I'm going to regret asking this, but has anyone tried liposculpture to get off that last little bit of ab fat that won't go away?
I take in 1500-1800 calories per day. I have a 32 waist at 5'10" and a 44" chest. I run 3-5 miles, on hills, 3-4 times per week; I can do 50 pushups in 60 seconds and 100 crunches in 120 seconds. Even when I was in the Marines and at my physical peak I didn't have 6-pack abs. I've always had a little pouch of fat around my belly button. I have 4 solid, perfect abs, nice serratus and good obliques, tapering down into a shapeless mass at my waist. I'm not fat; just undefined for about three vertical inches.
I'm considering liposculpture to kick my genetics right in the @$$ and get that Brad Pitt in Fight Club look.
Anyone done it? Anyone care to offer up a CBA (cost-benefit analysis?)
I take in 1500-1800 calories per day. I have a 32 waist at 5'10" and a 44" chest. I run 3-5 miles, on hills, 3-4 times per week; I can do 50 pushups in 60 seconds and 100 crunches in 120 seconds. Even when I was in the Marines and at my physical peak I didn't have 6-pack abs. I've always had a little pouch of fat around my belly button. I have 4 solid, perfect abs, nice serratus and good obliques, tapering down into a shapeless mass at my waist. I'm not fat; just undefined for about three vertical inches.
I'm considering liposculpture to kick my genetics right in the @$$ and get that Brad Pitt in Fight Club look.
Anyone done it? Anyone care to offer up a CBA (cost-benefit analysis?)