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Long Distance Relationship

How to deal with long distance relationship for higher success rate

  • Communicate with each other constantly and maintain the exclusivity of the relationship

    Votes: 3 14.3%
  • Communicate constantly but have an open relationship allowing to date others

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • End the relationship right away so that someday there's a greater chance to revive your love when yo

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • Forget your relationship altogether for long distance relationships do not work

    Votes: 13 61.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member
Aug 4, 2003
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3 Months ago, I suddenly called my childhood crush to ask if we could go out together before I move onto another country because of college and family reasons. During our first meeting, we immediately connected together for we just had perfect chemistry. The next dates, we started kissing and making out. She knew that our time was running out because I had to leave in a week, so she asked me if I do love her and will I ever come back for her. I just said that, we should just think of the present, and who knows I might come back for her.

When I finally migrated, she started emailing me to tell me how much she misses me and hopes that one day I'll come back for her. I knew she was head over heels in love with me but I didn't bother to reply for I know long distance relationships are doomed. And one day, I remembered that it was her 18th birthday so I sent her a gift and a letter telling her I miss her.
Days after that, we started emailing and chatting with each other. I learned that she has not yet moved on and still think of me every single day. Well, I feel the same way too. But then last night, something came up to me and I told her that we should move on and finish our relationship for we're not sure if we will see each other again.

Now the problem is, I am very confused and can't get her out of my mind. Should we continue the long distance relationship only to lose excitement, and be predictable, contrary to Don Juan's advice, until we end up breaking up. Or should we just finish this now while the flame is still burning hot. This latteris very risky but I believe that with this, if we ever see each other again, there will be a very high chance to rekindle our lost love.

What do you think don juans? I am an avid follower of so suave that's why I got her in the first place. Thank you!:eek:


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
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Not worth it.

1. She's young, go look for other young girls.
2. LD relationships start becoming weary by the 2nd week and reality hits.


Jul 30, 2003
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dude been there done that

Man it really depends who is the girl and if she matters to you...they could work but you need to be atleast more time together to built something strong before you leave.....If you are going for THE LDR..this is a great DJ puzzle

How to keep the fire going with out acting AFC ..?

Defentely you need to visit often but she needs to visit you aswell and slpit travellling costs.!! very important

Email her or call her just the same amount or a bit less than she emails..you...

Finally over all cost avoid arguments over the phone about little things ..pick your arguments..

Never, Never let her doubt you or acuse you with the double standar crapp...

Realize that you leave something behind than when you return might not be the same and that the distance punishes the love and sometime is like a flower that will never flourish because of resentment and pain back to the color it had before. It might not be worth it to put it trouigh the pain...

Defentely if you do this dont allow dating others..thats cheating on love..and LDR are only worth it and worl if ther e is love at stake...
Defenetely if you brake up make it finally..because if she loves you is going to hurt and if you love her it will hurt you too..and after going through that pain is just better to start from new ...

I wont tell you what to do because you have to decide on your life..but after i went through i know it was alot of work....and i would never do it again....but it has work for some people..


p.d i had been going with the girl for 2 years the we did the LDR after we got engaged and just when we were finally going to be together forever,....i broke off with her...because she wasnt the same.....3 months seems to little of a time for you guys to love each other as much as is needed and to value a relationship as much as is needed but GOOD LUCK AND WISH YOU THE BEST>


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
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So you guys think if my g/f moves away (1.5 hours away) to college and we see eachother at least once a week that she would "change" because of the distance and her new college life?


Jul 30, 2003
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ONce a week man what do you think college is .. a school for nun .. i dunno about you but atleast i n might school i am a womenizer .....and there are millions like me...Best Age if your life men and women are looking for it and you want to leave your girl to just once a week sex..with all this man who have a hard on 24/7---big mistake...

Your girl might be a decent women now but in college thats were the truth shows up....

I seen decent girls do crazy thing and turn into sluts.....

You can either take it these ways...

Go and see her once a week and see if she is going to start drinking and going to parties with out you....(ofcourse if you do this too then this relationship is not worth it..)

If she is wife material she might not do this but dump you if the relationship starts loosing its charm....

In order for your crap to work she has to LOVE YOU AND I MEAN LOVE YOU .....College is the place to FVCK

Or your other option is see her 4 times a wekk specially Thursday Friday, SATurdat and Sunday..thats when the freaks get loose, but make sure there is balance..she sees you 3 times you see her twice ..always to your advantage you have to be a Dj....Also make sure you bang her good all these days in order to keep her temptations to a min.....I believe if you guys dont see each other 4- 5 times a week ..its pretty much over and you should brake it off before finding out she played you....


p.s advice see her on the weekdays and always check the enviroment....and be rational always seen if you notice anything weird in her behavior..then make her visit you on the weekends,..THE BALANCE IS VERY IMPORTANT..if excuses come up..thats A BIG SIGN>>>>


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score

Originally posted by tiburon

Go and see her once a week and see if she is going to start drinking and going to parties with out you....(ofcourse if you do
Well, I talked to her last night (after I posted this) I went to Walmart with my girlfriend and as we passed some blacklights she said "oh these would be great for my dorm when I have a party!" I said, "your gonna be drinking and partying alot?" She exclaimed that "only a little bit. College is a place where I'm not gonna rot away 10,000 dollars just to party is away." She then proceded to reveal that she will be drinking and getting drunk at parties every once and awhile but not "hardcore" drunk.

This kinda sets me off. She's given up drinking for the past 8 months I've been with her and she's only drank when I was with her. Now that she's gonna be solo when she drinks (and with a new group of friends) I'd think she'd let loose.
Originally posted by tiburon

I seen decent girls do crazy thing and turn into sluts.....
Her history (before I met her, she told me about this) includes stripping all her clothes off (above the waist) at a party and making out with another girl who was topless (during a wet t shirt contest).

She is also has been known to flash guys and get hit on constantly!

Originally posted by tiburon

If she is wife material she might not do this but dump you if the relationship starts loosing its charm....
How would you keep your charm and keep things new and alive when she's that far away?!

Also, 4 times a week is quite alot of gas money (for a mustang) and alot of time. I wont have a job in college but hopefully I'll make money some other way.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
Reaction score

Originally posted by tiburon

In order for your crap to work she has to LOVE YOU AND I MEAN LOVE YOU .....College is the place to FVCK
Meh, I told her first (big mistake) and she didnt respond... took her like 2 hours and she seemed hesitant as hell about saying it. (bad sign)
Apr 3, 2003
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1. long distance is a biatch. It doesn't work!
2. She is high on the romantic side of things...ie boy friend in another country...like in a romance novel...it makes her world seem more romantic.....it will die down!
3. Get some other Ho's while your over there and enjoy life. if it was ment to be then you will find each other again.

4. How come you only have 1 post and a new start date if your such a fan of this site? G.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2003
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my childhood crush
we just had perfect chemistry
Sorry to say man, i think this is done...shes too young man girls dont know WTf they want.

Fantasy says that you will "rekindle your lost love"

Reality says that you're getting initiation head from a sorority sister a week into the beginning of college.

Time to move on man...dont trust your feelings.


Jul 30, 2003
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Dear nan3109:

Man with all you respect you have been dating a hoe. I am sorry to tell you this but the best thing that could had happened is that she goes away for College. nOW with all your respect man, you need to give up being an AFC, i am sorry but you have to wake up.

How are you going to date a gril who has stripped her clothes and made out with another woman. MAn i havent met you and i feel bad for you ...i f i was a bit more sensitive you would make me cry. You are a good guy and i can see this because you forgive all this crap she has done in the past and you want this to work, i think you love this girl..but that needs to stop.

Follow this advice because it will do you greatly. First you have seen it with your own eyes. She was a liitle slut before and she is telling you she will drink and get drunk every now and then. MAn if you accept this you are an AFC. No woman , listen carefully, No woman of yours should ever get drunk without you, this is disrespectufl and if you want ask me why and ill explain this fact to you. NOW finally wake up and realize your girl has no integrity, she is ussing you, you saw how long it took for her to anwer, she has you as the back up, she is going to find a guy like me in college who is going to take her for what she is a slut and fvck her right, and then she will dump you. Or she will find a bigger and better AFC she could use. I am sorry for tellling you this because i know she is your girl, but you need to wake up and you diserve alot better. DUMP HER A$$ and never talk to her again.Get the respect a man diserves. Besides man you are too young , go out there have fun and Fvck alot and become a DJ.


p.s . Also man i told you that you needed alot of love for your relationship to work , but you need to know better from telling this to a wman , no matter who she is, stuff like that you need to get from her action and behavior, words are full of ****. It will be hard because you have feelings for her but here is were we separate the afcs from Djs and boys from man.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2003
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you guys want me to move on and I talked to this guy who knows her personally and he keeps telling me "shes a good girl" and that "she really likes you" but all i hear is blah blah blah


Jul 30, 2003
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Brother your FRINED IS AN AFC A HUGE A FC...are you going to listen to an AFC or all DJS giving you advice? The answer should be None! Listen to yourself i think you have seen or heard enough of this woman in the past and present to judge her behavior and if she is wife material...!



p.s never led love blind you be rational be a DJ


Jul 30, 2003
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Why drinking with out you is disrespectful

IF you want to be a DJ you better start by dumping this woman because the sad part is anything you do for the relationship is going to bring her IL low on you and if you act like a DJ her IL might rise but too late because she is on her way to college and you need to love each other alot and she clearly doesnt.

I will tell you why , but you should never tell her why is disrespectful..this is AFC..you only see her behavior if you have to tell her that something is disrespectful and she cant see it forherself then she aint wife material. In the begiining of a relationship is when you have to set your foot down and say what you like and dislike.. not at the end...but we all learn. I repeat dont tell her it is disrespectful because you are going to punk yourself out. BE A MAN.

Next time you meet a girl worth keeping in the beginin of the relationship you should tell her your likes and dislikes . If you guys agree upon them..then you contuinue..if not brake up and find a better match...The reason why it is disrespectful for a man or a woman in a serious relationship to drink and get drunk in parties with out their partner is because no matter who it is, alcohol makes people loose control. We aint kids any longer so you aswell as her know that there could be consequences such as cheating if you get drunk at a party. Nevertheless choosing to drink at a party is a concious decison , which is a message to the other devoted person of the following way: " I dont love you so much and i dont value this relationship enough so i am going to get drunk with out you and risk the fact doing something that might ended all." Man trust me alchohol does great and terrible things...She is willing to drink with out you ,she is willing to kiss someone else, she is willing to fvck someone else, she is willing to loose the relationship. DONT ACCEPT THIS AND ONE MORE TIME BRAKE UP WITH HER.

Now read the bible and realize that telling her this is too late and you cant win arguments with woman...she will turn it around and make herself the victim....Also tell your friend i said he is a huge AFC for telling you that beatch is a good girl!


More than glad to hell you