Lunch w/ Ex... Relationship Advice


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2008
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Alright fellas need some opinions on this one. So I've been dating this girl exclusively for about 6 weeks or so. Things are going well, we have alot of fun when were together. Been intimate with her 4 times. I would classify this girl as a good girl. She recently told me she had a really good feeling about me and valentines day's was the best she ever had. She told me everytime we hangout I say something or do something that surprises her and she learns a little more about me.

So last night when we were hanging out she told me her ex called her and asked her out to lunch. She said she wanted to know how I felt and she wanted to tell me and get my opinon out of respect for me. So I told her to go lunch. I said you don't have to ask permission from me, your a grown up. I then told her I trust you. I then told her I can't control the way people feel ( to make her think that I might have some doubt about her). She asks me do you talk to any of your ex's. I said they text me once in a while, but no I don't. She then asks me what is the name of my ex. I then proceed to tell her that I don't get involved in triangles (advice i read from this board recently), ex boyfriends etc's and if it exists im going to walk away. Her response thats good. So we hangout through the night and we get intimate and during it she ask do you care for me?

Analysis on this please

1. The lunch thing yeah it bothers me a little that she would consider going out to lunch with her ex. I think I did the right thing by telling her to go because it shows that i am secure and confident in myself (even though a little self doubt exists with it). Secondly, human nature tells me if I would of got upset and got in a frenzy and forbid her she would of been more drawn to do it even more.

2. Reaction to my triangle statement? What do you guys think she is thinking when I said that? How would you guys of handled it?

3. My next step, I feel is to withdraw a little bit make her initiate and invest more? Don't call her text her make her initiate. Play a little hard to get make her think my interest has dropped a bit on her.???


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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tmac15 said:
1. The lunch thing yeah it bothers me a little that she would consider going out to lunch with her ex. I think I did the right thing by telling her to go because it shows that i am secure and confident in myself (even though a little self doubt exists with it). Secondly, human nature tells me if I would of got upset and got in a frenzy and forbid her she would of been more drawn to do it even more.
and now you know why women get away with sh1t.

Confidence is being able to stand up to your convictions, with the knowledge that you might lose it all if you stand up for them. You don't like the fact that she is going out with her ex and instead of saying that you are not pleased and see how she reacts, you pussified your intentions in order to please her.

The reality is that you don't trust her and you are afraid of her.


Jul 30, 2003
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Ok First off, you said intimate with her 4x in 6 weeks. By intimate you mean FUKKED her or do you mean cuddling on a couch and kissing a little and thats it? This makes a big difference...but if you HAVE been banging her then....

honestly bro, I would be pissed if my girl said some sh1t like she's gonna have lunch with an ex. I would just tell her straight up, you wanna hang with an ex? Go ahead but you are never going to see my face again. If she likes me she'll beg for my **** if she doesnt she'll go have lunch wit the ex and Im saved any more wasted time.

If you HAVENT been sexxing the bejezzus outta her then you are just a sucka. 6 weeks no poon and she's talking about meeting an ex for lunch? Fail.


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2008
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Yes, i do mean f*** 4 times. Huh, now im confused not the reaction that I was thinking. Give me more angles to this so I can conclude my next step.


Jul 30, 2003
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tmac15 said:
Yes, i do mean f*** 4 times. Huh, now im confused not the reaction that I was thinking. Give me more angles to this so I can conclude my next step.

Well you gotta stay congruent now bro. you said its ok and you dont care. So PLAY that part. You dont give a fukk. Its whatever. Big deal she's seein some other d-bag. You got other females on rotation right, other prospects? So who cares... play it cool brah. play it cool...

and yeah step 1 on your analysis was right but theres nothing wrong with being angry. its our god given right to be angry about things. not some little **** but in my opinion dating a girl for almost 2 months and boning her repeatedly makes things a little more developed and would cause an outburst from me because honestly its justified, in anyones mind.

Its hard for me to say what your next move should be since you played it alot differently then I would have and I dont know how much you even like this girl.


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2008
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Alright, reading those first two reply post now has me in a frenzy. My reaction now is to call her tonight and say if you want to hang with your ex then it's the end of me and you. I am into this girl alot! No I don't have other girls on the side and she hasn't gone out to lunch with him yet not this week maybe early next week im guessing.

Now I'm more confused than I was yesterday. My problem is i get good advice from this board, but I don't know when to stop running the attraction game and let my emotions come through.

William Vass

Don Juan
Feb 10, 2009
Reaction score
you have to show that her hanging out with her ex isn't acceptable, girls like to see how far they can get away with things and if you keep on giving her the same amount of attention/love that you gave her before she brought up her ex she'll know that she can get away with it.

Your reply was good, in the way that it didn't show jealousy, but you should of been more honest and said something along the lines of "You can do whatever you like, go have lunch if you want with your ex, but that isn't my thing" and then show the willingness to walk away and become distant if she CHOOSES to still have lunch knowing your grounds of what is acceptable to you and what isn't..

Five To One

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
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Julian said:
Big deal she's seein some other d-bag.

thanks for the laugh.

To OP, you have the right idea now i think, gotta let her know its not okay with you. I made the mistake of letting a past girlfriend roam around too much without any conciquences. Be ready to walk away


Senior Don Juan
Jun 16, 2007
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I think you made your bed not sleep in it. Let her go out with this guy for lunch. Just keep playing cool and if you want to bring it up later go for it, but since you said go you would look foolish not to let it happen. When you were finshed having sex and she said do you care for me was her saying " I like you but I wonder if you like me because you are allowing me to go out with my ex"

If I ask an ex girlfriend out it is to do one of the following
a. Try to get back together
b. Try to Smash
C. Tell her I have Herpes and she should get checked.

These are the only reasons I can think of. Now why she would want to go out ot lunch with him is odd. Just be cool and do not worry, bottom line, if she wants you she will come around or not go out with him at all. Start looking for new girls. You have oneitis...


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2008
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Man you guys are harsh (it's good though I needed that).

Me and her had a little talk yesterday. I told her you can do whatever you want, i'm not into controlling people and telling people what to do.
I told her if you aint into this relationship then that's it betweeen me and you. She then on went saying i'm not gonna have lunch with him
I broke up with him for a reason (she got all choked up and teary eyed trying to hold back tears). She then said it's not fair to you and I don't
want to jeopardize what we have. Man, I believe everything she said, but a little thing inside me says woman are manipulative and full of sh**.

The site has given me good tips and good advice, but I must say it has made so wary and made me mistrust in women. How you guys think I should play off of this? I have family coming to town, I asked her if she wanted to meet them and she said yes, but I never officially confirmed it with her. Should I make her think im losing interest by not inviting her over? BTW, she has introduce me to her family already.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2008
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vitor said:
I think you made your bed not sleep in it. Let her go out with this guy for lunch. Just keep playing cool and if you want to bring it up later go for it, but since you said go you would look foolish not to let it happen. When you were finshed having sex and she said do you care for me was her saying " I like you but I wonder if you like me because you are allowing me to go out with my ex"

If I ask an ex girlfriend out it is to do one of the following
a. Try to get back together
b. Try to Smash
C. Tell her I have Herpes and she should get checked.

These are the only reasons I can think of. Now why she would want to go out ot lunch with him is odd. Just be cool and do not worry, bottom line, if she wants you she will come around or not go out with him at all. Start looking for new girls. You have oneitis...
BINGO!! He asked her to lunch for one of the following reasons (listed above) I my self personally would not put up with it, if she was my g.f . You have to do what you believe is right, I am sorry to tell you, she might still have feelings for him, I can’t trust girls who like to still have relationships with there ex’s, I my self never keep in contact with an ex once I have moved on.

William Vass

Don Juan
Feb 10, 2009
Reaction score
tmac15 said:
but a little thing inside me says woman are manipulative and full of sh**.
tmac15 said:
Should I make her think im losing interest by not inviting her over?
You say she's being manipulative?...
She probably felt confused about whether to go out with her ex as friends, but didn't want to ruin things with you... now that she knows it would be risking things with you she called it off. You need to reward her for this as she did the right thing!
You need to trust her a bit in order to let things grow, but if she ****s up big then that's when you drop her and find the next one.


Don Juan
Dec 26, 2008
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I meant women in general. She called me later in the night to talk about it again, and kept asking if things were ok. Then she mentioned my family coming to town this weekend and what time they were coming in. I think it was a subtle hint to see if my interest has dropped towards her and my initial invitation. Man, I don't want to get burned!!


Senior Don Juan
Jan 19, 2009
Reaction score
Just read the OP

So you guys are exclusive? Who brought it up? Did you or did she?

When I'm dating a girl, I wait for her to bring up exclusivity. When she brings it up, or mentions anything about us being boyfriend/girlfriend or whatever I set up the rules to avoid situations like the one you are in. I don't want my girl to have anything to do with her exes.

So she brings up exclusivity and I say:

Me: Are you saying you want to be exclusive with me/ be my girlfriend?
Her: Yeah!
Me: How many of your exes do you still talk to?
Her: Well sometimes I go to lunch with X but we are just friends now.
Me: I see, and are you on any dating sites?
Her: Well yeah but I don't really look at it anymore.
Me: So do you have your exes as friends on facebook or anything?
Her: Well yeah but it's just facebook!
Me: I see, well I think we should just keep things the way they are for now. I'll tell ya what. You take care of all those problems, and I'll drop the other girls I'm seeing.

Something to that effect. Then you don't have these kind of problems. If she won't go along with it, then that's fine, I just keep seeing other girls or just dump her outright.