Women like men.
Every women's perspective of men is different.
A nerd can be a man too.
The thing is some women like men who are not as manly, this is not werid as i know plenty of guys who treat girls just as they would treat a guy. They switch it on and off, its almost nessicary in our culture(USA), there are times when u need to act like a sexless blob and remain neutral or you will be punished for it (ie for treating a women like a traditional women [sexism]).
This girl likes nerds, there is no way to argue aganst that, frankly who cares. However, do you (picard) like girls who like nerds? Or an even better question is, do you like being a nerd?
If so then by all means become a nerd, the DJ mentallities are the same, the emphassis should be on u. You can be a nerd with muscles, these categories that we place people in are no good for anything but describing groups of people, it doesnt mean there arent exceptions.
However if wyldfire is right, if you are just procrastinating on starting your new life then i suggest you leave. There is NO POINT in procrastination on this board, that doesnt make any sense. This is not school work. DJism is not some job that you have to post on these forums or you will lose something. No, that is just another case where people have the emphasiss on somebody else.
(BTW picard is it true that you are taking steriods? wtf stop.)