Like, Love, and Respect: Some Thoughts and Philosophies.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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i think i'm going to watch the 1st 1/2 ***** then head home so i can stay married
The famous last words of a college friend when I asked about watching the Pat's game together this weekend with a few beers. He backed it up by saying, his wife would be SUPER-pissed if he was away 3 days watching the Pats and 2 episodes of 24.

There's a few options from a logistical standpoint:

1. Let her JOIN him and his friends, since his surrounding circle consists MOSTLY of married couples, so there's other women she'd know.
2. Allow him to go, and be Ok with it.
3. Watch the show with him Sunday or Monday night.
4. Bow down to your pvssy.

He's a great guy in sales, but I highlight this case because he got married 1 year after college, totally had chicks after him, and is just LOADS of fun. The girl he's with is OK as a wife; she works, too, but isn't versed in caring for the home, so they split those duties. He earns more.

All this is semantics. The REAL purpose was to describe SELFISH love with TRUE love.


True love DOES exist, but it's not what we know of selfish love. And True Love gets covered up because MOST guys and girls, too, feel if they allow THAT much LEEWAY, they'll cheat. They feel a tight Grip is what CONTROLS the girl or guy. Yet, isn't that what DRIVES you away from a Woman or Man? How possessive they are? How insecure they become? How needy they might be or develop into?

I recall reading somewhere, the best example of LOVE is within a family, that when you can LEAVE the family and be ok with that, and return, that's LOVE and ACCEPTANCE.

You're FREE to be YOU.

Some will say, "Well, that's a relationship, compromise."

But if a relationship ULTIMATELY comes down to love, love of friends, a woman, or others, isn't it about being PERSONALLY free? Because when we're PERSONALLY free, we're creative. We're alive. We're open.

That's why I suggest BEING you and INVESTING to the nTH degree in that. The world doesn't need more copies or people who fall in. The world needs more people who are different, unique, and who can providing learning opportunities through their uniqueness. We don't learn from sameness.


How do you feel when your family wants you to FALL in line with their predefined plans? Their career views? Their values?

Pretty crap.

So why allow someone NOT of blood to invoke their will?


And it isn't that I disgree with his belief, but something I hear TOO often is just that. It sounds like a Prison sentence no matter who says it, or what it's about. Shouldn't it be about the choice between (2) Exciting Opportunities, and not (1) Really Cool One and (1) Really Awful Obligation ?

Why does this happen to men and women?

1. They select a poor mate. The person they select just never grew up this way and psychologically, MAY never change to this position or view.

2. They didn't establish boundaries, fundamentals, or philosophies when they first began dating, which is the proper time for it.

3. Some transgression occurred, where the relationship is out of balance, and someone is paying the other back.

4. You don't care enough about your life, where you are, and where you're going.

The last 1 I bring up, because if YOU did Care or were Aware, maybe you'd do something. Yes, I'm a bloody Idealist. It's good and bad. As an Idealist might see it, what other purpose is there to live for but Quality?


I've been in situations with friends where someone was unhappy with a personal choice and was truly PISSED. Is that right?


It isn't right. It's 1 thing to voice opinions, it's another to manipulate others with emotions, which is a strong tactic women take, and when you see it, you realize MOST of what they argue for is their emotions, which are PURELY selfish. We're all selfish; you can use statements of "that's rude" or "normal people wouldn't do that", but now were just talking about conventions or institutions that control people through forms of thought and stifle the spirit.

But ANYTHING from the self is SELFISH. And just because YOUR conventions say something is RIGHT or WRONG does not mean I must. Imposing your conventions on another person is just as selfish to have your reality validated. And this is the biggest stumbling block we get in relationships, the huge gap mentally, which stems largely from awareness that these blocks even exist. Most don't see that. They look from their tower in life, as if they're the only country that exists, and their conventions are best, so come to my country, please.


Who knows what this GREAT big blob is, REALLY.

Way back when, it was UNFATHOMABLE that one could Sail the seas and NOT fall off the planet. It really was. They had no clue. The planet was flat and space was the heavens. Their thinking was so limited.

Now we know differently. But there's nothing YET to emerge as so HUGE as when Columbus and early explorers proved that the EARTH wasn't flat. Even when we went to space, it wasn't THAT big, because it didn't take a HUGE mental leap in thinking. We'd already scoped it out, so getting there was the only task. Not a big deal.

The thing is, in life, we will encounter such things. It doesn't just stop with Columbus and new land and new continents, it could be anything. But making the MENTAL leap is what's required of humanity to do that. Just imagine something as big as that, what would it be in todays' terms??


People will disagree with me, and I fully expect it, but that's perfect justification for this post, because it provides evidence of what's true. That people inherently differ, that's expected, and it's completely unnatural to be a GOOD friend or have LOVE, and be possessive. It's a sign of weakness to be possessive, because it shows you're not worthy, so by being controlling, you exert influence to keep it close. It becomes evident you couldn't get another LIKE it.

Funny thing is, whenever I let a girl go, or invest money or hand it away, it comes back twice over. Being prudent with it, but generous, shows faith that you CAN get more. It's that clinging nature to things which sucks us dry of energy and confidence.

To let go displays confidence in oneself to move on, accept life, accept things, and be able to re-create things again. It shocks me when guys/girls get hooked to realities. The only constant is change, and what you display through your insecurity is that you can't survive otherwise. That only IN that reality can you possibly exist. Like a fish in or out of water. Well, as humans, we're fortunate, we can CREATE our realities, our MEDIUMS.

We could live in Space, UnderWater, in the Air, or on Earth. We require O2, right now, but who knows in the future?

That's 1 of the points.



Master Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
belleville, il
this post is amazing....absolutely wht I needed right now..while my entire life is changing rapidly and I havent handles it well..but youve given me a different perpsective....thank you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 3, 2005
Reaction score
The city that sleeps. Sometimes.
there are a lot of good thoughts in this post.

if you take into account psychology, genetics, etc; all the factors that affect love and relationships, the answer is clear.

the only way to enjoy long-lasting love and stay with one person is to

a. be a complete person, even without a mate

b. to not seek validation in your mate (you want an individual, not a yes-(wo)man)

c. to understand that relationships go through cycles

d. to understand the male/female psychology - males are the hunters who need the constant chase and challenge, women are nurturers who paradoxically need a man who provides not only security and care, but who is a prize as well (evolutionary psychology, women need great men to make great children)

e. to understand the difference between orgasm, sex, love, etc.

f. to understand the paradox of being the master and the servant in a relationship, and to understand that the only way to be proper male/female equals is to give what you have to give, and to take what you have to take.

there are more, but i don't have time to remember all of them. this is more of less my distilled version of what I believe is true from combining many different sources/theories/approaches. I can go more about male/female roles, relationship game theory, etc.