i see a bunch of posts about people asking questions, why she say this or how should i respond to that, is that no interest, is she interested etc. I think more of what you should be looking at as well is how she said it, meaning her body movement the tone of voice. remeber alot of times when you tel your friend something exciting and he gets all happy well he may just be happy for you but you can really tell if he is truly happy but the movemnt, his experession on his face watch closly it will say more then any words can say. so dont get discouraged when she responds in a way you dont like or wish she hadnt look on how she responded that will tell you what she really meant. quote that i like the eyes never lie, actions are more powerful then words. so go out ther and do your thing but remember dont always been 100 percent set on what is said but what is expressed non verbally.