Lost all my girls friends in one day…at work??? Need help quick…!


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
OK guys here is the dirt.. I have 4 friends (Girls) that I work with. One of them I was actually interested in, but she is an attention w***re.. So I do the opposite to get her attention.. Everything seemed good until I asked her out and she rejected me.. No big deal. I left it alone because I know she is playing hard to get.. Last Saturday, me and my bud went clubbing after work. We hooked up at work. When I got to my work there was one of the HR (human resource) chicks waiting with my bud… She asked if she could go clubbing with us.. I was a bit hesitant because I knew she is a big *****. She has literally F****D almost every guy at my work. The HR ***** as been trying to get to my gorilla meat for a long time. She has literally asked me out everyday. I made it clear before we left that we were going out as friends. Once we agreed, us 3 left clubbing.

We actually had an awesome time! Me and my bud were macking all the chicks. All 3 of us walked away with chick’s phone number.. Yeah she got one too, actually, she got laid by some chick in the bathroom lol… Yeah she is a big *****..! LOL. On our way home the HR wh*rE was completely drunk. She jumps in the front seat with me, took off her shirt and beg me to F**K her while my friend was driving..! This girl was soo out of control, she sat on my lap the entire way home butt naked! My friend almost wrecked 8 times in less of a mile stretch because of this who*e trying to F**K me… Here is the kicker…
I didn’t even lay a finger on her…! I knew if I touch her that my job and reputation could be on the line…! So we all agreed upon what ever happened in the car, stays in the car! Right..? Wrong..! Get this… Today during my lunch break. My 4 friends call me on my work phone all pissed… So I asked them what gives..? They told me that they heard a rumor that I fu***d the HR wh**e…! I was like “WTF..?” I told them nothing happened and not to believe rumors..! You all know how girls are… They didn’t believe me.. So now they are not talking to me..! They are giving me the silent treatment..! LMAO.. actually is not funny… I actually liked these chicks. They are good people and cute too..!

Apparently there was more feelings involved in this friendship that I was even aware off? There is no other reason why they would be pissed at me.. right..?

So game plan… I don’t want to come crawling on my knees asking for forgiveness for something I didn’t even do… I was thinking of riding this out till next week on Monday to attempt to rationalize with them… Give them time to cool off…

What you all think…? Need all DJs on this one..!


Don Juan
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
Chicago burbs
This is why you don't **** with chicks at work, or so I've been told.


Master Don Juan
Feb 11, 2004
Reaction score
ahahhaha that was the funniest story i've heard so far.

a slut ***** has turned you into a man***** in the eyes of others..hah

thats why relationships are never supposed to exist in the workplace in the first place. ppl start spreading rumors and u get ****ed and labeled as a man***** until u quit and start your game at some other workplace. :p

if those chicks arent really your friends just screw em and go about your own business, work is work. you're there to earn money and make bucks.

most co-worker situations is they talk to u in the workplace, but outside they wouldnt, or dont have much to say.

if they are your friends, just let a few weeks pass by, it'll be old news by then and back to the "before the rummor" **** happened.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Here's a tip.

If you didn't do anything wrong, don't apologize, and don't act like you did something bad. Go around acting as if nothing is wrong, and as if you didn't do anything bad. Don't apologize to these so called friends of yours, they're not your friends. Friends don't jump to conclusions about their friends. If they were really friends, they would have talked to you and heard your side of the story first. They didn't, so f*ck them.

Go about your business, and ignore them all, until they come talk to you.

And for future reference, don't sh!t where you eat.


Don Juan
Nov 3, 2004
Reaction score
Damn... you guys are really serious about not dating chicks are work heh???? Damn... that is too bad.. I had i high hopes for these chicks...

I will ignore them until the come talking to me... That is what i was thinking of doing anyways...


Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
first stop asking girls out unless you looking for a wife. ask them to come chill at your house and watch a movie. or listen to cds or meet for cofee, go window shopping. Anything but asking them out. Asking a girl on a date is losing. she knows you want her and are willing to spend money. Why **** you?

second why do you care about what some hos think about you at work.

GFTOW(go **** ten other women)

Blue Phoenix

Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
Another Dimension
You're under attack!


You're in a very messed up situation. Did I see "attention wh0re" in your post? :eek:

She jumps in the front seat with me, took off her shirt and beg me to F**K her while my friend was driving..! Later they told me that they heard a rumor that I fu***d the HR wh**e…! I was like “WTF..?”
She hits on you then later she plays dumb and claims you were hitting on her! VERY typical!

Man, those girls can transform the whole workplace in a field of battle, with YOU being the "responsible" for that! I have seen similar cases!!!

What the hoe is doing is easy to know. Probably she's controlling your co-workers perceptions and placing them against you.

You pissed her off, now she'll try to throw you down with her passive-aggressive attacks! Actually there's not much you can do. The bad thing about this whole situation is that people will really believe in her!

She wants you to loose your cool! DON'T LOOSE IT!! Dont say a word. Keep on with your life, and if your "friends" are on her side, let them go.

Have friends that are not her friends, that's the wisest thing to do!
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