Master Don Juan
I hope nobody believes this to be bad practice in just dumping a list of ANYTHING onto this site. I snagged this list from a few sites and glued this list together. If there are any spelling errors or recommendations, please PM me.
If you would have the desire and drive to categorize these feelings, that would be stupendous
abandoned disparaged hopeful powerless uncertain
afraid down hyper preoccupied upset
accepted down and out hysterical pressured up
aimless dread included proper uptight
aggravated dumb indecisive proud used
alert defensive ignored provoked unsure
angry deformed inspired reasonable weak
alive doubtful inept rejected unprepared
ambivalent decadent inferior relaxed vulnerable
amused distressed innocent relieved wanted
annoyed devalued interested restless weird
anxious disconnected insignificant sad worthless
appreciated embarrassed insecure safe wounded
crabby glad mistrustful scapegoated unfit
antsy energetic intimidated scared worried
alone excluded inadequate secure violated
ashamed despondent inconsolable self-righteous aroused
argumentative enraged irritated selfish rude
antagonistic envious incapable sexy wild
bad erotic jealous shaky livid
bored exasperated joyful shameful despair
betrayed excited jubilant shocked subdued
blue explosive kindly shy disgraced
courageous generous mischievous singled-out
broken-hearted euphoric lethargic slighted dejected
bullied fantastic lonely smart rotten
calm fearful lost sneaky grieved
choked-up flattered love sorry forlorn
cool furious misplaced special awkward
clueless friendly loved stoned anguished
comfortable frightened lovesick stressed demoralized
concerned frustrated loving stupid tearful
confused frisky mad suckered useless
confident frustrated manic suicidal impotent
content foolish miserable superior defeated
curious gross naive terrified timid
crushed happy neglected threatened tense
decent helpful nervous tired disorganized
cranky good mellow trapped unimportant
challenged guilty mixed up tricked grim
demented helpless obnoxious triumphant troubled
crazy goofy modest trusted inhibited
cuddly greedy moody truthful jittery
devious honored obsessed ugly belittled
disturbed hurt picked on unappreciated ridiculed
discouraged hurtful playful uncertain degraded
distracted homesick out of control uncomfortable agitated
depressed homoerotic overwhelmed uneasy flustered
deranged homophobic out of it unhappy torn
disappointed humiliated peaceful unloved discredited
desperate horny paranoid unreal uneasy
detached humble pathetic unwanted isolated
If you would have the desire and drive to categorize these feelings, that would be stupendous
abandoned disparaged hopeful powerless uncertain
afraid down hyper preoccupied upset
accepted down and out hysterical pressured up
aimless dread included proper uptight
aggravated dumb indecisive proud used
alert defensive ignored provoked unsure
angry deformed inspired reasonable weak
alive doubtful inept rejected unprepared
ambivalent decadent inferior relaxed vulnerable
amused distressed innocent relieved wanted
annoyed devalued interested restless weird
anxious disconnected insignificant sad worthless
appreciated embarrassed insecure safe wounded
crabby glad mistrustful scapegoated unfit
antsy energetic intimidated scared worried
alone excluded inadequate secure violated
ashamed despondent inconsolable self-righteous aroused
argumentative enraged irritated selfish rude
antagonistic envious incapable sexy wild
bad erotic jealous shaky livid
bored exasperated joyful shameful despair
betrayed excited jubilant shocked subdued
blue explosive kindly shy disgraced
courageous generous mischievous singled-out
broken-hearted euphoric lethargic slighted dejected
bullied fantastic lonely smart rotten
calm fearful lost sneaky grieved
choked-up flattered love sorry forlorn
cool furious misplaced special awkward
clueless friendly loved stoned anguished
comfortable frightened lovesick stressed demoralized
concerned frustrated loving stupid tearful
confused frisky mad suckered useless
confident frustrated manic suicidal impotent
content foolish miserable superior defeated
curious gross naive terrified timid
crushed happy neglected threatened tense
decent helpful nervous tired disorganized
cranky good mellow trapped unimportant
challenged guilty mixed up tricked grim
demented helpless obnoxious triumphant troubled
crazy goofy modest trusted inhibited
cuddly greedy moody truthful jittery
devious honored obsessed ugly belittled
disturbed hurt picked on unappreciated ridiculed
discouraged hurtful playful uncertain degraded
distracted homesick out of control uncomfortable agitated
depressed homoerotic overwhelmed uneasy flustered
deranged homophobic out of it unhappy torn
disappointed humiliated peaceful unloved discredited
desperate horny paranoid unreal uneasy
detached humble pathetic unwanted isolated