long winding road to becoming a DJ


New Member
Dec 28, 2008
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This post is just notes I'm sharing while I'm morphing from the "nicest guy on the planet" to a DJ... lol !

Just came out of a few LTR in december and had the chance to date at least 6 girls since then, (mostly HB7-8s). I kept failing at second date because of lack of action from my part.

I always had it easy with my previous GFs, I let them do all the work :cool:, now I realise that to get to any "base", you need confidence but also keep the IL level high (my weak point).

My latest experience proved that action works and it's important not to think about it (weather it's kino, taking her hand, kissing, etc) just DOOOO IT! (just move in sequence). I was foolish to think girls will show you signs although sometimes they give clues but don't wait for them. If she accepted a second date, I think it's full speed ahead and make a move, whatever it is. This is where I failed because:

a) I lacked confidence
b) I was waiting for signs (or dumb enough to not catch any of her drifts)
c) I thought if I was nice enough, there would be more dates

Reading the bible helped me so much! I encourage any newbs to read at least POOK's posts and the anti-dump machine.

Essentially what I learned is lack of action after 1-2 dates is landing you in LJBF territory. And lack of action is rejection.


Don Juan
Nov 6, 2007
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Denver, CO
yes....u are on your way....one thing i always think about before i do ANYTHING with women is "would a REAL man do that"? I dont know if that will help you but to me becoming a real man is what DJing and Sosuave are all about.

1) ON confidence....would a real man shuffle his feet and be nervous when talking to a girl? no a real man maintains eye contact and smiles and walks proud

3) On being too nice....next time before you shower a girl with flowers and compliments ask yourself...would a real man reward a girl before she has earned it? no a real man rewards those who deserve being rewarded

2) on waiting for signs....next time when your waiting for a girl to show you she likes you think about....would a real man wait for a girl to show him a sign? No, a real man TAKES what he wants.

good luck man....i was in your position 1 year ago.. and i still have a long way to go


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Dec 28, 2008
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AGBourne said:
Its all about the journey, never the destination.

The arrival is never as satisfying as being in the trenches.
Are you some kind of philosopher ? that's deep sh!t
I think all AFC would love to be in some trench right now :whistle:


New Member
Dec 28, 2008
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HarlequinMan said:
yes....u are on your way....one thing i always think about before i do ANYTHING with women is "would a REAL man do that"? I dont know if that will help you but to me becoming a real man is what DJing and Sosuave are all about.

1) ON confidence....would a real man shuffle his feet and be nervous when talking to a girl? no a real man maintains eye contact and smiles and walks proud

3) On being too nice....next time before you shower a girl with flowers and compliments ask yourself...would a real man reward a girl before she has earned it? no a real man rewards those who deserve being rewarded

2) on waiting for signs....next time when your waiting for a girl to show you she likes you think about....would a real man wait for a girl to show him a sign? No, a real man TAKES what he wants.

good luck man....i was in your position 1 year ago.. and i still have a long way to go
thanks dude, that's good stuff. Essentially what the bible says "be a man for chr*st sakes".