgeous, but have any told you your HELLA gorgeous?" emphasize HELLA, everytime I've asked a female that she's said "NO". Then I say, "Well, I'd like to be the first one to tell you, that your HELLA gorgeous." That will usually make a woman blush, the rest should be easy.

2. This one I've only used in Clubs & or at parties, but it's been pretty succesful also. This is what I do, its kind of a system. I'll walk by her on my way to the bathroom, looking to make eyecontact, when I do, hold it for a few seconds, and wink at her at about the time you pass her (I call this planting the seed). When you come back from the bathroom dance a litle bit or whatever, until you see her again, hoping she hasn't left. When you do catch up to her, walk up to her from the front making and keeping eye contact for a couple feet until you get to her, when you get to her, say "I'm usually not this blunt, but I have to tell you, I swear your the most beautiful lady here tonight, and I just had to meet you" This usually makes em blush and the rest is history. I've tried just going up to female and saying this, and it didn't work as well as when I set it up.

3. This one only usually works on women with a good sense of humor. Learn how to imitate accents well, for example: I can imitate, Tony Montana from Scarface well, I have a pretty good Russian accent, and I'm working on an English one, learn how to make them sound somewhat authentic. When you go up to a female, act like your lost and you can't speak english well, ask her for directions, and when she asks where your accent is from, say somewhere that has a totally different accent than the one your using. This will give her a puzzled look, thats when you say, "I'm just bull****tin, I'm really from around here, I thought you were really hot and wanted to meet you." This usually makes them smile and gets a little blushing. The rest should be history.

Hope it helped...



Don Juan
May 4, 2001
Reaction score
North Dakota
those sound pretty good i can do a German accent well, a Norwegian accent and English accent not bad, and a Hindu accent too but i dont even look close to being from india.