This is a long random story. So youve been warned.
Driving back from visiting granny with my sister and mom in car. Sister stops at a ghetto rest stop at night because she was driving. We needed gas. I stay in the car. She comes back complaining profusely that a group of guys were checking her out. I asked her if they touched or said anything to her. She said no. I told her well dont worry about it. I said if you didnt wear the most thin yoga pants ever then maybe you would not get that type of attention. She had on the most shear thin black yoga pants ever. She also is well built because she is a black girl ( you get the picture). Next thing I know she is yelling and screaming about patriarchy. She is saying I am the reason that women get raped and that women can wear what they want. Men should teach thier sons to not objectify women blah blah.
Long story short I blow a fuse. I cuss her out. I grab her ear phones etc she tries to hit me. It goes haywire. This has been a long time coming. She has been becoming more angry on me, her, husband and her mom. She gets very triggered when you disagree with her wokeness. Mind you my sister has multiple professional degrees etc.
I was on facetime with my wife the very next day. She was getting dressed and had yoga pants on for a fitness class. She was also looking for things to cover herself. She ended up using a t shirt. I did not even say anything. She already knew. Her father and community would shame her for going out like that. I told her the story about my sister. She laughed and said even women look at other women who have their butt out.
Point of my long story is this:
1.) Women ( esp the West) have anger issues. It is difficult to find a marriage where the women does not have some sort of emotional regulation issue. My bro in law is dealing with it. I dealt with it. My friends are dealing with it. I feel like most women are like this and its up to the man to keep that lid in check. Its like you are always having to keep frame or else they will walk all over you and talk to you like a child.
2.) This yoga pants trend is actually insane when you step back and think about it. Only an insane culture would normalize this. There was a video of a white women who was at gym in Japan. She said the other women looked at her like a whoore because she had yoga pants. The Japanese women wore a t shirt and sweatpants.
3.) This wokeness is actually a virus that infects the psyche of women. Its a cult.
btw my mom is totally on my side but my sister is someone who will never apologize. I feel sorry for my bro in law.
Driving back from visiting granny with my sister and mom in car. Sister stops at a ghetto rest stop at night because she was driving. We needed gas. I stay in the car. She comes back complaining profusely that a group of guys were checking her out. I asked her if they touched or said anything to her. She said no. I told her well dont worry about it. I said if you didnt wear the most thin yoga pants ever then maybe you would not get that type of attention. She had on the most shear thin black yoga pants ever. She also is well built because she is a black girl ( you get the picture). Next thing I know she is yelling and screaming about patriarchy. She is saying I am the reason that women get raped and that women can wear what they want. Men should teach thier sons to not objectify women blah blah.
Long story short I blow a fuse. I cuss her out. I grab her ear phones etc she tries to hit me. It goes haywire. This has been a long time coming. She has been becoming more angry on me, her, husband and her mom. She gets very triggered when you disagree with her wokeness. Mind you my sister has multiple professional degrees etc.
I was on facetime with my wife the very next day. She was getting dressed and had yoga pants on for a fitness class. She was also looking for things to cover herself. She ended up using a t shirt. I did not even say anything. She already knew. Her father and community would shame her for going out like that. I told her the story about my sister. She laughed and said even women look at other women who have their butt out.
Point of my long story is this:
1.) Women ( esp the West) have anger issues. It is difficult to find a marriage where the women does not have some sort of emotional regulation issue. My bro in law is dealing with it. I dealt with it. My friends are dealing with it. I feel like most women are like this and its up to the man to keep that lid in check. Its like you are always having to keep frame or else they will walk all over you and talk to you like a child.
2.) This yoga pants trend is actually insane when you step back and think about it. Only an insane culture would normalize this. There was a video of a white women who was at gym in Japan. She said the other women looked at her like a whoore because she had yoga pants. The Japanese women wore a t shirt and sweatpants.
3.) This wokeness is actually a virus that infects the psyche of women. Its a cult.
btw my mom is totally on my side but my sister is someone who will never apologize. I feel sorry for my bro in law.
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