Lose your man boobs and belly fat here.


Don Juan
Mar 24, 2006
Reaction score
This may have been posted somewhere before, but i dont feel like looking so ill post what i know on getting a great core.

If you have the access to a swimming pool, swim for about 20 - 30 minutes before performing the following:

Get an exercise ball (You know them big blue round ones) and lay your back on it and do crunches in a circular motion going from left to right. Do that 10 times.. and as you hit 10.. do it 10 times going the other direction.

Make sure you never rest your abs while perfoming the reps.. keep them tense.

Do 5 sets.

Between each set grab lightweight dumbells ( i use 25lb each bumbell) and do 3 exercises with them. Anything you want.

I do:

10 reps of butterflys lying on the bench
10 reps of military press standing up
20 reps of bench press with the dumbells

I guarantee you will see great results in your core within a couple of weeks.

Also, realize this shouldn't only be the exercise for your upper body.. i just do those sets to 'feel the burn' and plus, shows great definition.

It will also cure your man tits. Did mine.



Don Juan
Jun 20, 2006
Reaction score
hey whatdude, i got one of those balls, do a bit of that myself, but not that style, might give ur way a try though.

just wondering if u had the chart that comes with some of the balls, cause the one i bought didn't have the chart at all.


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2006
Reaction score
as long as you are steadily losing body-fat from diet and excercise, you will be losing 'man-boobs and belly fat'

on another note, 'spot reduction' doesnt work, so make sure to work on your diet and excericse which is the most important things if you want to lose fat.