Master Don Juan
mental cartoon:
guy sitting with a girl on a couch, they seem to be having quite a nice time,
he asks, "Can i kiss you?"
girl looks down, and looks disheartened and says "uhhh...ok..."
guy then goes infor kiss..end of mental cartoon
ive seen this too many times from TV dating shows and heard about this from friends
i really hope that you kids arent doing this
the absolute lamest thing you can do is ask a girl to kiss you, the fun part is grabbing your balls and taking a chance. it also doesnt make for much of a story espically from the girls point of view
just go in for the kiss.
also seeing these dating shows i would like to point out that most guys on the shows are such deuch bags
they know they are on camera yet they act like such chumps
when they put on the kino, they make it so obvious and rediculous looking that you want to, and sometimes do yell pointers at the TV.
when you are with woman, with your friends, etc. try to imagine what you would look like if 10 million people were looking at you
would you be cool, lame, fun, the biggest nerd ever?
try to focus on your body language, how you look and what you say. sometimes ill overhear some guys talking with girls and they say some of the stupidest sh!t ever in an attempt to sound cool. dont forge it. a BS'er is so easily pointed out. after they are done with their comment ill get up, go over, give a look to the girls like, wtf? and jus smile.
if your life was on camera would people be laughin at you or would they wanna be you? start examining they way you are in public.
guy sitting with a girl on a couch, they seem to be having quite a nice time,
he asks, "Can i kiss you?"
girl looks down, and looks disheartened and says "uhhh...ok..."
guy then goes infor kiss..end of mental cartoon
ive seen this too many times from TV dating shows and heard about this from friends
i really hope that you kids arent doing this
the absolute lamest thing you can do is ask a girl to kiss you, the fun part is grabbing your balls and taking a chance. it also doesnt make for much of a story espically from the girls point of view
just go in for the kiss.
also seeing these dating shows i would like to point out that most guys on the shows are such deuch bags
they know they are on camera yet they act like such chumps
when they put on the kino, they make it so obvious and rediculous looking that you want to, and sometimes do yell pointers at the TV.
when you are with woman, with your friends, etc. try to imagine what you would look like if 10 million people were looking at you
would you be cool, lame, fun, the biggest nerd ever?
try to focus on your body language, how you look and what you say. sometimes ill overhear some guys talking with girls and they say some of the stupidest sh!t ever in an attempt to sound cool. dont forge it. a BS'er is so easily pointed out. after they are done with their comment ill get up, go over, give a look to the girls like, wtf? and jus smile.
if your life was on camera would people be laughin at you or would they wanna be you? start examining they way you are in public.