

Don Juan
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
Well I feel pathetic posting up on boards about how to get females, but to be quite honest, I need all the help I can get. I am college student that tansfered to a new school this year and don't know ANYONE around town. I have my own apt. and cannot make friends. I do not know why because I am very pleasant, not fat, and groom well. I don't even have male friends around here.

When it comes to women, I do NOT hold any high expectations of them. Actually, I prefer the ones that are quiet, do not like attention, and careless of what other people have to say about them. Im quitting my job because I think I am depressed and cannot control a job and my school work. I am starting to do poorly in school. I just do not know what to do... I think my problem lies within socializing, which I SUCK at, I just feel uncomfortable for some reason talking to and starting conversations with people that I do not know.

I have become lazy, feel like I have not accomplished anything worth importance, and have failed twice trying to save and buy something I like.


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
Also, I have read conversation tips all over the internet and through out this site... I understand them, but cannot apply them


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Feeling pathetic for looking at a board on how to "get girls"?

Then how do you think girls feel when they read Cosmo or whatever girly magazine for tips on how to attract guys?


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
I am a 19 year old, fairly good looking male...

who is sitting at his apt. on a friday night doing nothing bored out of his mind

yea...pretty pathetic and in many peoples minds a waste of youth


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2005
Reaction score

I see this problem AGAIN and it's not just you.

You know what it is...? I'll let you take a stab at it!. You got 10 seconds to think about it alright...now GO!!!. Actually you know what it doesn't matter if you got it or not because I'm going to post about it anyways because I ain't got SH*T to do...:crackup:. aaahahahaha...I swear I'm an idiot sometimes.

Anyways the problem is that you ACTUALLY give a FAAACK!!!! what people think. Seriously that is your main problem because again you GIVE a fack what people think!!!!
. STOP that sh** right now this instant because nobody gives a fack about YOU especially a no one like you and you'll die a no one if you keep jackin off like you do all the time staying by yourself and killing your motivation. (I see you and don't even try to lie about that..you know and I know how many times you jack off in a day so stop jackin off). Why is it that you feel "weird" talking to someone you don't know...? Because you CARE what people think about you. All you have to do is talk to people, get to know them...if their not psychotic then you try to be friends with them and hang out with them it's very simple!!!!.

But since you care about what someone thinks your too busy not getting your head out of your ass. Honestly many if I were you I wouldn't try to stay so anti-social all the time because your mind has a tendency to conjure up some bizarre things when isolated. Try your best not to let that happen too much or for too long because you'll start thinking about some crazy sh** and go into a depression...(Trust me on that). You know I realized something recently and hopefully it helps you.

Anything in life requires EFFORT and for you to be your OWN true self requires taking risks, chances, & just going for it instead of letting people's opinions and criticisms wear you down instilling silly FEARS that we all tend to develop. You have to literally BLOW past that barrier and you will see a whole new WORLD that will open up to you. We all have so much potential within us but we become so complacent in our lives and just accept the fate of what ever happens...happens instead of making THINGS happen for us we just let the world decide it.

Why would you do that to yourself...? Why...? You should always have a fighting spirit because the twists and turns of life will always try to alter our fates/course that we have. You MUST overcome this stupidity!!!!. You also have to realize that their are a lot of other people in your shoes that think the same thing but are too scared to say anything to anyone but if you open them up they will admire the fact that YOU have the guts to take the initiative. Something THEY don't have!!!!. Stop these silly fears because in the long run when your an old man you don't want to look back in your life and wonder...what if..??!


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
Honestly many if I were you I wouldn't try to stay so anti-social all the time because your mind has a tendency to conjure up some bizarre things when isolated. Try your best not to let that happen too much or for too long because you'll start thinking about some crazy sh** and go into a depression...(Trust me on that).
umm...i think that stage has already begun

I appreciate your advice and I will try to act upon it asap.
The problem is I try not to care what people think, but deep down inside I really do. How can I stop this??


Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
DevanE said:
I see this problem AGAIN and it's not just you.

You know what it is...? I'll let you take a stab at it!. You got 10 seconds to think about it alright...now GO!!!. Actually you know what it doesn't matter if you got it or not because I'm going to post about it anyways because I ain't got SH*T to do...:crackup:. aaahahahaha...I swear I'm an idiot sometimes.

Anyways the problem is that you ACTUALLY give a FAAACK!!!! what people think. Seriously that is your main problem because again you GIVE a fack what people think!!!!
. STOP that sh** right now this instant because nobody gives a fack about YOU especially a no one like you and you'll die a no one if you keep jackin off like you do all the time staying by yourself and killing your motivation. (I see you and don't even try to lie about that..you know and I know how many times you jack off in a day so stop jackin off). Why is it that you feel "weird" talking to someone you don't know...? Because you CARE what people think about you. All you have to do is talk to people, get to know them...if their not psychotic then you try to be friends with them and hang out with them it's very simple!!!!.

But since you care about what someone thinks your too busy not getting your head out of your ass. Honestly many if I were you I wouldn't try to stay so anti-social all the time because your mind has a tendency to conjure up some bizarre things when isolated. Try your best not to let that happen too much or for too long because you'll start thinking about some crazy sh** and go into a depression...(Trust me on that). You know I realized something recently and hopefully it helps you.

Anything in life requires EFFORT and for you to be your OWN true self requires taking risks, chances, & just going for it instead of letting people's opinions and criticisms wear you down instilling silly FEARS that we all tend to develop. You have to literally BLOW past that barrier and you will see a whole new WORLD that will open up to you. We all have so much potential within us but we become so complacent in our lives and just accept the fate of what ever happens...happens instead of making THINGS happen for us we just let the world decide it.

Why would you do that to yourself...? Why...? You should always have a fighting spirit because the twists and turns of life will always try to alter our fates/course that we have. You MUST overcome this stupidity!!!!. You also have to realize that their are a lot of other people in your shoes that think the same thing but are too scared to say anything to anyone but if you open them up they will admire the fact that YOU have the guts to take the initiative. Something THEY don't have!!!!. Stop these silly fears because in the long run when your an old man you don't want to look back in your life and wonder...what if..??!
Great post :up:


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks Junkyard much respect!..:rockon:

Originally posted by:- partyforlife

umm...i think that stage has already begun

I appreciate your advice and I will try to act upon it asap.
The problem is I try not to care what people think, but deep down inside I really do. How can I stop this??
Not trying to rag on you but man your name is a complete irony...lol come on you know it's funny!!!. :crazy:

Alright back to your problem. The thing is that it's just something you have to conquer. Think of it like an obstacle course that is just soo daunting, so tough, so scary...but you know that if you could finish it you will have a great sense of accomplishment and imagine how good you will feel. Try to pick up some activities/hobbies besides jackin off. ;) Go to the gym. (Check the health and fitness section it's an incredible resource for information.), take up some sports, join a club...you just gotta get out their and PUSH past your comfort zone.

What it really comes down to is YOU and ONLY you. I can sit here and post all types of sh** but if you DON'T take action it's YOUR fault, it's YOUR responsibility, and most of all it's YOUR choice. Do you understand that...? What I mean is that their isn't any magic formula that can give you instant results...it's just something that requires you to PUSH the boundaries and again go past your comfort zone that you a comfortable in. See how far you can go!!!!. The world and the people in it can seem frightening but if you have a positive attitude/outlook knowing you'll be alright... it will rub off on people. So stop hoeing and just GO FOR IT!!!! :kick:


Don Juan
Jun 26, 2006
Reaction score
as for the name lol... i was NEVER like this back home, I always had a friend by my side and hanging out doing fun stuff (not necessarily too many female friends ;() but i guess moving to a new city and not knowing anyone for the first time it is a little...different for me.

Again, I appreciate all your advice and I will try to push out of my comfort zone and try new things. Ur post really gave me a little bit of confidence.


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2008
Reaction score
you can do it man. I wish i was in an enviroment where i can just "start over" just get out and start talking to random people. Eventually ull get comfortable talking to girls and things will go smooth. get out that comfort zone!!! tahts the key!!