Lost a FB, Did I do the right thing?


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Last year I hooked up with this girl and I was supposed to meet up with her again this year to go backpacking in asia. For a long time her interest level looked high, but last week we had this conversation on facebook.com.

She was asking what my plans are and I told her. I sent some short messages because I was stressed out about some unrelated things, and didn't really feel like talking to anyone. She kept asking me about my plans. I told her some of them and that I was stressed out from some stuff at home.

This is where it got really weird and insulting to me. I sent a message to her telling her that I had just got home from my friend's FUNERAL, and she replies about how she met some korean guy and that she now in a relationship with him, so we can't meet to go backpacking.

I replied: "Ok, have fun. Bye."

She shot back a message that said this is just how she is and she is just following her feelings. Then another one about how she doesn't like to be spoken rudely to. Then blocked me.

This doesn't bother me as much as it might have a few years ago, and I think that compared all the crazy **** that has happened in my life this year, (haven't got laid, broke my hand, got fat, broke a family airloom, knew 3 people that died on seperate occasions) compared to all that, this one rejection/flake-out, barely registers on the I-give-a-crap-o-meter.

I am a tad dissappointed though, but I think that is natural. But sometimes I start to think that the only women I could ever be with are the ones that are completely bat-**** crazy.

I've never delt with this kind of response, where I open up a little bit with a totally legit reason, and it gets thrown back into my face. Lesson learned, never tell women anything. Time to find some more fish in the sea.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Boy,talk about having a tough year. And this girl you were seeing has perfect timing. Right when you were having a low point in your life (the funeral),she comes and throws salt in your wounds by telling you she has starting seeing someone else. So you were wondering if you did the right thing. I think so. Anything you did that caused her to be out of your life was a good move in my opinion. Some guys might say that since that two of you weren't dating/boyfriend and girlfriend and only "hooking up" from time to time that you probably shouldn't look to her for a little emotional support during hard times,but come on. To me,it isn't a issue of a girlfriend supporting her boyfriend,it just having some compassion for a fellow human being.

If you can get support and encouragement from a forum full of anonymus guys using surnames when your feeling down,shouldn't you be able to get it from a girl with whom you had sex with even if she's "technically" not your girlfriend?

But back to your question. Yes,you did the right thing.


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2006
Reaction score
Update: I just got this email from her appologizing to me.

Hi SharinganUser

I really really want to say sorry 4 my words,I take all back,hope U can try 2 forget that. I am too controless sometimes, its my prob. I know. I'm back home already 2 weeks. Working again. And preparing an exam for my new job direction.

The whole November believe me,it was just mess after mess,pretty stressed,confused all by the tipical traditional korean culture. So means the whole time actually was all around the culture,instead of,just troubles one after one..........I didnt feel good the whole time, maybe just the beginning...........So when I saw ur msg,like have fun......... I just feel ****, I felt U thought I was just like a ****ing around or spread love passions all over around.................thats what I felt at that moment, so thats why I said that **** 2 U back.........still,I feel very sorry abt that.

Really........sorry I must say, during the whole travelling plans, it has been time by time sth happened, but which I took the step 2 try sth which was really pretty challenging...........cause originally I didnt expect and want anything happen during the time I m still not finishing my travel plans,so even sometimes, I might meet someone I really like or got feelings,I have 2 leave it,or sometimes needed 2 say hard like No.... I finished my programm this yr, money is totally over.

Even I feel suck being back home.........too different ,but I do need 2 b regular and normal 2 make living probablly 4 the next run. Still want 2 tell sth more, the korean people I had was really basically very nice, and also I never had a relationship or anything deeper,closer with any asian man,like from 2 sides .......So I was feeling the ever special than ever, also the time was right, nov. and dec. my flight..........so,thats how it happened. now still it s back to an empty paper again...cause by the culture crash, too different........ I m not expecting any relationship at the moment, I just want to work, and save money, then I can travel again.

U r really a nice person, U deserve to have someone. I checked ur facebook account, pretty sure U blocked me out, so I sincerely pls U that forgive me and add me on again. if U have a Chinese mobile nr. let me know, I got credit 2 call U back by skype. Really hope U write me back soon. Nadine

Should I respond to this? How should I handle this???