Where can I get a good comprehensive list of all the freeweight exercises?
From Diesel's guide, his reco. exercises:
Chest: Pressing movements (barbell or dumbbells), Flyes w/ DB
Back: Heavy Rows, T-Bars, Pull Ups, Pulldowns, Deadlifts
Legs: Squats, Leg Press, Stiff Leg Deads, Leg Curls
Bis: Barbell Curls, Alt DB Curls
Tris: Close Grip Bench, Skullcrushers, Tri Pressdowns, Dips
Delts: Military Press, DB Presses, DB Raises
Traps: Barbell/ DB Shrugs, Power Cleans
I have no idea what half those are and how to do them.
From Diesel's guide, his reco. exercises:
Chest: Pressing movements (barbell or dumbbells), Flyes w/ DB
Back: Heavy Rows, T-Bars, Pull Ups, Pulldowns, Deadlifts
Legs: Squats, Leg Press, Stiff Leg Deads, Leg Curls
Bis: Barbell Curls, Alt DB Curls
Tris: Close Grip Bench, Skullcrushers, Tri Pressdowns, Dips
Delts: Military Press, DB Presses, DB Raises
Traps: Barbell/ DB Shrugs, Power Cleans
I have no idea what half those are and how to do them.