Looks......Yes they matter but how much does it matter


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
I see some looks threads again and i really don't know why people say looks don't matter. I dont talk about me because im not full of myself however, yes i am good looking with the body to go with it. When i go out i get checked out a lot, girls approach me directly or indirectly, numbers, hook ups etc... On the other hand it can also be a bit tough depending on the certain girls experience with good looking guys. You already know the deal (they assume your a "player" or full of yourself.. etc) Anyway the point is Looks do matter but depending on what your motives are it can help or hurt you. As a good looking man, your expected to work harder meaning its expected of you to be confident, exciting all the time, great in bed, always upbeat and so on. I have female friends that say the most shallow sh*t it would make your head spin. Girls walking with their boyfriends or husbands and smile at me or stare at me while holding on to their man, what sweet little angels, huh?. Overall Looks matter at the start, from there you have to keep her interested or else you get thrown into the pile of "he was hot but not relationship material". Anyway, maybe this was pointless post but im just saying from first hand experience girls (atleast at the start) want the Hot Sexy guy if they can get him and stomp over the "ugly, average" guy. Look at this video below, look how crazy these girls go over this sh*t. And another thing, Muscles help a lot. When women initiate Kino with me, they usually touch my chest or my bicep or slide their hand down my back. some make comments about my body some dont but what matters is that their hands are on me lol


Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
You get a 10 for the bragging but a 4 for introducing the discussion.

What is exactly the point which we should discuss about?

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I'd argue that if you're not good looking, then women if they even give you a chance expect or demand you to be even more confident, more exciting all the time, better in bed, more upbeat. Not just to compensate for not being as good looking but because everything you do is interpreted and framed more negatively.

How confident, exciting, upbeat and even good in bed is really just subjective based on the attractiveness. And you're certainly not going to get far with women lacking in those area if you're not good looking just because you met her lower expectations of a less attractive man. No, you're going to be facing the almost impossible task of convince her that you're not lacking in other areas besides your looks.

This game is almost all about looks, assuming you are anywhere near normal not completely depressed, shy and introverted. even then looks can only help.


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
The most attractive assets that do the most help are your muscles and your money. The more of this you have, the less work you have to do. If a woman finds you unattractive, she'll label everything you say and do as such.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
New York City
There is one side of the curtain that good looking guys get to see and thats the dark side of women. Ill give a few examples here. One night i felt like getting a BJ lol so i hit one of me female friends up and chat her up a bit, I hinted that i want to come over and she kind of sighs and says let me call you back. She calls me back and says you really coming over? i said why? whats wrong? She then tells me "oh because my guy friend wanted to take me out but i told him i wasnt feeling good" Come to find out the guy drove an hour to her house and was outside waiting for her while shes on the phone with me asking if i wanted to come over. I called her out on it and said "WTF he drove an hour, go out there and atleast talk to him" She refused and I asked if she was really going to let him stay out there, she says "He'll get over it, He's not that attractive anyway" incredible right? And this is one of those supposedly "sweet" girls.

Another time i was at a BBQ with one of my friends at his GF's house. One of her female friends with some beautiful titz was there and another female friend with her BF. I walked in and i right away started putting in work with the big titz girl (I knew she kinda of liked me anyway) so the other girl with the bf starts glancing over at me and the other girl giggling laughing and eventually make out. As the day went on.. the other girl with the BF started acting b*tchy to her BF. In my mind im like wtf is wrong with her. They were all in the kitchen, and i over heard the gf with the bf say in a low voice,..."my bf doesnt act all over me like in2thegame does with *female friend*) Later on my best friend laughs and tells me "Yo i heard you make some people mad* the overall point,... The girl with the bf was very jealous that her friend gets to mess around with the good looking guy and she cant but who cares!? you have your BF that you love so much right next to you?...:rolleyes:

Females are very jealous and shallow but my point is if your good looking you can have an effect on other peoples relationships without really knowing what you did and on top of that, BF's and husbands will no doubt keep an eye on you if they feel threatened. People will make assumptions about you. you will get C*ckblocked from getting to know someone that you may click very well with. like my last post, your expected to be upbeat at all times, Expected to make all the moves.

Theres a lot more bad stories but overall many men dont trust women as it is, its much worse when you see how woman can get and act when your exposed to the other side.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
You have a point there. People will be jealous of your looks. Men whether they admit it or not or even consciously are aware of it, no that women will always have their eyes on the better looking guy and that most womena re not loyal at all.

Part of it is a lot of good looking men abuse their looks power, accepting women that they don't even really want just to out do another guy.

Also people are more likely to assume you're stuck up if you're a good looking guy and you don't act friendly. They'll resent you and fabricate all kinds of things that must be wrong with you for not being friendly to them to protect their ego.

But still less attractive guys get treated worse overall by women and men both.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
woe is the plight of the single attractive male! How hard it must be for you to get women, oh zeus of modern times! Grow up dude. Everyone gets talked about to some extent. Let's make our reports more about how to improve game instead of shameless self-promotion.



Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2012
Reaction score
Not true that the good looking guys get treated better, well maybe the really great looking guys with great bodies. But I am good looking, and girls treated me like crap when I was shy and a bit of a weirdo. True some girls might have treated me better because of my looks but that doesn't happen as often as you might think.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
In2theGame said:
I see some looks threads again and i really don't know why people say looks don't matter. I dont talk about me because im not full of myself however, yes i am good looking with the body to go with it. When i go out i get checked out a lot, girls approach me directly or indirectly, numbers, hook ups etc... On the other hand it can also be a bit tough depending on the certain girls experience with good looking guys. You already know the deal (they assume your a "player" or full of yourself.. etc) Anyway the point is Looks do matter but depending on what your motives are it can help or hurt you. As a good looking man, your expected to work harder meaning its expected of you to be confident, exciting all the time, great in bed, always upbeat and so on. I have female friends that say the most shallow sh*t it would make your head spin. Girls walking with their boyfriends or husbands and smile at me or stare at me while holding on to their man, what sweet little angels, huh?. Overall Looks matter at the start, from there you have to keep her interested or else you get thrown into the pile of "he was hot but not relationship material". Anyway, maybe this was pointless post but im just saying from first hand experience girls (atleast at the start) want the Hot Sexy guy if they can get him and stomp over the "ugly, average" guy. Look at this video below, look how crazy these girls go over this sh*t. And another thing, Muscles help a lot. When women initiate Kino with me, they usually touch my chest or my bicep or slide their hand down my back. some make comments about my body some dont but what matters is that their hands are on me lol

not sure


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
Thank you to the OP for providing nothing constructive or helpful to the forum with this thread other than to make a brag post.

thanks, your bragging has really helped....NOT


New Member
Oct 24, 2012
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Guys that think looks don't matter.... don't go out on a regular basis.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Afroo said:
Guys that think looks don't matter.... don't go out on a regular basis.
Agreed. I always lose out to guys who are taller than me and I'm not an ugly guy, but at 5'8, I'm generally considered short.

Still, I don't think looks are the end all be all of attraction. You just gotta have SOMETHING going for you that makes you stand out above most guys. Either be a VERY socially aware/influential, a millionaire, look really good, or be the best at whatever it is you do.


New Member
Oct 24, 2012
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bish0p said:
Agreed. I always lose out to guys who are taller than me and I'm not an ugly guy, but at 5'8, I'm generally considered short.

Still, I don't think looks are the end all be all of attraction. You just gotta have SOMETHING going for you that makes you stand out above most guys. Either be a VERY socially aware/influential, a millionaire, look really good, or be the best at whatever it is you do.
It's all about finding the right target.... Open, if the set doesn't hook leave... rinse and repeat, till you find someone who is into you.

Women have types just like we do, rarely do they, sway from them.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 1, 2009
Reaction score
Afroo said:
It's all about finding the right target.... Open, if the set doesn't hook leave... rinse and repeat, till you find someone who is into you.

Women have types just like we do, rarely do they, sway from them.
Yeah, that's the numbers game. Still, as human beings, we like to control our environment and we will take any chance at increasing the odds of success in any endeavor we embark on.

Ultimately, if you have something of value such as money, looks, social status, etc, your odds will dramatically increase in the dating game.

For me, I've used my looks for getting women, having an attractive face and body made getting the type of girls I wanted much easier. Now, I don't work out anymore and I've lost all of my muscle, so I don't get nearly the attention that I was getting. So, in my experience, yes looks do matter and can be a sole determiner in whether you have a dating life or not.

To put it in even more simpler terms, you have to be cooler than the girls you're going after.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
If we all got paid to work out 8 hrs a day we'd look like that too.. But that's not reality.. and the world isn't what it is today from guys walking around shirtless with muscles.. I hate the media.


Don Juan
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
The most attractive assets that do the most help are your muscles and your money. The more of this you have, the less work you have to do. If a woman finds you unattractive, she'll label everything you say and do as such.
I disagree. I was jobjess and only 125-130. No muscle at all. I was able to get girls from 7+.

I.E: I took her to a casino and we walked around and couple old men were hating saying is she blind, why is a beautiful girl like her with me. I just laughed it off.

It's all about how you carry yourself. Not to brag but I do have the looks, been hit on by teachers, young to old women. The only thing I dont got are money and muscle.

The most attractive assets are imo.

PERSONALITY AND LOOKS. I dont care what anybody else say. If you got those two and no muscle or money, they will not leave you. You have to be able to talk to them though. Not that many guys can do.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
I want to perform an exercise.

as some of you know i own/run a web development company.

I am going to show you 5 websites over the last 5 years that we have programmed. I want you to look at the sites for no more than 5 seconds and i want you to make a judgement on which is the most complex to program:

Site 1: http://adyok.com/17181/intro

Site 2: http://www.recruitlook.com

Site 3: http://adyok.com/18005/main.php

Site 4: http://adyok.com/pivonote

Site 5: http://adyok.com/bret (this isn't done but best serves the purpose of the post)

I know already which sites you are thinking either one of the 2. either site 1 or site 4. This is what I do everyday I know how clients react to certain sites.

And while neither of the 2 were easy to program, in particular the Japanese adult site, that client was the worst client i have ever had in my life on top of the site itself just being ****ing complex... neither of them come freaking close to being as complex as the recruit look college recruiting site. not even remotely close. To date that's the only project I have taken and half way through had second thoughts about could we honestly do it or not.

first, the site has 75 databases. seventy ****ing five. To put that in perspective, the adult site has I think about 21-22, the music social networking site has 9. The other adult site only has 7 because of the way the site is setup with the merchant hosting the client information or what not. 75 lol. For each job for each programmer I compline a checklist of what has to be done for the work. most are a half a page long, on a daily basis this would be 4-5 pages. The custom built search engine the site has alone took 2 weeks. Mind boggling ****. Once we completed this site i knew there wasn't anything we couldn't do.

That however is just half the battle. that's not even what makes it so hard. what makes it really hard is that the site is programmed in cake php which is regular php on steriods. not a lot of guys know cake PHP which means trouble shooting the work is a *****, and things you expect to work a certain way in php don't necessairly work that way in cake php. but beucase of the database issues the site has, cake php was the only viable option

now, i don't make this post to brag or whatever, i wanted to illistrate a simple point. I didn't say which site looked the best, i didnt' say site was teh most appealing, i said the most cmplex to program. I am well aware recruit look looks like dog **** lol. the cake php is so impressive that it doesn't matter to the clients that i want cake php jobs from. However, do you know how many guys i speak to a week/ month/year that email me and say hey man, i got this really great design already i don't need design work, but this site is complex out the AZZ man I need some heavy hard core coders, and i send them the list of what i consider to be our best / more complex sites, and 19 out of 20 times, they are going to pick, you guessed it, the social networking site or the Japanese adult site, even though those are not the most complex things we have ever done. lol the recruit look site is so complex it allows you to not only upload videos, it allows you to create your own mixed video tape ON THE ****ING SITE LOl. you can do it from your login/user profile. but yes this social networking site where a guy can send a picture to another guy is more complex than this lol,. it's just prettier.

and just dealing strictly with social networking sites, if you emailed me and told me i have a gun to your head, show me your most complex social networking site you have built.. it's withotu question the bret site. that site has layers of functionality that are so deep. but while it's not ugly, it's not as pretty as the music social netwokring site. but no one is as impressed with it as the music networking site. we programmed that music site in about 2 weeks once the design was done. we have been workign on the bret job for 4 months and we aren't done. we're about done but we aren't done.

business has taught me the important of looks. your look matters. even people who aren't concerned with looks, are concerned with looks they just dont' know it. it's subconscious. people aer attracted to aesthetically pleasing things.

The Gambler

Senior Don Juan
Aug 8, 2012
Reaction score
Make an effort to better yourself. It doesn't have to be extreme, but you gotta walk the path.

Me personally this past six months:

Working out -- Usually 30 minutes or so every evening in my garage with a weight bench. No, I don't go to a gym or run marathons. But the results have been well worth it...

Communication -- I am always looking forward to talking to new people, regardless of age, gender or how attractive they are. In return, my communication skills have improved greatly, and I now feel much less intimidated by the ones who do happen to be female and attractive...

Wardrobe -- I now wear stylish, name-brand shirts, jeans, ties, etc. that I always purchase for pennies on the dollar at stores like ROSS. For a more casual look, I just picked up a pair of nice Doc Martens boots for around $30 at ROSS. The point here is that women can tell whether you have a sense of fashion or not. It doesn't matter whether your shirt cost $20 or $200.

Value -- I may not be rich in the monetary sense, but I have plenty going for me. I'd like to think that most people who know me would consider me a "good guy." (Why don't we talk about the "good guy" here more often?) Honest, intelligent and informed enough to hold a decent conversation about most things, and looking to make those around me feel valuable.

To summarize, don't be the guy who says "I'm not gonna work out because I don't have two hours a day to do it, and I can't afford a gym membership." Don 't be the guy who says "I'm gonna ignore everyone around me unless they're a female HB 8.5 or higher." Don't be the guy who says "I'm gonna wear that old, faded shirt again for the third time this week, because people need to like me for who I am." Don't be the guy who says "Who cares about the world around me and helping others? I've got some serious Call of Duty to play tonight. And tomorrow night."

The Gambler


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
Just another reason to go to CherryBlossoms.com and get a Filipina. beware, tho, after she's been here 5 years and gets US citizenship, she will probably be a US *****, like the rest. However, there will always be millions more where she came from. Check it out, you will be very pleasantly surprised. do NOT send them money, guys. it just encourages the scammers amongst them to keep trying.