little update


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Ok...well it's been about a month or so since I joined this site. I've posted a couple times and have read a crap load of stuff, given some advice to others.

Ok...I make it a point everyday to read the Librito thread "the truth about women" in the Tips section. Great thread and it helps get my mind straight to not put women on a pedestal. The more you read it the more it sinks in and you look at women more out of pity and you kind of laugh things off and it helps me get the mindset that I'm doing them a favor.

Anyway I wanted to say a couple things and ask a question or two.

First..went out the other night. i was shooting pool and I know the bouncer at the bar so I went to say Hi to him and he's standing at the beer tub. the beer tub girl instantly thrusts her hand out and is like "Hi whats your name"...I respond...."my name is shyguy". She then tells me her name and I say nice to meet you and continue the convo with the bouncer. Then i go back to shooting pool.

Ok this is where I don't know whether I'm just imagining things or what....but I glance over and I swear she's looking at me so I make some EC and she smiles...I continue playing pool. Now this chick is an 8 at least I would after a little while of playing pool I'm walking by so I stop and say hi again and

shyguy: Hey hows it going
BTG: good....are you good at pool
shyguy: I'm ok what about you?
BTG: I know how to play but I'm on a losing streak right now!
shyguy: Ohh...well I would ask you to partner up with me later, but I don't want a loser on my team
BTG: (has a look on her face that says I can't believe you just callled me a loser)....I never said I was a loser I said I was on a losing streak..
shyguy: (laughing) well I have to get back to my friends I'll talk to you later.

that was pretty much the only other convo we had that night, but since I intorduced myself at the beginning of the night every time I would walk by she would say "Hi shyguy" and smile.

I never tried to number close, because the chick works there and I figured there would be plenty of time for that in the future.


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
2nd part of the weekend...

Well all weekend long there is this married chick that isn't my type hanging out with me and my friends. Her husband is out of town and she wants to get back at him for cheating on her. I'm not really into that sort of thing and she's not that good looking. She fun to hang around with, but thats about it. So all week long she's been talking about me to my buddies wife and all this. I'm flattered and all, but I just can't do it. Now if she was a little better looking than maybe. I didn't do anything and never tried to do anything. The only reason I post this is that I had just met her and her husband the previous weekend through the other friends and we hung out and I did not give off one hint that I was interested in her. But this is for the guys who need help(more help than me) I did walk around with my head held high, a controlled walk that at least portrayed confidence and was smiling alot over the weekend. So it is all about perception...I was perceived by her as being a confident guy. She had said that she met lots of guys and that none of them did it for her, none of them sparked her interest or whatever like I did. And I owe alot of that with what I have read here. the other part....i went on a motorcycle ride over the weekend.....met up with some people and this chick needed someone to ride with and I had an empty seat on the back of mine. Well we had chatted just a few minutes earlier and had introduced ourselves....I try to always remember names...well she was like....Whats your name again..I smiled...made EC with her and used a technique I had read about the other day here.

Me: I'm going to show you how to make an impression where noone will forget your name. (still looking in her eyes with a sly grin, reach down and grab her ass) Hi my name is shyguy...
Girl: (eyes get a little wide and then she smiles back in a very happy way and then grabs my ass) Hi my name is blank...

Well by the end of the day she was ready to jump my bones because of the things I learned here.

I was quite as ****y and funny as what I should have been but I was acting pretty confident I think.

One convo was like...
Girl: you know I can't believe you grabbed my ass like that earlier
Me: Why do guys not treat you like that?
Girl: No
Me: Are they all like Oh blank your this and that|
Girl: Yes..and most of them would have gotten smacked if they would have done that
Me: I bet...but when I did it you were I really like that...
Girl: (just laughing and smiling a lot)

Also she commented on me being touchy feely and how she liked that. I continued it, but later on was wondering if I applied Kino a little too much....but if she's responding too it I didn't figure it would hurt.

Well thats about it guys......I'm learning a lot and am still working on things....smiling, making EC, approaching and at least saying hi and trying to start a convo...not really trying to number close but I don't think I'm too far away from that.

Your input would be appreciated.



Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
Well I found a flaker I suppose...the chick I met on Sunday called me Monday and was chatting up and I was like...Hey I'm busy I'll call you back in I call her back later in the evening and told her to come over and hang out for awhile....she says Ok and haven't heard from her since.

I didn't think i was being that "desperate" because of the way she was acting the previous day. If she wasn't all over me I wouldn't have asked...but Oh well.


Don Juan
Sep 19, 2005
Reaction score
another decent to a few chicks....get a number...

I'm making EC with this one chick and she's smiling like crazy begging me to come and talk to can tell by the look in her eyes....well theres this guy who is all over her and I don't know if it's her BF or not so I motion her on over and he's eyeing the hell out of me. Well I ask her and she says no...I'm playing pool at the time...

Her: No he's not my BF
Me: Good whats your name?
Her: blah blah
Me: My name is shyguy
Her: next game count me in
Me: sure will do

Well I'm with friends and they're like...hey after this game we're gonna go. Well thats my ride, so after the game I go over to where she's sitting.

Me: Hey I'm leaving
Her: Oh can't leave
Me: My ride is leaving...give me your number though:
Her: 555-5555

then I gave her a little hug....and left

So what i've come to discover is that this thing isn't that hard at all....I'm a decent looking guy and I get a lot of smiles and I'm just now starting to pick up on them and the EC that a lot of chicks are making with me. And alot of it has to do with me not being afraid to look them in the eye.

I'll keep you all posted on whats going on.