Long Story: Sister is infect with feminist wokeness


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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This is a long random story. So youve been warned.

Driving back from visiting granny with my sister and mom in car. Sister stops at a ghetto rest stop at night because she was driving. We needed gas. I stay in the car. She comes back complaining profusely that a group of guys were checking her out. I asked her if they touched or said anything to her. She said no. I told her well dont worry about it. I said if you didnt wear the most thin yoga pants ever then maybe you would not get that type of attention. She had on the most shear thin black yoga pants ever. She also is well built because she is a black girl ( you get the picture). Next thing I know she is yelling and screaming about patriarchy. She is saying I am the reason that women get raped and that women can wear what they want. Men should teach thier sons to not objectify women blah blah.

Long story short I blow a fuse. I cuss her out. I grab her ear phones etc she tries to hit me. It goes haywire. This has been a long time coming. She has been becoming more angry on me, her, husband and her mom. She gets very triggered when you disagree with her wokeness. Mind you my sister has multiple professional degrees etc.


I was on facetime with my wife the very next day. She was getting dressed and had yoga pants on for a fitness class. She was also looking for things to cover herself. She ended up using a t shirt. I did not even say anything. She already knew. Her father and community would shame her for going out like that. I told her the story about my sister. She laughed and said even women look at other women who have their butt out.

Point of my long story is this:

1.) Women ( esp the West) have anger issues. It is difficult to find a marriage where the women does not have some sort of emotional regulation issue. My bro in law is dealing with it. I dealt with it. My friends are dealing with it. I feel like most women are like this and its up to the man to keep that lid in check. Its like you are always having to keep frame or else they will walk all over you and talk to you like a child.

2.) This yoga pants trend is actually insane when you step back and think about it. Only an insane culture would normalize this. There was a video of a white women who was at gym in Japan. She said the other women looked at her like a whoore because she had yoga pants. The Japanese women wore a t shirt and sweatpants.

3.) This wokeness is actually a virus that infects the psyche of women. Its a cult.

btw my mom is totally on my side but my sister is someone who will never apologize. I feel sorry for my bro in law.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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Lolz she mad her side is losing. This will get worse as the ontological shock progresses. The multiple professional degrees and her dress and behavior smacks of a deeper than usual degree of immersion into the cult. Like an overheating car engine, she will be needing metaphorical coolant into the system and there won't be any.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Lolz she mad her side is losing. This will get worse as the ontological shock progresses. The multiple professional degrees and her dress and behavior smacks of a deeper than usual degree of immersion into the cult. Like an overheating car engine, she will be needing metaphorical coolant into the system and there won't be any.
I think you are right. She is so salty that her side lost. I had to listen to 5 hrs of her ranting about how America is being destroyed by one particular side (i had to smile and agree with her and keep driving for hours). The other side that lost are total angels in her opinion.

She is in a major university in the North so you already know what type of professors she has. Its like she goes to class and comes back even more angry at masculinity. Her professors brainwash her and she takes it out on her husband and her family. Insane stuff.

Her husband stands up for himself but on some level he needs her. So she does not get the pushback that she deserves. So she is turning into a monster.

I think that deep down women know that their ideas are hypocritical. They are just begging strong men to put them in their place. Its like how a bully knows that they are being a bully. They just wont stop until you erect some boundaries. They cant help themselves.

Deep down a woman knows that if you wear provocative stuff you will get attention. They just want to see if you are weak enough to buy into their frame. The men in this country are finally finding their balls. I hope when she got home her husband told her " stop being ridiculous, you should dress more modestly." If he gave into her chaos then he is not doing himself a favor in the long run.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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I had this happen to me before. I was dating the final boss of woke. This girl literally majored in " Womens studies". We were at a bar and her friend was the bartender. Abortion came up. They asked me. I knew it was a trap. I told them both sides ( Christians vs conservatives) had good points. I told them that I can see both sides of the argument and I left it at that.

Omg. Its like an atomic bomb exploded. She started yelling at me saying that I cant have an opinions because I am a man. We had to leave the bar.

So on the surface this was a political issue but on closer inspection it was a frame issue. She wanted to see if I was man enough to slap her out of her feminine chaos. I should have told her right then and there " if you cant have an adult discussion without yelling and crying then we can end this relationship right now".

I was too inexperienced to say that but I should have.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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yoga pants ...white women
White women in the USA like wearing yoga pants, even if they don't do yoga.

White women in the USA will wear those pants for most sorts of gym exercise and fitness classes.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
White women in the USA like wearing yoga pants, even if they don't do yoga.

White women in the USA will wear those pants for most sorts of gym exercise and fitness classes.
Lol exactly bro. Ive seen women who are obese wearing yoga pants. They dont even excercise and probably have not been in a yoga studio in years.

This yoga pants epidemic is a reflection on the American males inability to control the American female.

We have lost frame due to our lust and due to pressure from big daddy govt( feminsim etc).

If the men are honrable then the women will dress honorable.

But things are changing. American men are fed up. I am proud and excited for the future.


Mar 6, 2017
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Abortion came up. They asked me. I knew it was a trap. I told them both sides ( Christians vs conservatives) had good points. I told them that I can see both sides of the argument and I left it at that.

Omg. Its like an atomic bomb exploded. She started yelling at me saying that I cant have an opinions because I am a man. We had to leave the bar.
Why did they ask you about it in the first place if (according to them) you cant have an opinion? Some people are f0cking insane.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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This wokeness is actually a virus that infects the psyche of women. Its a cult.
It's all about a lack of accountability. She can dress skimpily, but no man can look at her, because she isn't accountable for anything. If a man looks at her, it's HIS fault, even if she's sticking it out there for all to see.

Why did they ask you about it in the first place if (according to them) you cant have an opinion? Some people are f0cking insane.
Oh, you can have an opinion. It just has to be hers.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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The high school in my town banned yoga pants, or any other skin tight pants, as a distraction to learning.
It is a distraction to learning. Im surprised the wokey wokes didnt fight against that. Good for that high school! They are standing up to this nonsense. You must live in a conservative area. Btw your profile pic is a distraction to my learning. Im trying to control my lust bro:rofl:.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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Why did they ask you about it in the first place if (according to them) you cant have an opinion? Some people are f0cking insane.
Bro its fascinating how insane the female mind can get. They do not care about logic at all. Its impressive. They only wanted my opinion if it agreed with theirs. They wanted validation that abortion was ok. My gf at the time had one and I suspect she felt massive guilt from it. This is why she blew up at me for having my neutral opinion.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2008
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It's all about a lack of accountability. She can dress skimpily, but no man can look at her, because she isn't accountable for anything. If a man looks at her, it's HIS fault, even if she's sticking it out there for all to see.

Oh, you can have an opinion. It just has to be hers.
Exactly Zekko. I think my sister was actually angry at me because I held her accountable for her actions. Some people really dont like to admit when they messed up.
Aug 22, 2024
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The argument about "I can wear what I want, rape culture blah blah" argument is kind of similar to "I should be able to walk through the worst neighbourhood dressed rich to show off everyone what I have and noone should rob me, but we have a culture of robbery!" therefore no, there is no "rape culture" like there is no "robbery culture" but there are rapists & there are robbers/bandits that will rob you if they will find it a good idea for them.

Therefore it is about common sense & understanding we do not live in perfect world, not about female rights - but being woke is like going full frontal against logic.