Long term negative side effects of NOT masturbating/ejaculating


Don Juan
Apr 19, 2004
Reaction score
Australia, Bris
In reference to http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=78468&highlight=ejaculating

I want to apply it, but is this safe?

In the past Ive gone for extended session of not masturbating. For the first few days I get uncomfortable, at the 8th day I get SUPER HUMAN POWERS, but from their, my drive just goes down down down... My super powers degrade to normality...

But if I let go, I get my super powers again after 8 days.

Does your body systems normalize? Does it say **** it too much testosterone and stop producing more?
Does your body just get used to the testosterone and it doesnt effect you anymore?

I love that super human powers, but doesnt holding off effectivly cap it?

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
I don't see why you guys need to not ejaculate or whatever to be good in bed.

Good healthy exercise, good healthy diet with plenty of red meat, and all the vigour of youth.. that combo always worked fine for me!

strong like bull

Senior Don Juan
Nov 5, 2002
Reaction score
...how about instead of worrying about how often you need to whack off, you just go out and get some ass? honestly, i didnt get comfortable (and successful) sexually with girls until i cut out the porn and masturbation. its all good in moderation, but imo if youre falling back on your hand and not getting any play at all... or moreso, youre a virgin... go out and have fun with real women. you owe it to yourself. and your willy.

Good healthy exercise, good healthy diet with plenty of red meat, and all the vigour of youth.. that combo always worked fine for me!
combine that with railing a couple hot girls a week, and youll have all the "super human powers" you need.



Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Warboss Alex
I don't see why you guys need to not ejaculate or whatever to be good in bed.

Good healthy exercise, good healthy diet with plenty of red meat, and all the vigour of youth.. that combo always worked fine for me!
I can't speak for anyone else but ANY amount of masturbating turns me into a drugged-up hippie; I don't care enough about anything, even myself, to want to do the things on your list, or anything else for that matter.