LTR Question


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
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Hey guys,
I've been dating my current gf for about seven months and it seems like here lately she has been bringing up incidents about other guys being attracted to her. For example, today was our first day back to school and she had transfered this year to the same high school I go to. She mentioned someone I know coming up and talking to her, asking her name while starring at her boobs the whole time and said he got up to sharpen his pencil several times because she sat beside the pencil sharpener and thought it was funny.

Now incidents like these don't really bother me too much, but my question is is it a matter of disrespect? Should I call her on it the next time she brings up this stuff. Or is it just a matter of her trying to appear more valuable in my eyes? Anyway, things have been really good with me and her, she usually calls me not the other way around, she lost her virginity to me. I'm just curious if you guys think this is a red flag and if I'm being disrespected.



Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
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She's trying to appear more valuble. It could be an indication that you're not showing her enough attention/affection. Increase it slightly until she stops, but don't go past this level else she'll lose respect for you. However, for now, she is disrespecting you. Whenever she brings something like this up, just nod and say "Oh yeah?!" then cut her thread off straight away and move on to something else. Another situation for example is if she brings this up when you're watching TV or doing something. When she brings it up, look at her, smile and say "Really? Good for you!" and pat her on the head like a 5 year old who's just come home to show her parents the piece of **** she just painted in art class.

One of the best lines I've ever come out with in the spur of the moment took place when the Swedish girl who is now my LTR brought up some guy who was coming on to her. At first I was like "Is that so?! ha ha" tearing off her thread, but she kept coming back to it, daring me to act jealous - it's a **** test. When I didn't go for her bait, she called me on it, saying "You don't seem to be very interested" to which I replied "I didn't realise I had to be" coupled with a knowing smile, this was dynamite. Her game was over and she knew that I knew she wanted me. I had her that night in one of the most seamless closes I've ever done.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
She wants you to show your appreciation for her a bit more. She's saying "These other guys appreciate me, why don't you?"


Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
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Yeah, everything you guys said was kind of what I thought but wasn't sure. I actually backed off some attention lately simply because I felt like I was beginning to show too much, making my self too avaliable, and I didn't want her to get too comfortable. Thanks.
Aug 6, 2006
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She's trying to make herself look better, basically self-promotion through the use of tactics used similarly by the corporations in their advertisements.

She's just trying to raise her stock value. Next time she does this tell her you grabbed some other girl's butt, SOMETHING to get her attention, because obviously she won't stop talking about other guys.


Aug 16, 2006
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baddfishh40 said:
Hey guys,
I've been dating my current gf for about seven months and it seems like here lately she has been bringing up incidents about other guys being attracted to her. For example, today was our first day back to school and she had transfered this year to the same high school I go to. She mentioned someone I know coming up and talking to her, asking her name while starring at her boobs the whole time and said he got up to sharpen his pencil several times because she sat beside the pencil sharpener and thought it was funny.

Now incidents like these don't really bother me too much, but my question is is it a matter of disrespect? Should I call her on it the next time she brings up this stuff. Or is it just a matter of her trying to appear more valuable in my eyes? Anyway, things have been really good with me and her, she usually calls me not the other way around, she lost her virginity to me. I'm just curious if you guys think this is a red flag and if I'm being disrespected.

Listen bud, all that means is that she is looking for attention from you. You are starving her for attention.

Give her a little drama, take her out show her a good time, hug her, kiss her. Then a few days later treat her like sh1t and then make up, she will love you for it.

You can't let girls get bored in a relationship, you need to spice it up from time to time. All she is doing is creating a little insecurity in you, that's all. Do your jobs and give her some drama. Peace.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
reallyfreakinlost said:
She's trying to make herself look better, basically self-promotion through the use of tactics used similarly by the corporations in their advertisements.

She's just trying to raise her stock value. Next time she does this tell her you grabbed some other girl's butt, SOMETHING to get her attention, because obviously she won't stop talking about other guys.
Before I would take that route, I'd ask why she felt the need to show or raise her value. I'd address that reason prior engaging an act of retaliation.
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Francisco d'Anconia said:
Before I would take that route, I'd ask why she felt the need to show or raise her value. I'd address that reason prior engaging an act of retaliation.
I am in NO WAY shape or form suggesting any form of retaliation, because in my eyes, all she's doing is playing a game, and if you play back the game, that's just all in good fun.

You do raise a good question, that is why she felt the need to show value. Maybe she craves attention, that's my hunch.
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Democles said:
Well nice joke there. It really hurt my feelings.

by the way, my name is reallyfreakinlost I felt really depressed the day I signed up with this forum. Thankfully things are getting better now, in fact things are improving so much, idiots like you can bash me all you want and I don't give a crap.


Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
reallyfreakinlost said:
Well nice joke there. It really hurt my feelings.

by the way, my name is reallyfreakinlost I felt really depressed the day I signed up with this forum. Thankfully things are getting better now, in fact things are improving so much, idiots like you can bash me all you want and I don't give a crap.
Oh come on, I didn't mean to be mean.. Ok, cheer up bud, I was being an ass-hole. Just a joke bud.


Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
reallyfreakinlost said:
Well, I did. and you still are an idiot.
Hey, don't be rude, just cause you are pumping AoF doesn't give you license to be an ass.
Aug 6, 2006
Reaction score
Democles said:
Hey, don't be rude, just cause you are pumping AoF doesn't give you license to be an ass.
Whoa now, I'm sorry, but I didn't exactly want to know your fantasies, I mean, if you're going to include me in your imagination sex scenes, at least have the decency to not tell me about the details