love and settling down


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
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guys, when i was a newb to DJing 2 years ago. I have never even talked to a girl properly. I learnt the "moves", kino, eye contact and everything you can. I moved to a girl school where they have mixed college and settled down. Now the many DJs will tell you to "be a man", not to "fall in love". They tell you that fall in love is not right because somewhere along the line in senior high they fantasied about a cheer leader and didn't get her. Like them i went through that, got hurt and became a DJ. Its not untill last year that i realised the true meaning of DJing.
DJing shouldn't be about how many girls you can get with per night. Nor how many girls you can sleep with. I learnt to apply Djing to get the girl i want and stay with her. Trust me its much better to love, settle down that not love, master the book and random sex.
Guys, i can tell you i am a master in bed. Why, because i had so much passionate sex with just one girl that i learnt to explore their body, to sync with her. Those who have random sex cant do that. Whats more, i no that shes clean, i wont get STDs. Ever tried doing it without a condom? its great.
Lastly, the sex is so much better. The passion and the love bind us.

Make Djing skill so you can fall in love and settle down, young DJs, dont bother go for multipul girls, in the end its not fun. Love, with all your hearts, but stay on guard. And enjoy the Djing cream.

The Deacon

Senior Don Juan
Dec 26, 2007
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That's a pretty healthy way of looking at the whole concept of love. I swear some people on this site are just out for revenge on the female gender for rejecting them so much. It's not a bad thing to settle down; never was.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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at the end of the day , its whatever makes you happy. Some of us do not have a quality women on radar yet, so we make due with what we have. Playing life by ear in this regard is easier than trying to pigeon hole yourself into a particular mind set.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
sometimes what makes some ppl happy isnt right. Rape make some men happy, you telling me that the girl loves it 2? Right mind set, i agree is pre-determined sometimes by culture. But the right thing in the end of the day is-
if you want more women on your radar, try to respect them rather than be some1 who you are not. I dont mean respect biches. Respect the ones who are the best of the women and then you get the best. If you live a life of player and play with *****s. Yes you get sex. But you lose money, time and sometimes they flip and threaten your life.
Chose wisely DJs