Lol ex from 2 years ago is cyber stalking me


Senior Don Juan
Apr 26, 2019
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Alright so I haven’t been too active on here, But I lurk and shyt. I first came here after my crippling oneitis (a 10) of a 6 year LTR left, who basicaly begged me to marry her for 2 years before that, but would bicker and give my shyt every chance she got. Even then, I was kinda warming up to it. Never popped the question though. Anyway, Spaz, the old lady, and many others were kind (and harsh) enough to try and help me at the time. This was ALMOST 2 years ago. It’s been little over a year of full 100% NC. So, of course I do the very thing I’m not supposed to do. I emailed her. Only avenue left open, that she never closed. Even though we’ve emailed before.

guess what? She was a total bytch when she responded, yeah, as expected. Told me not to contact her again, yeah (she’s done it before). But after telling me this, she basically said “people” have been showing her screenshots of My comments On my “now deleted Twitter” (I didn’t delete it, just changed the screen name from my name, to an alias a few weeks ago cuz my gut told me to, crazy I know) and my YouTube account. Then she told me I “literally scare the shyt out of her”. Yeah She’s always been dramatic. I guess cuz I follow a lot of red pill content on both platforms? Idk.

here are the kickers though.

1. We have NO ONE in common. No one. Zero people. Nothing.
2. my YouTube account and my twitter (Which I opened after she left) do not have my picture on my avatar. At all.
3. u can only come across these if u google my first and last name. My last name is weird. And hard to spell.
4. She responded to my email IMMEDIATELY. And she was pissed. I wrote back, and then she wrote back again, immediately. Then I just disappeared.

the only social media I’ve ever had and used openly and actively was Facebook. Which is set to “friends only”, but I’m sure she can find a work around if she wanted to. If she did, she’d know I’m with someone else.... she’s A ghost. Has always been. She has no social media. Had Snapchat for a while at one point, but I don’t have that.

so why on earth would this woman who thinks I’m crazy (Went straight Panic beta mode after break up, give me a break. First adult LTR. And we adored each other.. didn’t blow her phone up on a daily basis or anything, but still made wayyyyyy too many post break up mistakes) Be cyber stalking me this whooole time??

does any of this mean anything? I’ve spun plates after Her, and before her (before I even knew what spinning plates meant), and just ended up settling down... ish.... with the nicest girl out of the bunch recently. I cut the rest off. I feel nothing for this one. But she’s sweet. Her dads awesome. Which Explains why she’s awesome. She Cooks. Cleans. Zero arguments or issues, and works so much I only have to see her once or twice a week. Which helps.. Since I’m still healing and rebuilding myself and my business from the damage done before. Pathetic I know.

anyway, wtf? I’m 32 by the way. Ex is 29. If that helps anyone at all.

bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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It seems like you're still emotionally attached to her. The first thing you should do is fix that. Then, you need to recognise that she's not being cooperative and therefore that she's not interested in rekindling anything. Drama and BS doesn't count as cooperation.

The best thing would be to follow her instructions and not contact her again. She knows you're interested and she can always contact you if she changes her mind, but there's a 99% chance that she never will. Plus, in any care there are surely better options.