Guys, its time for a real reality check. Committed LTR's are, for the most part a scam. I mean think about it, do the math; all reports, stats, and polls I've read indicate that the majority of marriages fail. Marriage is supposed to be the ultimate goal of an LTR, but somewhere close to 80% fail. Look at your own life; how many chicks have you been with (dated or LTR) and how many are still in your life? This it what makes that "Kill that Desperation" part of your DJ training so crucial. See alot of you guys are in the game searching for that "perfect" woman, that one you can marry, when the truth is most of the relationships formed will end at one point or another. I'm finally coming to the realization that it does no good to approach the "game" with this mindset.
When you approach a chick with the hopes of an LTR you are setting yourself up for disaster. First off, most chicks count on a man to come at them with this type of thinking. They know you are looking for that "girlfriend" or "significant other". Most females have fine-tuned their "game" or social interaction to play into this some kind of way. This is how so many guys get taken for suckers and have some scandalous female "take" all of their money or use them as an "emotional sponge". See, chicks are naturally aware of the fact that most relationships do not last forever. They usually use it to their advantage. You see it all the time; some chick has a guy totally hooked and wrapped around her finger thinking he has just hit the jackpot and landed the "woman" of his dreams. All you guys having problems where a chick is giving you all the "right signs" but still turns you down, the fact of the matter is FEMALES LIE (wrote a whole post on it) and this is why. Most of them could care less. They know they are in a relationship that probably won't last forever and they are usually in control of it.
Society has geared male-female interaction to put the female in control of the progress and depth of it. I mean think about it, when you approach a chick the outcome of every advance you make is totally dependent on the opinion of the female. When you meet a chick its up to her to talk to you then decide how far it atually goes (phone numbers, dates, a$$, etc...). Then if you get some progress, its only a matter until you begin arguing so much you two could start a debate team.
Personally, I've been through enough to get sick of it. The best thing we as DJs can do is approach it with an easygoing, "I don't care what happens" attitude. When I meet a chick I just go for it when the timing is good and whatever happens, happens. I take everything they say with a grain of salt, if they tell me something I let there actions prove it before I take it seriously and even then I watch them (female are flaky creatures). Guys, take your time getting involved with ANY woman. They can sense any type of desperation, and if given ample opportunity will typically take advantage of it. I believe we meet every person we come in contact with for a reason, and most of the time only for a season.
As hard as it is the unprogram that "one girl for me" or "i gotta get a g/f" mentality - its the best thing in a world and time like this. There are females that actually look for guys thinking like this as "marks" they prey upon. They flatter the sucker into believing he's "king in her eyes" then charm his pants off, along with his wallet. Let's say you get into a "real" LTR, then comes the issue of fidelity. It is so easy with all the different avenues of communication these days for women (and men) to meet people and communicate on a romantic (or sexual) level, she's bound to meet someone somewhere that at least appears to be offering a little more than you are. But the sad thing is you are her "safety net" she has already put you in that "safe place" and knows that you're hooked. Think she's gonna lose that? An honest female will not hold you but sadly gents most are not honest, especially when it comes to this.
I'm not trying to scare anyone out of their beliefs, but I believe we could all benefit by keeping things in perspective. Don't set yourself up for failure.
When you approach a chick with the hopes of an LTR you are setting yourself up for disaster. First off, most chicks count on a man to come at them with this type of thinking. They know you are looking for that "girlfriend" or "significant other". Most females have fine-tuned their "game" or social interaction to play into this some kind of way. This is how so many guys get taken for suckers and have some scandalous female "take" all of their money or use them as an "emotional sponge". See, chicks are naturally aware of the fact that most relationships do not last forever. They usually use it to their advantage. You see it all the time; some chick has a guy totally hooked and wrapped around her finger thinking he has just hit the jackpot and landed the "woman" of his dreams. All you guys having problems where a chick is giving you all the "right signs" but still turns you down, the fact of the matter is FEMALES LIE (wrote a whole post on it) and this is why. Most of them could care less. They know they are in a relationship that probably won't last forever and they are usually in control of it.
Society has geared male-female interaction to put the female in control of the progress and depth of it. I mean think about it, when you approach a chick the outcome of every advance you make is totally dependent on the opinion of the female. When you meet a chick its up to her to talk to you then decide how far it atually goes (phone numbers, dates, a$$, etc...). Then if you get some progress, its only a matter until you begin arguing so much you two could start a debate team.
Personally, I've been through enough to get sick of it. The best thing we as DJs can do is approach it with an easygoing, "I don't care what happens" attitude. When I meet a chick I just go for it when the timing is good and whatever happens, happens. I take everything they say with a grain of salt, if they tell me something I let there actions prove it before I take it seriously and even then I watch them (female are flaky creatures). Guys, take your time getting involved with ANY woman. They can sense any type of desperation, and if given ample opportunity will typically take advantage of it. I believe we meet every person we come in contact with for a reason, and most of the time only for a season.
As hard as it is the unprogram that "one girl for me" or "i gotta get a g/f" mentality - its the best thing in a world and time like this. There are females that actually look for guys thinking like this as "marks" they prey upon. They flatter the sucker into believing he's "king in her eyes" then charm his pants off, along with his wallet. Let's say you get into a "real" LTR, then comes the issue of fidelity. It is so easy with all the different avenues of communication these days for women (and men) to meet people and communicate on a romantic (or sexual) level, she's bound to meet someone somewhere that at least appears to be offering a little more than you are. But the sad thing is you are her "safety net" she has already put you in that "safe place" and knows that you're hooked. Think she's gonna lose that? An honest female will not hold you but sadly gents most are not honest, especially when it comes to this.
I'm not trying to scare anyone out of their beliefs, but I believe we could all benefit by keeping things in perspective. Don't set yourself up for failure.