Looking to put on some weight.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
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Hey guys my names Jake and this is my second post. I thought it may as well be a productive one. Right now I'm 17 and 5' 9" or so and roughly 130 pounds. I'd love to put on 15 or 20 pounds of muscle. I've been working out a bit with my brother with free weights and machines and he has been kicking my ass. I started with him about a week ago. Any help advice or tips would be great!



Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
In the damn boonies...of Michigan


read through those3....biggest problems I see rank beginners doing is not providing enough frequency, volume for most muscles especially the major ones (like back and legs) Don't hesitate to eat like an animal everyday and lift 4-5 times a week. Take advantage of your age and everything right now as the years go by fast and some seem to be content looking the same year after year...well not me and you shouldn't be either. Let's get big.

Your biggest issue right now is probably actually understanding how much you have to eat daily to put on weight...read through the stickies at the top..Believe EFFORT has some info/links on bulking foods/nutrition/mindset. So make up a routine based on your goals and than post up your exercise selection and reps. I'll help you out with anything.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Sick thank you. I'm still apprehensive about doing it without a trainer so I don't do something wrong.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
In the damn boonies...of Michigan
Jakeg123 said:
Sick thank you. I'm still apprehensive about doing it without a trainer so I don't do something wrong.
Well you have your brother...does he have basic knowledge at least? Plus don't be hesitant to walk up and ask questions to serious looking lifters of your gym. Some of them prob used to be as skinny as you. So as long as you don't come off like a jerk they'll gladly help you with form and any other questions.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
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Yea he does. I'll talk to him more about it tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes.


Don Juan
Jan 27, 2010
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Considering good form on basic exercises there are loads of good articles and videos on youtube on how to perform bench presses (or presses in general), squats and deadlifts. I especially enjoy the rippetoe ones on youtube. Search around a little and you will find a lot of good things to read up on. "How to perform X"/"How to X" where X is an exercise is a good line to use in your search.

http://www.exrx.net/Lists/WtMale.html is a good site for designing your own program. It was the one I used when I first started out.

And a general tip is of course not to lift with the ego like nearly everyone does. Keep good form and you'll get good gains and minimal injuries. :up:


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
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Alberta, Canada
15-20 lbs of muscle at your age will be a piece of cake provided you're training and eating smart... As Carlito said, you probably don't understand the volume of food you're gonna need to accomplish your goals, particularly if you train w/ the kind of volume and frequency that he's talking about. You're still growing, but your natural test levels will be through the roof, and this will give your muscle tissue a great hormonal environment to get bigger and stronger.

I started out around your age w/ very similar stats... (5'8"-125-130). I'm now 5'8"- 180 at around 10-12% bf. I think I gained close to 35-40 lbs my first year simply by training w/ very high intensity and w/ very low volume. I trained full body 2x/wk and took most things to failure. I didn't know SHIIIITE about diet, so this is what saved my butt from overtraining. My body composition probably wasn't optimal at that time, but it was pretty easy to gain the weight.

5'9" - 150 is VERY accomplishable man... You should probably aim for trying to put 40-50 lbs in your first year. Stick to basics: Squats/Deadlifts, bench, shoulder press, chins/dips... There's ample sources online to show you how to do these movements properly. I train for strength, so here are some long term strength standards to aim for: 2.75x bodywt deadlift, 2.5x bodywt squat, 1.75x bodyweight bench, 30-40 bodyweight pull ups/dips... I personally train for strength and try and keep my bodyfat% reasonable. I find this a lot more enjoyable than simply trying to "get big"... but to each his own.

As far as diet goes. Aim for MINIMUM 200 g protein/day, and 3000-3500 calories, even more if you're active. Don't be scared to eat crap once in a while, especially if you're lifting 4-5x/wk and/or playing sports on top of it all. Remember diet is 80% of fitness... it will make or break you.

Good luck...


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
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In the damn boonies...of Michigan
lol get BIG...I for one don't want to look back when I'm 40-50 years old and say "damn why didn't I just get big as **** just too feel what it's like?" Aim to stand out in a crowd don't do it for anyone but yourself. Yet these are my goals :)...My career/education/family is first and training/geting big is second. You know what? I love that combo.


Master Don Juan
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
CarlitosWay said:
lol get BIG...I for one don't want to look back when I'm 40-50 years old and say "damn why didn't I just get big as **** just too feel what it's like?" Aim to stand out in a crowd don't do it for anyone but yourself. Yet these are my goals :)...My career/education/family is first and training/geting big is second. You know what? I love that combo.
I agree with your priorities... Maybe our goals are different based on age/life experience? I'm older than you, and have probably been training longer than you. For the past 3-4 years I've had to "stand out from the crowd" as no one wants to see an average dude off the street take his clothes off! Generally speaking I aim to be in the top 5-10% of male physiques... I'm 5'8" - 180, but most people think I'm 190+... I have fairly good genetics, in that I have a small waist, but long clavicles, and a wide shoulder girdle. I naturally have a very accentuated V-taper. I think my bone structure naturally makes me look more muscular than I am. Even when I was quite lean at 165, people thought I was 180-190. Its a PAIN IN THE ASS to buy clothes that actually fit right. Anytime I get a dress shirt, I have to buy the athletic cut and spend an extra $20 to get it tailored to fit my weird measurements. Don't even get me started to t-shirts! Thank god I get free scrubs at work!

Through out my stripping career I've done hundreds of shows/stagettes and made at least 50k-60k cash just for taking my clothes off for a bunch of screaming girls. If that's not a sweet deal I dunno what is! The biggest challenge for me was to try and stay lean, especially because I was going to school or working full time on top of stripping. Girls don't care too much about a dancer being huge as much as they do about proportion/general aesthetics, being lean, and performing well.

I never really tried to "get big" as I was already a good size (for stripping anyways) and had to focus on staying relatively lean. Plus I hated the bloated feeling of taking in 4000+ calories everyday and walking around feeling pregnant! I lift heavy cuz quite frankly, I'm addicted to it. I feel shiitty, weird, and irritable when I take more than a week off the gym or dont' lift w/ sufficient intensity. I don't think I've taken more than 2 weeks off in the last 11 years of training. For me Frank Zane represents the ideal male physique for someone my height. I think he was 5'9" and 190-200 lbs. If I was training purely for aesthetics, I'd strive to look like him.

My gf always bugs me to wear tank tops in the summer so she can "show me off" <-- her words not mine! I don't really like the attention I get when I wear tank tops anymore... I used to love the attention when I was younger, but not so much in my old age. I've had women approach me on the street, guys compliment me, etc etc... it feels good to get the attention, but I don't love it like I used to. Maybe its because I'm getting older, and have "been there/done that"? Not really sure.

I don't know about you, but I plan to be big AND strong when I'm in my 40s-50s! Barring death, serious injury/illness, I'm gonna keep on lifting heavier and continue to get bigger. Many top bodybuilders/power athletes are in their 40s and are the biggest and strongest they've ever been! I for one look forward to what I can accomplish in my 40s and beyond when it comes to throwing around heavy shiiite!

Jake on of the most important things you can do before starting to seriously get into fitness, is to figure out your core reasons as to WHY you wanna get started. This will really help to focus you mentally on achieving your goals.


New Member
Mar 18, 2010
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Shropshire, England
I'm tryin to do the same, i started in january, 5 ft 7.5 inches and around 130 pounds. i've not grown and im around 135 now. Is this good progress, or just 'beginners luck' because i hadn't really been to the gym before? I've been trying to get more protein and just generally trying to eat more, but it's awkward with having school and packed lunches and all that jazz. I've been trying mostly 3 sets of 15 reps each time i work a muscle group, and repeat that a few times in a session, but after reading a few threads here it seems that 10 sets of 8-10, where the last two are really hard would be best?

Ta in advance ;)


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Just remember this, OP.

You don't change your appearance (get big) in the gym. You do so in the kitchen.

Training is easy. Eating well is hard and is the most crucial to achieving your goals.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
In the damn boonies...of Michigan
MikeyDJ said:
I'm tryin to do the same, i started in january, 5 ft 7.5 inches and around 130 pounds. i've not grown and im around 135 now. Is this good progress, or just 'beginners luck' because i hadn't really been to the gym before? I've been trying to get more protein and just generally trying to eat more, but it's awkward with having school and packed lunches and all that jazz. I've been trying mostly 3 sets of 15 reps each time i work a muscle group, and repeat that a few times in a session, but after reading a few threads here it seems that 10 sets of 8-10, where the last two are really hard would be best?

Ta in advance ;)
Being so short you can see gains real fast. 130 to 135 in 2-3 months seems kind of slow for a beginner. Most likely you're not eating enough and not training right or not enough intensity in the gym.

3 sets of 15? I usually use anywhere from 6-15 reps and upwards of 20+ on legs. dumbbell exercises I usually stick 8-15 rep range for safety reasons....barbell/machine work 6-15. Curls 8-15 usually. Shoulders around 10-15 reps, Legs 6-12 and than a widowmaker taking your 10 rep max whether on a machine or back squat (you're short you might be built for the back squat) and pushing to 20+ reps.

Hopefully you understand about warming up/ramping up the weights each set ....for instance 3X15 incline dumbbells


Yet something like this works better for most and I prefer it also

85X10 (working set here)

So depending on your level/strength could take anyway from 3-6 warm up/rampsets or something to hit your balls to wall working sets (last 1 or two sets)

IT's all purely individual and you have to figure it out yourself. Just always keep in mind not to burn yourself out real bad on the first few warming up/ramping sets. They're more for priming/warming up the muscles properly and do provide some stimulation/pump. Yet like I mentioned that last set or two should have you feeling nasty and intense ready to dominate that **** make it your ***** and improve on those sets for next time..whether more reps or weight.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Sorry guys I didn't see your posts for some reason. I've already put on 3 pounds somehow haha. I got about 3 times a week. Started eating 5 to 6 healthy meals a day with protein and calories. Just picked up pre made EAS myoplex protein shakes for on the go, and I feel good. I've wanted this goal fr a while and it's nice to see progress :) . Still goin with my brother and do most things to failure.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
In the damn boonies...of Michigan
Jakeg123 said:
Sorry guys I didn't see your posts for some reason. I've already put on 3 pounds somehow haha. I got about 3 times a week. Started eating 5 to 6 healthy meals a day with protein and calories. Just picked up pre made EAS myoplex protein shakes for on the go, and I feel good. I've wanted this goal fr a while and it's nice to see progress :) . Still goin with my brother and do most things to failure.
Good what kind of split are you doing and what exercises and in what order?

It's k to hit failure but always do it on your last set or two of an exercise as you don't want to do that on your ramping/warm up sets which will have you accumulating fatigue real fast.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Usually do back/ bi, chest/ Tri and Legs on different days. Because I'm new to working out I don't know all the names to the excercises haha. Legs we did squats, box jumps with weight supersetted with step ups and 2 machines (idk but they weren't leg press).


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
In the damn boonies...of Michigan
Jakeg123 said:
Usually do back/ bi, chest/ Tri and Legs on different days. Because I'm new to working out I don't know all the names to the excercises haha. Legs we did squats, box jumps with weight supersetted with step ups and 2 machines (idk but they weren't leg press).
Sounds good lol, just stay with it and learn learn learn. Especially from all the bigger more experienced guys.


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Even though I know I need to hit 150 first, today I decided I'd love to look fairly large. Which I'm guessing would be like 170/180? I think it would take me a long while.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
Reaction score
In the damn boonies...of Michigan
Jakeg123 said:
Even though I know I need to hit 150 first, today I decided I'd love to look fairly large. Which I'm guessing would be like 170/180? I think it would take me a long while.
Would prob look pretty big at 5'9 180 lbs pretty lean. 190 lean would be real nice though too. I'd say get up to 190 and than adjust from there. Mind you this could take years so :) get to eating/training lol


Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
Haha yea it would take forever. I'm gonna look into bulking shakes, they could help. Not looking to be enormous, preferably big and toned. Rockin a 6 pack. Because I'm skinny now a 6 pack probably wouldn't be hard.