losing weight too fast = new wardrobe?


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2006
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in the past few years i gained a lot of weight, from 150lbs in high school to 165lbs to eventually 200 lbs at the end of 2007 with over 20% bf.

now i'm around 158 lbs.. with around 14% body fat. i'm 21 and 5'11.

i use to wear 34'' jeans.... i just bought two pairs of designer jeans last week, 32'' and 31''. total cost $450. this week i lost another 4 lbs and those jeans i bought last week are a little looser (im pretty sure i can fit in one, one size less). i'm losing weight fast from my abs area, slower around the butt/thighs/ face ... i have pretty big leg muscles...

im worried in a few weeks those jeans might not fit anymore. i still have a chance to return them now. what should i do? i can't really put off buying jeans because i really have nothing to wear.
i have a 1500 calorie diet + workouts 3 times a week and lots of walking the other days.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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Why would you spend $450 on two pairs of jeans? Obviously money isnt an issue since youre droppin fat stacks.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2006
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WTF where did you get those jeans from? It had to be Express or in a store at the mall.......

Did you take anything while you were gaining?


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
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New Jersey
Start eating and putting muscle on. $450??? Goood lord...i impress with $50 jeans. Why so much?

Whats your diet look like?


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
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ProDJ26 said:
WTF where did you get those jeans from? It had to be Express or in a store at the mall.......

Did you take anything while you were gaining?

Last I knew jeans at Express wouldnt come to 450 for two pairs. This must be like the 7 For All Mankind type jeans. Which if you can afford a pair of 200 dollar jeans, I want to know what you do for a living.


Don Juan
Feb 3, 2006
Reaction score
they are designer jeans made by A/X and true religion.

I don't want huge muscles. Just some toning and definition. I'm asian, and asian girls here don't like guys with huge muscles, as strange as it sounds. Whats a good weight to stop cutting and maintain the weight while toning? when gaining muscle, will it affect your waist size for jeans? (increase, or muscle go to arms/back without waist increasing?)

the biggest changes i made are to stop eating those subway sandwiches for lunch, and stop eating too much late at night.
morning : 350 calories of soybeans. sometimes add soy milk.
afternoon (M,W,F): 330 calorie of lean body hi protein meal after workout
afternoon (T, Th): 600-800 calories of sushi/sashimi. the non americanized healthy type. walk 45 minutes on these days.
dinner: (m,w,f): togos salad (300 cal) + soup (250 cal) (i don't rec'd this soup, it is total crap, but i have yet to find a good alternative)
dinner (T, Th): fruits (~ 400 cal)

weekends i eat real food, wide variety. same breakfast, huge lunch, no dinner.

a few hundred here and there adds up.
use to play poker, now trade stocks fulltime. i sit in front of the computer all day, certainly an easy way to get fat.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2007
Reaction score
New Jersey
"they are designer jeans made by A/X and true religion.

I don't want huge muscles. Just some toning and definition. I'm asian, and asian girls here don't like guys with huge muscles, as strange as it sounds. Whats a good weight to stop cutting and maintain the weight while toning? when gaining muscle, will it affect your waist size for jeans? (increase, or muscle go to arms/back without waist increasing?)"

It takes years to get HUGE MUSCLES...don't worry, it won't happen overnight i promise. But if you want to tone and define, and fit in the those jeans you need more muscle. thats obvious. Don't ask us what is a good weight dood, you are going to have to decide for yourself when you look at yourself in the mirror. PLUS, i want to reiterate again and say, scale weight means bull when trying to be happy with yourself.

And Yes...it will affect waist size as you increase in muscles in certain areas

"the biggest changes i made are to stop eating those subway sandwiches for lunch, and stop eating too much late at night."

There is absolutely nothing wrong with a subway sandwich on wholewheat with double meat during lunch...especially at your weight IMO

morning : 350 calories of soybeans. sometimes add soy milk.
afternoon (M,W,F): 330 calorie of lean body hi protein meal after workout
afternoon (T, Th): 600-800 calories of sushi/sashimi. the non americanized healthy type. walk 45 minutes on these days.
dinner: (m,w,f): togos salad (300 cal) + soup (250 cal) (i don't rec'd this soup, it is total crap, but i have yet to find a good alternative)
dinner (T, Th): fruits (~ 400 cal)

weekends i eat real food, wide variety. same breakfast, huge lunch..."

maybe you should eat 'real food' everyday. IDK what you mean here.

"no dinner"

Looking at your diet i can tell you two things...

1- those jeans will eventually be unwearable
2- You will keep losing weight as in muscle and fat meaning new $450 jeans need to be bought

So the question is are you serious about this? Do you really want to start eating right, gaining muscle, and losing fat? Or do you want to keep doing this? Because we here at H&F can help you :D
