LTR Breakup Advice


New Member
Feb 14, 2005
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Since finding these forums a few years ago I've improved as a person more than I ever imagined. I had my fair share of success and fun with girls over the time. Then I met one girl who was different, we have been together for a year now, and things just feel right. I love her, and feel we have a future together. She kissed another guy once when we were together, and I was able to forgive her as she was very drunk. She hasn't had the best past and we had an abortion, she was always breaking down. But the past few months had been perfect, I had helped her past all her issues, and she is completely in love with me.

The only problem is, the other night I got drunk and ended up staying with another girl. I contemplated not telling her, but this girl had links to my friendship group, and she knows I didn't stay at home. I knew that this would eventually come out, so I told her I kissed the other girl, but ended up staying on her couch, being too drunk to come home. She has been so devestated by this, crying for days and days. I don't know what to do. I love her and want to be with her but I don't think she feels the same way. I have told her she should take some time apart from me, but she wants to spend every moment with me, as she knows when shes apart she hates me.

She thinks I have done alot worse, as I stayed at the girls house, which meant I had hours to realise I had made a mistake, and because things between me and her were perfect. When she cheated she stopped within minutes and things weren't all too great. So she is worried that if when things were great between us I cheated, how can she ever keep me happy. I think she has handled things badly, but I accept I am completely in the wrong here.

Now I think if I keep playing things as they are then we can end up back together. But she says she can never trust me again and that she can never truely forgive me. I'm not sure what to think about this, as I got over her cheating on me, as I'm sure time heals everything. Would getting back into this relationship be doomed from the start, no matter how much I want it to work.

But the main problem is if we do get back together, if it came out that I hadn't stayed on the couch and had been lying to her it would crush her. I've never seen her this bad, but I am everything to her, so it would destroy her if she knew I was lying. She has said she wants to speak to the girl I cheated on her with, and I don't think this girl would lie as she was quite annoyed when she found i had a gf.

So what do people think I should do? I could try and get her back, but potentially have everything come out. This is something I would like to avoid at all costs, as I couldn't hurt her again like that. So my other option is to walk away as things are with her hurt alot but I know she can repair herself from this. If she found out the truth I don't think she ever could. So part of my thinks I should leave things as they are, as much as this would hurt me, as in the long run she will be better off.

I know I've screwed up badly, but if people could give their opinions/experiences on anything similar I'd appreciate it alot. Thanks.


Master Don Juan
Apr 17, 2006
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umm, you haven't exactly specified what you really did when you "stayed with another girl" so I guess we should just assume the worst
Mar 18, 2006
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DonShaun said:
...Then I met one girl who was different, we have been together for a year now, and things just feel right. I love her, and feel we have a future together. She kissed another guy once when we were together, and I was able to forgive her as she was very drunk. She hasn't had the best past and we had an abortion, she was always breaking down. .
Yeah, she sure was different!:rolleyes: You love her????? Get your head examined!!! Wake up kid, The Hor Matrix has you!!!

LMS to everybody on SoSuave, excuse all my misdeeds and inappropriate counsel, I was drunk! :rolleyes:


Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2002
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Drop the ego and stop trying to save the ho. I don't mean to sound blunt but I can almost assure you this girl has little to no interest in you whatsoever. Bro she cheated and you should have ended it right there. Period. No girl that loves you would ever cheat and this I can tell you from expirience. It's funny how it's worse when there's a case of bad karma on her behalf you've ended up cheating on her. Dude she just needs an excuse to execute a proper beakup with you and from your post I can sense nothing more than a really bad case of one-itis, confusion and a sense of false hope in keeping her. LMS has made a very good point. Forget about this chick and get yourself out of the hor matrix. Please do yourself that favor.


Don Juan
Jan 30, 2005
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just put yourself in her shoes. What would you want think after your girl got drunk and made out with some guy and stayed at his house?

Take a relationship break for awhile


Senior Don Juan
Apr 6, 2006
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Amsterdam, NL
She kissed another guy once when we were together, and I was able to forgive her as she was very drunk. She hasn't had the best past and we had an abortion, she was always breaking down.
Stop right there.

You're 19, move on. Plenty of time in front of you, you'll have fun with a zillion girl before you find one with some integrity, no major psychological issues and who doesn't get aborted every other month before she forgot to take the pill.

Damn a drunken messed up chick that makes out with other boys, that's who you wanted to shre the rest of your life with?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
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eh guys??? Theres woman bashing and there's woman bashing!! Do you guys get any women with an attitude like that? I know LMS is effectively trolling but the rest of you...

Kissing another guy is bad but its not the end of the world. I have 5 friends in long distance ltrs over here in America. I beleive that they all bar one have kissed another girl while over here. Its not right but it happens.

He though appears to have ****ed another girl. Thats on a whole other scale. Its not even comparable! I'd try and sweet talk the other girl into covering up for you. If you can't manage that, it'd be best to end it as (you said so yourself) she would go nuts if she found out the whole truth.
Mar 18, 2006
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vorbis said:
...Kissing another guy is bad but its not the end of the world.
You have to think further - don't look at kissing as merely two lips touching - it is much more than that!!!!

There is emotions involved and their is a mindset involved that she has allowed herself to be in a position where she will be isolated with him so that they can get romantic!! She wanted it - this is premeditated!! Hors always , I said always use the drunk excuse!! Why is she getting drunk???? In the presence of another man at that!!

We all know a kiss leads to bigger things --- if you know what I mean! :rolleyes: She probably kissed that too - considering her sordid past!!!!

Vorbis, you have to put shyt in perspective and see beyond the obvious!!!


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Last Man Standing said:
We all know a kiss leads to bigger things --- if you know what I mean! :rolleyes: She probably kissed that too - considering her sordid past!!!!
Oh brother!

Now i'm having a Dawson McAllister seminar flashback; one of those religious, teenage sex seminiars my parents made me go to 20 years ago. That guy'd have you not even touching a woman until you were married, lol.
Mar 18, 2006
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azanon said:
Oh brother!

Now i'm having a Dawson McAllister seminar flashback; one of those religious, teenage sex seminiars my parents made me go to 20 years ago. That guy'd have you not even touching a woman until you were married, lol.
Haha, upon reading it again it does sound like that:) "OK girls, close your legs and don't let a boy touch you"

But it is the truth - it has been proven a billion trillion quadzillion three hundred and fifty seven times - I just counted it!!


Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2004
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This story has some worryingly smilar parallels with what has just happened to me - I posted the 'she cheated' thread a few days ago.

Basically I'm in a long distance LTR and my girlfriend kissed another guy at the weekend.

I'm not sure whether it's worth my while staying with her or not. I'm completely torn at the moment.

The weird thing about this story is that my girlfriend swears to me after her and this guy kissed, he crashed on the couch and she crashed on the floor.

Maybe I should try and get in contact with this guy and find out the truth?

Excuse my hi-jacking of the thread.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 30, 2004
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DonShaun and Tweek - you both should dump your b1tches. Kissing another dude is disrespect at its finest. Alcohol or no alcohol. You'd have to be an idiot to think it was a once and done isolated occurrence.

Once a hor always a hor!


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Last Man Standing said:
Haha, upon reading it again it does sound like that:) "OK girls, close your legs and don't let a boy touch you"

But it is the truth - it has been proven a billion trillion quadzillion three hundred and fifty seven times - I just counted it!!
Well, Dawson agrees with you, and is making good money doing it - he has his own website.

I guess there's a place and voice for everyone in our country; including the extremists.

My thought is simple; even if you're right about most everything you say, what's your point? There are a great many things that can be done out of "the natural order of things" that are really fun despite that. Its quite logical and rational to seek pleasure and avoid pain. Just because there are possible snares along the way doesn't necessarily mean the risks aren't worth taking.
Mar 18, 2006
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azanon said:
Well, Dawson agrees with you, and is making good money doing it - he has his own website.

I guess there's a place and voice for everyone in our country; including the extremists.
Actually, my thinking has been the mainstay of all civilizations since the beginning of time --- so it is those who go against this thinking who are extremists.

Something changed forty years ago and an agenda was catapulted through the media to change this natural state! The Homo/Hor Matrix is real!!!


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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I inserted a last paragraph above I think that addresses your comment. In short, so what? Big deal. Avoid the snares, and have fun in pleasures that have seen no equal since the beginning of time.

Unless you're going to break out religious consequences which you have been so careful to not do, your argument is seriously weak.

I have a masters in Biology. I'm quite familiar with natural order. But don't take that too far. We are very much so intelligent beings as well as animal beings, and we can definitely transend instinctive programming.