Maintaining Attraction. Against Cheating


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Aug 9, 2013
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I have a sister-in-law who's had a girlish crush on me for 4 years. I recently visited my wife's family and attempted suicide while I was there and my wife made it sound like it was over her. That's partially true, after having a PTSD trigger months before going to California, my PTSD began targeting random things (I developed PTSD at young age, so it can be a little bit abstract). One of the things it targeted was her crush on me. She flirted with me less frequently when I visited than usual (although this may be only according to my anxiety-induced perception). When my wife took me to the hospital after my overdose, my sister-in-law came with and was flirting with me very hard to the point where my wife, who can usually laugh it off and then tease me about it, actually threatened to call my sister-in-law's boyfriend. After a few conversations she acted less interested in me. I made some comment about her telling me that she had a crush on me earlier that day and my wife yelled "She doesn't like you!" and I looked at my sister-in-law, still drugged out and said "Really?" with a smile and sense of disbelief in my voice. And she shook her head and said "No," and I responded with the same question in the same tone with the same expression and she started giggling. My wife interrupted and said "You're making her uncomfortable." She seemed to have some sparks of attraction for me that fluctuated for the last two days we were there, but no strong flirting.
After a conversation with my psychologist, we've come to the conclusion that my wife may have been the one who was uncomfortable and that my sister-in-law still had feelings the entire time considering how obvious it must have been as to why we were there.

I posted on facebook something about my wife figuring out that I was going to surprise her with a thing that I made for her my wielding metal together and painting it red. Her sister responded "You have be better at sneaking things by jeez, lol." She also talked to me on the phone a few days after that because her little brother handed her the phone after I told him to tell her to search for a video on the internet. Now, my wife, my sister-in-law and her boyfriend all find these cartoon songs by this Australian guy entertaining, so there may be positive associations with it. When I told her to do it she laughed and said "You're terrible; you're going to get the kids to start singing another song all of the time." and I responded "I am terrible, now play the video" with a somewhat flirtatious tone (further exaggerated by the fact that I have a very sexual/masculine deep voice). She couldn't hear me over her laughing and told me to repeat myself. Feeling like a douchebag after having that flirtatious of a tone, I repeated in a more stoic tone and the sexual vibes were vacuumed from the conversation. I felt anxious and the next day I responded to a Facebook post that wasn't by her, but I knew she would read, but I anxiously revised it so many times that the grammar was ****ed up and she made fun of me for it (according to my wife, that means she cares about me).
The next Facebook interaction went well, however. My wife posted some Dr. Who thing about me being her "Rory" and I responded by typing comments in such a way to be read with a British accent and then with a Scottish accent. My wife says that my British and Scottish accents sound sexy and whenever I've spoken in them with my sister-in-law she's giggled and told me to say other things in the accents. My sister-in-law did end up commenting and she first commented just a smiley face, and then she commented that she read the entire thing in the accents with a smiley face at the end, which may have made her miss me a little bit.
I recently had a birthday and instead of commenting happy birthday comments on my Facebook, she went through the trouble of texting me. the text was:
"Happy Birthday! I hope u have a great time today :)
22! WOOT! WOOT!"
And I responded 18 minutes later with:
"Thank you <her name>"

I'm probably being paranoid again, but I get a bad sixth sense about the text, and I feel like the text sounded too submissive. Little things matter. While she knows me as a nice guy and one of the guys that she cheats on her boyfriend (who is also a very good guy) with is a guy who seems dorky and nervous around her like she's giving him the best ass he can get and has his head leaned forward and his shoulders inward when he talks to her. Although, she certainly likes powerful men as well - another man that she's cheating on her boyfriend with is her boss who, while being short, does have a powerful demeanor. And despite being nice, I'm nice because I care about people, not because I'm afraid of them. I'm also big, strong and hairy, but that's more of her mom's thing (who also likes me).

There are things that help me boost my ego, despite my fall from grace, such as the fact that I rejected an affair/relationship with a girl who was hotter than her a few months before I got married (which was 2 and half years ago), and when I go out into public often at all, women do flirt with me (including my 28-year-old and kind of hot statistics professor). I also feel like I have better morals because I don't cheat or have violent outbursts on people. I would also never date a woman like her if I was single (although I might be one of the guys behind her boyfriend's back). I'm a very attractive guy when I'm relaxed, but the problem is that I can't relax. I still sometimes lose my cool if my wife is on the phone with her and is in the same room as me.

"Owning a woman's heart for a faithful man is like owning a priceless work of art. You can do nothing with it, but it always feels nice to have."

Any "just go for it" comments will be ignored; I will not cheat on my wife with anyone. I've fought stronger urges to cheat than this. But I have a specific goal with rules.

I know this all sounds ridiculous (one site even thought I was a troll), but I'm a ridiculous and strange guy.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 30, 2012
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uh you are a troll.


New Member
Aug 9, 2013
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Kbomb said:
uh you are a troll.
I swear that I'm not. I do need help. A lot of the Tao of Badass/etc. videos only give advice for what to do when trying to get a girlfriend, and if I do those things, I might be successful, but I would ruin a marriage that I value more than anything. I don't have many options in terms of advice on simply attracting her because my psychologist doesn't know how and would rather help the compulsion (as he probably should). I am curious, however, why does this make people think that that's what I'm doing? I can think of some things, but I'm not totally sure. This is a legitimate problem and I do need help with it. I really need help and I know this problem is very left field, but I don't really know where to find help. I'm a little eccentric, so my writing style probably is. But I am begging for help. Worst case scenario, a troll thread that's ignorable goes ignored. But please give me the benefit of the doubt. I will respond to help in a meaningful way. I'm putting up some personal problems, so could you please just give me the benefit of a doubt?

And yes, my anxiety really does get that bad.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2013
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You sound like you would be on Intervention with all your crazy caravan of people.