Women are not too worried about sharing their space with an ATTRACTIVE male, or at least one they think is attractive... For instance, you can be a man with a history of having been put in behavioral hospitals and they would still allow you in their personal space so long as they find you "handsome" and "charming"... If a woman is sexually interested in you, then she is less concerned about a man because his advances are not unwanted.
Another thing, I have found some women complaining about other female roommates... I know one such case who flat out says she would prefer even ME as a roommate compared to the women she is with. Women tend to be more passive aggressive, they also tend to hog a lot more of each others spaces and apparently in such a situation one has to fight for time in the bathroom.
And oh, as for Craigslist women...
Craigslist has a bunch of extremely desperate women on it... Now, I am a guy who typically likes desperate women, I am very skilled in psychology and typically can warp these type around my finger and literally control the. But these women are of the sort of low quality desperate that even I do not pursue. Also there is a lot of scammers on craigslist... I never use it for anything.