Living the life you want, Your dreams?

Jul 12, 2012
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So I had left a job as a server in the restaurant businness of 2 years for a job that I am now begginning to hate. I have been here since June. I took this job mostly for the schedule (7 to 4 M-F) Paid holidays, Vacations and sick days. I love the schedule because it free's up time for my 2nd job which is a sports job I love which has alot of stuff going on in evenings and weekends. But I am now weighing if it is truly worth working this job for my passion.

Each day I go into it I hate and feel misreable most of the time. But I do get to go enjoy my evenings and weekends doing what I love. But If I take this new job It is as a server and we all know the busiest times for a server is evenings and weekends. Which they said in the spring they will be able to work around my schedule.

My question is well many....How do you guys setup your own business? what is the process? There are so many things I want to do but I feel like work always takes away time from what I want to do. I want to also travel the world and see things go to 3rd world countries. I thought about getting a degree in some languages and becoming a multi language intrepeter but school is all so bull**** and you would learn the language so much better living there. But then do I just suck it up and try to go to school but then I have to sit here with either job which both have disadvantges.

Its hard, I wanna be able to do the things I love and do not wanna waste a second doing something like serving or being at the job I am at now. But I do not know of any flexible jobs that I can make my own schedule. So I thought maybe I should start a business and work from there Or trying to find more free lance stuff but most of the freelancer sites look like a joke.

I feel like this fits here because the beginning part of DJism is finding you and I am asking what do you guys think? How do you live your life to the fullest. I want to unplug from the 9 to 5 or at least love my 9 to 5 and be able to say when I work and when I dont so I can do my other job.

I dont want to waste a single second of my life anymore I have already lost so much of it to girls and boozing and partying I want meaning...


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
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Hey there!

I certainly don't live my life to the fullest either. Is that even possible? I don't know. I'm sure we can all strive to use our time more wisely. I am definitely guilty of wasting precious time.

I am in the opposite situation as you. I work in my "dream" job. I've been doing so for about 12 years. I am very good at it and I'm very lucky to get paid as much as I do for the hours I actually work. The problem is the pay isn't as amazing as I would like considering the responsibility involved. I get paid quite well actually. However I know I could make more doing something else. The trade offs would be working longer hours and losing job security.

So even though I like my work and always find it interesting, when I get home the last thing I want to do is more of it. So in a sense I've lost my passion because I don't do it for enjoyment anymore. Regardless of your passion, if you are doing it to make a living it always ends up as "work". The thing that keeps me going is I never get bored of it. There's something new everyday and I'm always learning. I have friends who make far more than I do but they are miserable and hate their work. I go thru phases where I wish I could trade spots with them and other times I thank my lucky stars for having what I do.

The older I get the more I realize just how precious time really is. Time spent doing something you hate is not worth it.


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2010
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Hi there.

I can somewhat relate. I'm 25 years old and almost graduating in a field I don't find interesting. I picked this major because I didn't know what else to do, but looking back I should have picked something else.

I am almost always depressed cause I know the future looks grim. I can't imagine myself working 9-5 in this field. Actually I hate the whole 9-5 mentality. That's no way to live.... is it?

The college debt is here to stay and I'm gonna have to work to pay it off. I love music, I am talented but the music industry is very hard to make a living playing gigs and so forth. So I kind of gave up on that. I love nature and animals too, but becoming a vet will be too long of a journey now. I need to be outside doing things and I also need enough 'me' time so I can pursue other interests, travel and experience the world.

But how is that even possible? I've been thinking about this a lot lately and it has turned me into a very negative person.

If you find your calling, let me know.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2012
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The dance floor
My mum gave me some good advice lately - she said we spend so much of our lives at work, that we should aim for total passionate engagement in whatever we do. If you can get paid well for it as well then great, but that is secondary to being happy and fulfilled in the majority of hours you spend at work.

I took this advice and handed my notice in at my current job, and am now changing careers and starting to study a part-time masters from October while working full-time in a field I'm really interested in. I sacrificed job security and relatively good pay for the chance to do what I really love. I can still make good money doing it once I have my masters degree, but I don't think I will ever be rich or a millionaire or anything. I don't mind that at all.

You only live once, if you are a confident and have a reasonable amount of security (e.g. cash savings or option of moving home with parents temporarily if things didn't work out) then do it. Take a chance, and demand the best from your life. You only get one shot.