Major Lesson Learned, Mistake Made, Should have Dumped B*tch


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2010
Reaction score
A couple months ago, I posted a thread here about an issue with my gf at the time. Basically, she was unhappy because she wanted to get more serious (eventually go into marriage, etc), and I am way too young to even consider that stuff. Background: I'm 23, she's 24. I'm working on my career a lot and so I don't have a lot of time to f*ck off. We had been going out for 3 years.

The general consensus was to dump the b*tch. Well, I did, and then we ended up getting back together, like an idiot.

I thought things were going alright with us, but then I learn yesterday that she went on a date with some guy this weekend. I was really pissed. I called her a b*tch and told her to leave.

Now I'm really still pissed off. This girl lied to me and went behind my back like this.

Anyway, it really pisses me off knowing that some other dude is f*cking her, and I didn't know if you guys had any advice.

You guys were right a while ago when you told me to dump her then and there, and not look back. Unfortunately, I looked back, and I ended up getting it thrown in my face.


Don Juan
Nov 5, 2010
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What i learned

Well, i am just about in the same state as you are.

What the other guys in this forum told me (which did help) was to just date other woman, and **** as many as i could.

And well, did meet a few, did F' a few, and it did help.
At start i was depressed over the thought of her f'ing another dude, now.. well now i don't really care.

.. Just convince yourself that it is her who is missing something, because she is missing out on you..

Just forget about her.. (The girls you dated before here, is definatly also ****ing others, and if that is not hurting you, this should not either) :b


Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score

Listen to me before you do something stupid. You can't make someone like you or want to be with you. The only thing you can do is not make the same mistake next time. I have been with scores of girls, I too felt your pain, but looking back, I laugh at my emotional reactions. Be a strong man, let her go. Tell her, "you made your choice, please leave me alone, I would like to meet other women who aren't stupid and fuvked up like you". But say this because you mean it. Don't you want a chick not to play games w you? Or worry about other men? Let her go bro. Fuvk it man, you will get better. Trust me. There are girls out there that are good and treat guys right, this one is worthless. Focus on your career, make some cash, go to the gym, you will find something better. You don't need a relationship right now. You need time by yourself. You're a busy guy. Don't do anything stupid. If you hit her, fight him, you are looking at class one felony, and all that you worked for is gone. Stay away from her. Take some time off bro and go buy some nice shivt for yourself. DON'T TAKE HER BACK. It's time for a new chapter bro. It's time you meet a good girl. If this girl was serious about marrying you (which she wasn't) she would have waited years. In fact, she would have stuck by your side and would have let you start your career before asking for such a big commitment. She is in love with the "I want to get married to someone" thought. Not John. She is selfish. A girls love is very strong. She will follow you around for years if she wanted to marry you. Not go date and fuvk other men and pretend to look for her future "husband".


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2010
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Falcon thanks man. That really helps. I still feel bad about it but I got my sh*t together again today and started resuming my determined focus on my career and goals.

I stopped b*tching about it to people, and decided to face it head on.

It's easy to slip into the illusion of how great someone was after you break up but honestly, two weeks ago deep down I wanted this girl gone because I felt it was holding me back yet I was addicted to the comfort I felt like I was having.

It's time to accept that to get what I want in life I'm going to have to grow some bigger b*lls and go out and fight for it, and learn to control my emotions, delay gratification, and step up my game.


Dec 17, 2009
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3 years is a very long time man. But remember, you can't worry about things you can't control. A woman's love for you has to come from her own heart, not your thoughts. Meaning, if she is a good girl, if she was the one, she would have waited. You can't control it. All you can do is focus on yourself. The reason I know she is no good is because she went behind your back to look for her "future husband". I totally understand what you're going through. I had many heart breaks. But, you're a man. You have to be strong. If you're hurting, do it in silence. Like all strong men do. One day, it won't hurt as much. But until then, think about what kinda girl you want next time. It's about what YOU want. Not what she wants.


Don Juan
Sep 4, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah look you ****ed up, it doesn't matter. Cut your losses and just look at making things good from now on.

Don't blame the world, don't blame her. Girls will do this ****.

Success is the best revenge. Don't be bitter toward her.

Go to the gym, get a ripped body. Make more friends. Date hotter girls. Make more money.

Next time you see her, smile at her knowing that she ****ed up by doing that to you and now she's going to be stuck with a douchebag while you're a winner.