Losing control/Tweaking appearance.. need help


Don Juan
Jan 28, 2005
Reaction score
There's this girl thats a couple years younger than me that I went to high school with. I like her a lot, she's not superficial like lots of other hot women, and I can generally say whatever I want when I'm with her. She just broke up with her boyfriend and I invited her to a party at my place. I was flirting raelly well with her, and she flirted back quite a bit, but I think she probably just likes flirting. I even was flirting with othre women right in front of her but she didn't seem to care. I think she see's me as a non-guy(bare with me). In other words she doesn't see me as a relationship guy, because she thinks i am probalby a lonre or something. Which I have been for a long time.

I know you guys always say never give your power away and tell them you like them, but how else can I get her to see me in a new light? Or does anyone have a few things I could do to try and get her more attracted to me? I am thinking about actually telling her a little of my feelings just because she doesn't get htis much attention from guys normally. I think that super attractive women would run from that, but not ones that don't get that kind of **** all the time. Anwyays, comments would be appreciated.