Lost my Rents trust..and I didn't even do anything. seriously.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
This is more of a life-oriented situation.
In my life I've been caught drinking numerous times. mY dad has boguht me beer on vacations for me and my friend. My mom gets pissed..but i was only grounded the first time i got caught[in 8th grade lol].

I've been caught with chewing tobacco at school[a basketball game] and took a ttobacco awareness class n it was done with. My parents have since found oen of my tins in the house.

I've also been caught by the police for smoking weed in the wood of a neighborhood up against a wood fence u can't see through[they walked up on the other side of the fence n suprised us]. I no longer smoke weed on a regular basis[once ever 2 weeks..last time was friday though. hope they don't test me] btu i never hold onto weed or own a bowl. And I barely ever drink anymore.

Last weekend, UNKOWNINGLY my friend left his tin in my car. my dad searched the car[its actually his, since mine got wrecked by some stupid b!tch. i go to court tomorrow.] and well i got yelled at and I swore ti wasn't mine, and didn't know it was there. they believed me.
Guess what happened 5 minutes ago? I got my car taken away, I have to ride the bus, I might not get my new car. And my birthday is this week too. ****. My "friend" left his bowl in my car. he lost it one ngiht while i was DDing, we thought he left it in the party..no he dropped it in my car, under the driverside seat.
Its not even ****ing mine man. My dad is pissed cause if eh got pulled over, he would have gone to jail for possession. dude...this is so gay. I didn't nark ym friend out...but wtf.

Anyone have any tips? obviously I'm not gonna let the kid near my car ever again[if i get one..]..but sh!t man.

i'm going to sleep. any tips would be helpful


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
you'll never convince a drug-user[not an abuser] that drugs are bad.
pot has opened my eyes a lot and the deep thoughts and ideas I get have affected how I look at things and view life. But as I said, I don't use constantly anymore. infact, now i'm done for a longass time[till i move out.]

anyone with tips though?


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
yeah, tell your dad to give ME your car. I wouldn't let friends leave drugs i it:p

Drugs are bad for you, but other then that, I have no tips for you.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
First off, tell your friends to be careful and not leave sh*t in your car. Secondly, when you are the DD from now on, search your car when you get home. I always do, and I'm lucky cause I've found stuff I wouldn't have seen before.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Well, you've screwed up big-time before. You've been caught drinking, smoking, and god knows what else. From an objective point of view, this is an addictive behavior, skipping from one substance to another. Even if your friends left it in your car, it is still partially your own fault that your parents don't trust you. They've caught you messing around, and this is just another one of those times. It may not have been directly your fault, but you set yourself up for the consequences that you face now. You're lucky it was your parents and not the police, that is sh!t that you don't want to get into, believe me.



Don Juan
Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
Tell your friend to tell your parents that it was his stuff :)


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
Reaction score
hyphy bay area, ca
Have some ****in self respect and get off drugs.

Second, talk to your dad, apologize, and be a man about it. Regardless of who's sh*t it is, its your fault. So man up about it and talk to him.

kev me723

Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
You call yourselves Don Juans and all you can say is a non-uderstanding "drugs are bad" and "you make dumb choices" (by the way, studies show that weed has NO long-term effects on your brain whatsoever) It is also NON-addictive, so Pat is obviously not relying on substances, plus it's really not bad for him, except tobacco, but chew isn't really a big deal anyway. Self-respect has nothing to do with soft drugs like weed.

I am actually in a similar situation myself. I'll smoke 1-2 times a monthish, which is just for fun with my close friends pretty much. We also love to party though, so that's a pretty regular thing. Untill 2 weeks ago, that is, when my parents picked me up from my friends house at 3AM with the police and I was drunk. Sum dumbass kids were being loud and got us a noise complaint. That didn't go over too well, so I'm w/o my car too.

I'd say just make them think you are actually sorry and feel bad that you hurt them. If they think you learned a lesson, that's the sooner things will go back to normal.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
haha you guys are ****s. "get off drugs" like he's a crack addict. honestly i cant wait for the day that marijuanna is equal with alcohol, cause honestly i have regularly used both and i find marijuana to be much better for you.

and it wasnt even his.

man up and say you made a "dumb" decision (its nice to use key words like that with parents...they're kinda retarded so you need to use the stuff they hear in close minded drug campaigns) by letting ur buddy into your car and it wont happen again...or at least ask them to give u ur privliges for ur birthday.

and your dad probably wouldnt have gone to jail for having paraphanelia.

and your really sorry wink wink.


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
its straight now.
i had a talk with my dad. by "you're not driving ym car anymore." he really ment "you lose the car for one whole day." big fvckin whoop. it just so happens i have a HB giving me a ride..and a little "birthday present;) " stop at her house.

And i have no self respect? Please.
We all have fun in different ways. I don't agree with your opinions, but I'm not gonan tlel u ur a fvck up.
mutual respect please.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by kev me723
You call yourselves Don Juans and all you can say is a non-uderstanding "drugs are bad" and "you make dumb choices" (by the way, studies show that weed has NO long-term effects on your brain whatsoever) It is also NON-addictive, so Pat is obviously not relying on substances, plus it's really not bad for him, except tobacco, but chew isn't really a big deal anyway. Self-respect has nothing to do with soft drugs like weed.
Well, I'm with you all the way when you say people on here shouldn't be telling others they're dumb for smoking pot or drinking (hard drugs are a different story though), but not all your facts are correct. First off, there aren't any studies that show that weed has no long term effects. There aren't any studies that show it DOES have long term effects, but there's none that say it doesn't. What one knowledgeable about pot can tell you though is that there aren't any long term effects to recreational use, but if one uses daily for several years, you're gonna notice a difference.

Secondly, while for the large majority pot is not an addictive drug, for some it can be profoundly addictive. Some will argue that there are no addictive properties in marijuana, which is true, and that any addiction to it is all mental. Well, that doesn't matter much because an addiction is still an addiction. Granted, an addiction to pot is nowhere near as bad as an addiction to harder drugs because the negative effects of pot are all relatively minor.

And chewing tobacco is bad for you, just like cigarettes. You can get jaw cancer very easily.

But yes, in general pot and alcohol are not a big deal at all when used in moderation. Though I don't smoke, I personally drink most weekends and I always keep myself in control (never get black-out drunk, never drink and drive or ride with anyone that has drank).


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
Originally posted by kev me723
You call yourselves Don Juans and all you can say is a non-uderstanding "drugs are bad" and "you make dumb choices" (by the way, studies show that weed has NO long-term effects on your brain whatsoever) It is also NON-addictive, so Pat is obviously not relying on substances, plus it's really not bad for him, except tobacco, but chew isn't really a big deal anyway. Self-respect has nothing to do with soft drugs like weed.

I am actually in a similar situation myself. I'll smoke 1-2 times a monthish, which is just for fun with my close friends pretty much. We also love to party though, so that's a pretty regular thing. Untill 2 weeks ago, that is, when my parents picked me up from my friends house at 3AM with the police and I was drunk. Sum dumbass kids were being loud and got us a noise complaint. That didn't go over too well, so I'm w/o my car too.

I'd say just make them think you are actually sorry and feel bad that you hurt them. If they think you learned a lesson, that's the sooner things will go back to normal.
What family guy says is true mostly, but kev, another thing is Marijuana can often act as a gateway drug. I live in Ecuador and see it happen all the time. Drugs are bad for you, And I would like you to show me one honest and reliable article that say its isn't(except for the medical marajuana, and that is depbatable as well).


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by wavejams007
What family guy says is true mostly, but kev, another thing is Marijuana can often act as a gateway drug. I live in Ecuador and see it happen all the time. Drugs are bad for you, And I would like you to show me one honest and reliable article that say its isn't(except for the medical marajuana, and that is depbatable as well).
I dunno, I think the whole "gateway drug" thing is kinda BS. I feel like the people that go beyond marijuana and into harder drugs would do it anyways. They didn't get into the harder drugs because they smoked marijuana first. Marijuana is basically just the "lightest" drug out there so everyone that gets into drugs does it first. Most people stop there, but some go further. They don't go further because they tried marijuana, they go further because they want to explore. If cocaine was the "lightest" drug that would be seen as a gateway drug. I don't think marijuana is much more of a gateway to harder drugs than not doing any drugs is a gateway to doing marijuana.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
I just say this because I know some ex-addicts that have told me of this gateway thing. They originally just wnated a little more of a high, and escalated the drugs. I have seen friends and other people get hooked on harder drugs after starting out with MJ. This is just my personal experience though. You can choose to deem it as BS. Some deem the haulocost as BS too...


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
Originally posted by wavejams007
I just say this because I know some ex-addicts that have told me of this gateway thing. They originally just wnated a little more of a high, and escalated the drugs. I have seen friends and other people get hooked on harder drugs after starting out with MJ. This is just my personal experience though. You can choose to deem it as BS. Some deem the haulocost as BS too...
haha some people called the haulocost BS so we can use that as an argument for anything people call BS.

listen, i do a variety of drugs. my first was nicotine as it is the true "gateway drug" if there is such a thing. then i drank. then i smoked pot. then i did pharms. then i did cocaine. then i realized cocaine is bad and stopped. then i cut down on pharms. and i havent smoked in a while.

i've been through that all (plus a bunch of other things but those are the main points) and i realize that if cocaine happened to be the lightest drug, i would have done that first. but instead it was alcohol. so i would call that my gateway drug, if that exists.


Master Don Juan
Feb 2, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by wavejams007
I just say this because I know some ex-addicts that have told me of this gateway thing. They originally just wnated a little more of a high, and escalated the drugs. I have seen friends and other people get hooked on harder drugs after starting out with MJ. This is just my personal experience though. You can choose to deem it as BS. Some deem the haulocost as BS too...
Yeah I know they start out on pot and that they go farther because they want more of a high. But what I'm saying is that pot itself doesn't necessarily make you further into heavy drugs. It's not a "gateway" drug because it doesn't automatically make you get into harder drugs. The people that go into harder drugs would get into harder drugs regardless of which one they started first. So it's not marijuana specifically that is a gateway drug. The only way it could be considered one is because it's the first drug most people try. But that's not what people mean when they call it a gateway drug. They think that marijuana almost pushes people to do harder drugs.

Now, it's true that people get into hard drugs because marijuana doesn't give them as good of a high after a while. People that smoke a ton of pot eventually don't get as good of a high from it, so some will go to something harder. However, that's how ALL drugs are. After a while your body gets used to the drug and you need to move onto something else. To people that don't have addictive personalities and use marijuana recreationally don't have this as a problem and aren't likely to get into anything heavier anyways. It's the people that have addictive personalities or live in bad environments that will go further, but like I said, they aren't going further because of the marijuana. They're going further because marijuana was their first drug to use and it wasn't doing it for them anymore. They would be getting into harder stuff regardless of what they tried first.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
You problem is your fukin friends. They keep gettin you in trouble.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
florida baby
Originally posted by familyguyfan
Now, it's true that people get into hard drugs because marijuana doesn't give them as good of a high after a while. People that smoke a ton of pot eventually don't get as good of a high from it, so some will go to something harder. However, that's how ALL drugs are. After a while your body gets used to the drug and you need to move onto something else. To people that don't have addictive personalities and use marijuana recreationally don't have this as a problem and aren't likely to get into anything heavier anyways. It's the people that have addictive personalities or live in bad environments that will go further, but like I said, they aren't going further because of the marijuana. They're going further because marijuana was their first drug to use and it wasn't doing it for them anymore. They would be getting into harder stuff regardless of what they tried first.
i know people who have smoked pot for 35 years and havent lost the feeling. its just tolerance and that evens out.

im recalling a famous quote..."i remember snorting cocaine at age 15 because i was told that pot would kill me"

reefer madness

kev me723

Don Juan
Apr 1, 2005
Reaction score
part of an article titled "Pot Doesn't Cause Permanent Brain Damage" from http://alcoholism.about.com/cs/pot/a/blucsd030628.htm

An analysis of research studies with long-term, recreational users of marijuana has failed to reveal a substantial, systematic effect on the neurocognitive functioning of users. According to researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine, the only deleterious side effect found was a minimal malfunction in the domains of learning and forgetting.
The findings were particularly significant considering the movement by several states to make cannabis (marijuana) available as a medicinal drug, and questions regarding its potential toxicity over long-term usage.

Published in the July issue of the Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, the study involved a quantitative synthesis of 15 previously published research studies on the non-acute (residual) effects of cannabis on the neurocognitive performance of adult human subjects.

The studies included 704 long-term cannabis users and 484 non-users. The neurocognitive performance measurements included simple reaction time, attention, verbal/language, abstraction/executive functioning, perceptual/motor skills, motor skills, learning and forgetting.

"Surprisingly, we saw very little evidence of deleterious effects. The only exception was a very small effect in learning new information," said Igor Grant, M.D., the study's senior author, a UCSD professor of psychiatry, and director of the Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research (CMCR), a collaborative, state-supported program between UCSD and UC San Francisco, that oversees 11 studies of the safety and efficacy of medicinal cannabis to treat certain diseases.

In describing the negative effects in the study, the research team said the problems observed in learning and forgetting suggest that chronic long-term cannabis use results in selective memory defects. They added that "while the results are compatible with this conclusion, the effected size for both domains was of a very small magnitude."

Here's more from http://www.mentalhealth.com/book/p45-mari.html

Q: What are the long-term effects of marijuana use?
A: Findings so far show that regular use of marijuana or THC may play a role in some kinds of cancer and in problems with the respiratory, immune, and reproductive systems.

Cancer - It's hard to know for sure whether regular marijuana use causes cancer. But is known that marijuana smoke contains some of the same, and sometimes even more, of the cancer-causing chemicals as tobacco smoke. Studies show that someone who smokes five joints per week may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day.
Lungs and airways - People who smoke marijuana often tend to develop the same kinds of breathing problems that cigarette smokers have. They suffer frequent coughing, phlegm production, and wheezing, and they tend to have more chest colds than non-users.
Immune system - Animal studies have found that THC can damage the cells and tissues that help protect people from disease.
Reproductive system - Heavy use of marijuana can affect both male and female hormones. Young men could have delayed puberty because of THC effects. Young women may find the drug disturbs their monthly cycle (ovulation and menstrual periods)

Notice that all of these are related to the respiratory system, except the last one, which only applies to very young people. Like I said in my last post,

(by the way, studies show that weed has NO long-term effects on your brain whatsoever)
And, shown here, there are no effects on the brain. The reason smoking weed is bad for you is because you are inhaling smoke. If you smoke tobacco, you are getting smoke that is just as bad, if not worse. I'm not saying it's good for you to smoke every day of your life. But I looked it up a long time ago and I'm really not worried. Plus from experience as far as short-term, I have found that I am MUCH more in control of myself when I'm high than when I'm drunk.

But either way, it's a personal choice that I can respect as long as nobody is discriminating.