Make a choice.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
I think we have forgotten one of the two messages on this site. Everyone is asking how to get this girl, what is a good C+F but no one remembers to ask... What's left for me to do? Am I a man? Have I accomplished my mission?

It's all about girls nowadays. We forgot about becoming men. Bettering ourselves. Becoming quality people.

Humans are weak. So pathetically weak. The only thing they have mastered so far is monkey see monkey do. Adaptability. Rarely proven to deserve the beauty of this world.

Things will always be as you want them to be. Ultimately, you will know everything because you think you know everything. There will be no more change because you believe there is no need to despite a visible problem. We're good at running away you know? All our lives we run... But it's coming. You can ignore it. Yes, you are ignoring it. But it will get you.

We try to be unique. It is the time of free will. You are different from me and I from the next. We can dress however we want. We can eat whatever we want. We can buy whatever we want. Tomorrow, remember to look around you and give me an approximative percentage of people wearing jeans. But some are light blue... and others dark.. Some have stripes... errr.. Jeans? Yes; period. Sheep mere sheep. I suppose you've heard. You're just copying the flavor of the month. And you don't even want to admit it. As I said, denial until the end. Who could dare challenge your great ego? Who dares compare themselves to you? You run. Run far away but realise you haven't gotten anywhere. Riddles riddles riddles. Respect your opinion? Never.

You have tools at your disposal, but these tools are pathetic. Namely emotion. You have no ****ing idea how to use your emotions so they just fly over the place. Girl didn't give eye contact? You frown. Girl slaps your butt, day goes upwards. Someone dissed your hat? Bad day. How... pointless? Everyday you try hard to make it different from the last. No, not consciously. But everyday you are trying to do something, ANYTHING to make it different.

You feed the very fires that consume you. Jerks, AFCs, Don juans even. You run from your insecurities and then proceed to fuel them with more and more material. And you don't care. Life is perfect. Ofcourse it is. You just blinded yourself to everything you fear. To every weakness you possess, you created a screen. A filter. Your ideas are right and everyone else is wrong.

Enough rambling.

You are just there. Your lack of worth is depressing. You would think that out of 6 billion people some would have significant value. I have no need to respect you. Your opinions are worthless. I've already heard them. Does that not surprise you? Everyone has the same exact thought process as you! And guess what; You also all came to the same conclusions! Now here are people you can relate to. People just like you.

You like to think you are important. You like to think that you matter and make a difference. That's peachy. Why do you think so?

Awww sh*t. Do you feel that? That hole...? Answer the question. Right now, answer the ****ing question. Do you feel a pathetic argument but trying to back it up with emotions like anger? Yeah, emotions in a logical reasoning definatly make your point stand out.:rolleyes: .

You don't want power. You don't have control. These are notions that scare the **** out of you. You don't want to step out of your cocoon because the world would destroy your every preconception. You would be reduced to nothing. Those of us who seek to make a difference can not possibly afford to remain blind to the reality of things.

Have you ever destroyed somebody? I mean, utterly destroyed somebody? It's quite simple. Remove what they stand on and they are reduced to nothing. You completly fear that power. You're afraid of losing what you have because you think it is everything. It is nothing. Nothing more than a door keeping you away from what is really to become of you. People will only change when they've got nothing left.

You've handed so many people a stick with which to beat you. I could go to school tomorrow and destroy everybody needing to be destroyed. But they wouldn't understand. You wouldn't understand. You're not ready to understand.

There aren't two sides to a story. There aren't two right answers. There's a right answer and a wrong answer. Stop looking at the world with extenuating circumstances. A 12.99 is not 13. She's in or she's out. There are no doubts and there is no room for emotion in decisions. They only desperatly attempt to conceal insecurities by creating new ones. Reassure yourself. You're a Don Juan. You're above the weakness I am talking about. Laugh at the poor fools who suffer. You're worse off then than are. Because you know of the problem but you still choose to deny it.

Jeez, what the deuce is the freaking message and why all the riddles? Why always being an asshat?

I am happy. You are not. I ask you if you are happy. You tell me you are and give me x reasons why. Who are you trying to reassure? To whom are you trying to prove something. That is the problem.

You have forgotten to who you owe your allegiance. To yourself. You are to prove yourself only to yourself. Not to the outside viewer. Your fate is solely determined by you. But you run.

You run from yourself.
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Oct 7, 2004
Reaction score
good post seems kind of like a fight club sorta theme and i credit u for being knowledgable but u still fail to prove why your so happy or why your so much better than everybody else simply because u understand this **** doesnt meen u put it into motion


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
u still fail to prove why your so happy or why your so much better than everybody
I have nothing to prove to you.


Don Juan
Oct 28, 2004
Reaction score
So, to say that I (people) should live their lives solely on the principles, needs, wants and opinions of themselves and not define themselves by that (principles, needs, wants opinions) of other people? Not to not care, but to not faulter your own ideals based upon a conflicting viewpoint of another? It is all well to be your own man, take charge of thy own life and not run from the insecurities placed on you from peers, as you state, good advice. I will point out that that is a great guideline by witch to live, but hardly a testament to how to deal with every situation.

jonny football hero

Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
!Robin Hood country, Uk!
I'm not gonna kiss you're ass, but this post contains some good stuff. It's a thinker.
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Don Juan
Mar 17, 2004
Reaction score
Good Post. After dating a few chicks I realized they're way overhyped. (Especially the HB 8-10 ones)

I started focusing on my grades and training for track. My G.P.A. is the highest it's been so far in High School, and I feel good by working my a$$ off at practice.

Lik, I remember when I first found this site. You were probably the harshest one out of the members on this board. You told me what you thought of my "AFC Post" and said "Read the Bible" That was just the beginning..


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2004
Reaction score
your whole post was on conformity and how the whole word socializes us. How abercrombie tells us how to dress and do our hair. But its a two sided sword, we conform to norms everyday. Even you do i know? easy your online, you are speaking to me, hell i bet you even love your dog dutchess. Think about it, if you had no socialization towards dogs, you wouldnt love her.

are you completely sure that you want to be here helping us out? 3.06 posts a day, it seems like you want people to listen to you and conform to your ways. Seems like you think your important So why do you speak of us being idiots, coming on here and thinking were important.

You think your a man, i take it.

What is your idea of a man?

Its someone who doesnt run from his fears and confronts himself?

Or is that just the idea of someone that socialized you?

yea i admit i conform to norms everyday, and if that makes my life easier to live than hell ill do it.

"He who makes a beast of himself, rids the pain of being a man."

If it makes me getting ass easier, **** yea im going to do it, why? because im human and im weak, i give into temptations and i really dont give a ****. Its not like your little speech will change my mind about how i want to dress and do my hair, if how i do it gets me ass, gets me ahead in anyway, im going to do it. If me lifting weights and getting a nice body well get me more women and make me more intimidating to people, hell yes im going to do it. If me studying me ass off will get me better grades, better job, and better money, come on this is day one stuff. You do what you need to do, to get infront of the competition. Survival of the fittest. Writing a post and making a "stand" on a website infront of a bunch of strangers isnt going to get you recognized, so why bother? so we can "think" for ourselves? fawk that ignorance is bliss.

Maybe i didnt buy into your eloquent bull about how your greater than us and im on a different level than you. Who cares?? seriously....

Sorry i didnt mean this to be a flame in anyway, though it probably seems like it through and through, its not a stab at you in any way likretsam, i respect your dedication to this site and to other people. And were all individuals and were all entitled to our own opionions, just in this one matter i may have conflicting views. maybe im wrong, nobody agrees with me, i really dont care because this is how my mind works, right or wrong....

ohiofutballa :cool:


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
I honestly tried, I did.
Then I got so bored I wanted to put a drillbit to my skull, so I stopped reading.

I dunno..was there a real purpose to this post? You just said yourself "I have nothing to prove to you"...when infact you are trying to make us feel inferior. Don't deny that man.
Everyone these days relies on making others feel inferior. Not on self improvement, but on making themselves a step ahead of everyone else. Its bullsh!t.

I dunno, maybe I'm not grasping the full purpose of this...but ti just appears to me that you're saying we're all fake, liars and in denial?
Eh, I'm focused on improving upon myself, not hearing people complain about other people.
I'm so tired right now lol.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 7, 2004
Reaction score
Wow, I actually felt goosebumps reading that. Opens up your eyes, doesent it? Makes me think about the "American Dream", and living the "perfect life", and how everyone is told that they are unique and special.

Exellent post.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
I could only have dreamed to write a post and have the exact reaction I wanted. There is a natural order of things. There is always a hierarchy. There is always a right and a wrong way.

A pattern creates itself. Some people accept their flaws and open up to such a post. Condescending perhaps. But only a weak person would let that get in their way. The world is alot more complex than it seems and so much more simple at the same time. My posts weed out the idiots that don't deserve them while benefiting those that merit.

Patrick, I'll take your comments when you display less ignorance and read a full post before deeming your great opinion is worthy of my attention.

Ohio, you just showed the exact phenomenon. The hierarchy in your life: Your existence first and foremost. Your goals. Yourself.

You see, your goals, or rather 'goals', are more important to you than respecting yourself. You'd take a hit of disrespect if it meant getting what you wanted. You'd conform. Conforming always leads to unhappiness. No parties are happy when you compromise.

No, my opinion is not to be respected because it automatically enjoys that gift. Nor is yours. If your opinion is intelligent enough to be presented, than I will listen. Hell, it could even be more thought out than mine and destroy my views. But until it is of the same level or above, it is worthless. In all arguments, this is how it functions. Sports even. Life. Whatever. If your skill does not match your opponents, you are heading for defeat.

Your entire reasoning is flawed. It's just bouncing around tossing the next best thing hoping together it means something.

People are not here to conform to my ways. I do not voice my opinions to have an open discussion and hear what others have to say. I could care less because I already know the outcome. I know what side is right. Everyone is entitled to their opinion is a bull**** lie. Again, it's all about merit.

Understand that this is the reality of things. I don't need your sad excuses as to why you 'allow' this to happen. It is happening and the truth is you have utterly no control over it. But continue to flaunt your 'views'. They seem to be reassuring [you].

I think mighty highly of myself. That however is based on logical reasoning. Not some emotion or desire to be so. I am also capable of accepting my place in the hierarchy. I know there are those stronger than I am. I however do not reject them, I learn from them. Grow to their level.

You know nothing. That is your starting point. Achieve that mental ability to adapt and you will reach your own conclusions. Right now, anything that challenges your preconceptions is 'wrong'. But you use the argument that 'there is no right or wrong opinion' to make everything look like it's in perfect harmony. It's in utter chaos. Beyond all those shells you call people are massive battles that those people are losing.

Originally posted by SmoothAsAnything
Let go...
Just let go...
Of everything....
Do us a favor and let go....
Your grip isn't strong enough anyway.
Just do it.
Let go.

That's what I got. Here's where I am. I didn't really understand at the time. There are those wiser than you. Trust that they have a much better view of what goes on than you do. There is no weakness in learning.


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by xomel
cliff notes?
If this is the kind of attention span you have in regards to all aspects of your life...

well, let's just say minute man would be putting it kindly for you. :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2004
Reaction score
well i had a long written out response, and i lost it...Im just going to say that you and i represent opposite ends of the spectrum. Your a pessimist when it comes to this subject, im a optimist. You probably think im naive, and i think your being to cynical, but thats life, people are different

WE CAN MAKE A CHOICE ^...that was the name of your post, you think as everything as a hierachy and people are better than others...thats like saying all blacks are better than whites, until whites get on their level. your just stereotypical, thickheaded, kid who thinks he knows more than anyone else that is posting. im frankly just not buying it, and when i said i had respect for you(dont go blowing up your ego) i meant that i liked what you had to say and i liked the difference in views. i can accept your difference. But your obviously not mature enough to accept the differences in people.

Sorry guys im ranting, im not getting into a little debate over views of life, you dont have to post again about me likretsam, im tired of us flaming each other over something...



Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by ohiofutballa
Your a pessimist when it comes to this subject, im a optimist. You probably think im naive, and i think your being to cynical, but thats life, people are different

WE CAN MAKE A CHOICE ^...that was the name of your post

your just stereotypical, thickheaded, kid who thinks he knows more than anyone else that is posting. But your obviously not mature enough to accept the differences in people.

Sigh... You just will never understand hmm? Your arguments once again are bull. Your opinions amount to nothingness. A hierarchy does not present itself in the form of groups. Every individual is somewhere on the chain. It is not about stereotyping entire groups. If you're going to reply, take the time to create an organised response so that I don't need to read crap you send at me out of your ass because you can't respond to the actual topic.

Point 1: Looking at the truth of things will often get you the title of pessimistic. Truth is often not a happy thing. But that's all it is. A logical reasoning not bound to emotions. I wouldn't post things like this if they weren't true.

Point 2: A subtle point you did not get. It's not WE can make a choice, it's make a choice. But you already made the choice. Obviously... because you're here on this site.

Point 3: The target audience is not the mass of people following someone else's path. It's the intelligent people I can discuss this idea with outside the thread. You try to turn the tables. You try to understand. However, your argument is flawed because you haven't seen both sides. Experienced both sides.

We could sit here and argue but it would be pointless to you and a waste of my time. You simply lack the tools to understand the full reasoning. Using terms such as immaturity and thickheadedness do nothing more than reveal a lack of substantial argument.

The question at hand is wether helping people should be done on a level of equality or in a superiority situation. But what do you have to learn about your equals? Are they not just that, your equals?

Delude yourself. There are no better people. Ofcourse not. People are just different. But we all have the same rights. We are all entitled to the same things. And here you are Don Juan, differentiating yourself from AFCs to have a superior lifestyle and success with women.

Stop looking at advancement as competition. Something coming to threaten you. That is weak. That is why I or any other DJ can not change an AFC into a DJ. They can not accept that a peer is ahead. They believe the act of being taught is a condescending practice. You experience the same thing.

The answer to the aforementioned question is simply that you do not help them. The reason you are in a position to help and they are not is the very same reason stopping them from progressing thanks to you.

You have but a glimpse of the full field. While you stay and dwell at the starting line, you just handicap yourself as the rest of us get further and further ahead.


Don Juan
Oct 8, 2004
Reaction score
likretsam, i never said i was right, i know you think im wrong and hell i probably am, i said it in my first post.

I have nothing to prove to you.

if you dont have proof, no credence will be given out...Show me that your happier than me, show me that youve accomplished more, show me it. then maybe i can see your view....A blind man cant imagine what the ocean looks it to me

Point 1: Looking at the truth of things will often get you the title of pessimistic. Truth is often not a happy thing. But that's all it is. A logical reasoning not bound to emotions. I wouldn't post things like this if they weren't true.
all i was saying in my first posts, was "sometimes its easier to live a lie" and thats the truth, its easy to delude your self and think everythings perfect, but when your in that state...everything does SEEM perfect. I went off topic in my posts, i know i was just trying to painfully drag the point across that pretending that everything is good, can be good in situations.

When a little boy gets a life-crippling injury, its easier for him to think that he'll still play baseball and run around. If he were to come to terms with the truth than yes, he would know more about himself, and start to accept his injury. But that still comes with the loss of hope.

You say in your posts if you dont have the talent your setting yourself up for failure, I.E. you said in sports...ok what about the Yankee's and '03 Laker's by far the better teams but the red sox and pistons played with hope and heart.

The question at hand is wether helping people should be done on a level of equality or in a superiority situation. But what do you have to learn about your equals? Are they not just that, your equals?
their is not a chain of hierarchy, it has to be a tree...There is no sure one way to move up the links, instead i feel that it is like a tree in that there are many ways to solve a problem, take advice, make a decision, We all make different choices, moving in different steps toward our "goals" we branch off from other groups. to call it a chain would not give the system justice.

Please show me the proof of your happiness, id really like to hear it. If you show me that you are better and higher in the tree, i will accept it.

ohiofutballa :cool:


Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
You're being an ass for the hell of it Xomel. nobody cares if you feel like acting like a baby because Lik owned you in the other thread. Hard.

take your insecurities elsewhere.


Master Don Juan
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
,-._|\ ................... ............ / Aus \ ..


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2004
Reaction score
Thinking outside the box. That's what I think this post is about. It means your the most important , other peoples opinions are pointless