

New Member
Sep 9, 2006
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ok f**kers i just want to thank all of you that have helped me i think last night was my break through night. so last night me and a few boys drink get pretty buzzed up good and decide to go to the strip club. let me tell you something it actually is a great place to pick up girls. soo i dont know what got in to me but i was just spitting game like i was the **** it was crazy i must have talked to everygirl in there for awhile and none of them except for like 1 asked for a dance which is weird because thats usally all they say to you,, and when she asked if i wanted a dance i pulled some **** out of my ass my boy did at the club once and it worked so she asks me if i want a dance i am talking hb like a 9 and i said something like umm.,, i am fine but if you want a dance from me i only charge like 10 a song lol she was shocked and thats when we started talkin crazy kino and everything.. and so anyway i leave her to go smoke like five mins later i go out side and there is another dancer otu there smokin she looks at me and goes are you really a dancer talk about word of mouth and i think i said well are you really a dancer??? with one of thoose dj smirk/ any way didnt want to talk to her to much but the hottest girl in there i want to get her number... i am thinking impossible a stripper givin someone her real number yeh rite but i am feeling confident so **** it ill try.. so i go up to hb start talkin dont evan recall what we talked about really but we talked for awhile any i am usin kino and keep gazin into her eyes which like all the dj's said eye contact when talking to a girl is important well it is so she leaves and comes back to me and we talk some more then she takes her panties off out of no where which was great and was like so you want a dance with me or what and i was like i dk are you worth the 20 she slaps me playfully on the ass i am a damn good dancer she says and i said somethign like yeh you might be but i dk if you could keep up with me so any way we i get the dance and while she is dacin on me i used the breathing trick someone talked about here and that worked great i think it got her all hott n bothered so the dance is over and i was like so how about you give me your number so i can explain to you how to get to my place tonight she types it in my phone and me n my boys left after i give her a lil kiss on the forehead so i am pretty souped right now but then i think the number is prolly bull**** she is a stripper so i call it up later prolly should of waited but i am have been drinking and thinkign about that sex tonight so i call no answer buttt her voiecmall says her real name . when she first came up to me she gave me her stripper name and i was like so whats your real name n she tells me ans thats what the voicemall says so i leave a messege and i am thinkign **** i am done she calls me back and i am liek so you gonan comeover so i can give you a dance or what she is thinking about it and was like i dk if i can tonight i am really tired and i know if i go over i am gona **** you rite away i am like damnn whys that she said somethign like i dont know something about you for one you gorgouse and 2 your ****y and confident its drving me nuts and then she said something like and the way you look into my eyes is making me crazy to end the story she didnt come over but we made plans to hangout over the week which is good so ill repost and let you know what happens but the point is all the shti i used i got from here and it all work she said ti her self the ****y confident thing the eye contact everything it was all golden so for everyone that flames on here shut up n use the **** these people no what there talkign about that night i i could have got every dancer in there # i know that for sure so use this stuff its golden


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
OK... if you look towards the right of your keyboard, you'll see this long skinny key that has a little arrow on it and says "enter".

Please use it.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
realsmoothie said:
OK... if you look towards the right of your keyboard, you'll see this long skinny key that has a little arrow on it and says "enter".

Please use it.
My thoughts exactly!