Lifetime sex number goals for the average guy?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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So I've been thinking about good goals for young men as far as sex numbers go.

Now, I'm sure that YOU have already personally slept with hundreds if not thousands of women and can pick up 9s at the club at the drop of a hat, but I'm talking about the AVERAGE guy.

Here's my breakdown for goals. The first number is the number of women, the second number is the age. Each one would get a badge (if attained) and would provide a goal for men to strive for at each stage of their lives.


That is to say, the average guy should strive to bang 5 girls by the age of 20, 20 girls by the age of 30, 40 girls by the age of 40, 75 by 50, and 100 over his lifetime.

This takes into account that getting laid is quite a bit tougher for the average guy when he's in his teens, and becomes easier and easier until he hits 50, and then tapers off again.

So between birth and age 20 he'd have to bang 5.
Between age 20 and 30 he'd have to bang 15 more (1.5 per year).
Between 30 and 40 he'd have to bang 20 more (2 per year).
Between 40 and 50 he'd have to bang 35 more (3.5 per year).
Between 50 and the time he croaks he'd have to bang 25 more.

These would also be cumulative, so if he's only banged 1 by the time he reaches 20, he'll have to bang 19 rather than 15 to get his 20x30 badge. etc. This would encourage men to get started quickly and continue striving throughout life.

This would have to be for an average guy in an urban environment. If you don't have 100 women within a 50 mile radius you're going to have trouble with this.

Realistic? Should be challenging yet not impossible for the AVERAGE guy in an urban environment in a major western civilized country.


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
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I've never thought about it as a number thing.

The goal is to be at a level where you can get with a girl if you want to. Beyond that, who cares what you do with that skill?

Alex DeLarge

Master Don Juan
May 26, 2011
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Numbers don't matter. I don't many of us need to set a goal to get into bed with a girl.. Boners tell us when to do that lol.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
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Now consider this:

The average man, by his own account, sleeps with 7 women TOTAL in his lifetime.

15% of men report sleeping withmore than 15 women.

So if you reach 20...relax, you don't have to prove anything.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
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Manhattan, NY
handle said:
I've never thought about it as a number thing.

The goal is to be at a level where you can get with a girl if you want to. Beyond that, who cares what you do with that skill?

Alex DeLarge said:
Numbers don't matter. I don't many of us need to set a goal to get into bed with a girl.. Boners tell us when to do that lol.

5string said:
Quality over quantity.
Oh, and uh, exactly.

I've banged far more women than the average guy. But quite frankly, a lot of those girls I didn't need to bang. And probably shouldn't have.

I wouldn't go placing a number on my goal with women. It's about putting yourself in a position where you have options. It's not about f**king X-number of girls. That kind of mindset just might be dangerous.


Don Juan
Sep 29, 2011
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I'd never get a badge in my entire life. Oh well. I don't really want to sleep with a hundred women.


Master Don Juan
Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Women are a sympton of a winning condition not the final goal, no different than the quantity of digits in your bank account or the cars you own.

I disagree about all this importance given to women and their number.
They are a reward you get when you are in the right status, not a destination that should influence the direction of your way.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2011
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This is the wrong mindset. As if having sex with the most women possible is the goal of life. Even for the guys capable of having sex with lots of women/decent looking women and better, it'd be a pretty empty life just walking around wanting to "up your count."

This is a product of a "sex sells" society and Axe body spray commercials and light beer commercials that tell you "getting the girl" is what makes you a man, when it couldn't be further from the truth.

I myself would be happy if I slept with 1 or 2 women my entire life that I had intense physical attraction to.

Sometimes this site reminds me of the guys at the gym I go to that just walk around the free weight area with their ipod on and their shoulders crossed, and the funny thing is, they aren't even that muscular to begin with.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Are all these responses from guys with low numbers? ;)

Maybe I'm posting this in the wrong forum.

The goal is to be at a level where you can get with a girl if you want to. Beyond that, who cares what you do with that skill?
"Get with a girl if you want to" is too nebulous. The only way to know if you could get with her is to do so. I sense a guy who doesn't follow through.

Numbers don't matter. I don't many of us need to set a goal to get into bed with a girl.. Boners tell us when to do that lol.
External goals are good, internal goals are sh!t.

Quality over quantity.
Absolutely disagree 100%. Women are fungible in my mind. That's like saying that you'd rather have good money than bad money. I'd rather have MORE money.

Then my next question would be, who here could claim any of the above badges? I'm going to guess nobody.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2007
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Zarky said:
So I've been thinking about good goals for young men as far as sex numbers go.

Now, I'm sure that YOU have already personally slept with hundreds if not thousands of women and can pick up 9s at the club at the drop of a hat, but I'm talking about the AVERAGE guy.

Here's my breakdown for goals. The first number is the number of women, the second number is the age. Each one would get a badge (if attained) and would provide a goal for men to strive for at each stage of their lives.


That is to say, the average guy should strive to bang 5 girls by the age of 20, 20 girls by the age of 30, 40 girls by the age of 40, 75 by 50, and 100 over his lifetime.

This takes into account that getting laid is quite a bit tougher for the average guy when he's in his teens, and becomes easier and easier until he hits 50, and then tapers off again.

So between birth and age 20 he'd have to bang 5.
Between age 20 and 30 he'd have to bang 15 more (1.5 per year).
Between 30 and 40 he'd have to bang 20 more (2 per year).
Between 40 and 50 he'd have to bang 35 more (3.5 per year).
Between 50 and the time he croaks he'd have to bang 25 more.

These would also be cumulative, so if he's only banged 1 by the time he reaches 20, he'll have to bang 19 rather than 15 to get his 20x30 badge. etc. This would encourage men to get started quickly and continue striving throughout life.

This would have to be for an average guy in an urban environment. If you don't have 100 women within a 50 mile radius you're going to have trouble with this.

Realistic? Should be challenging yet not impossible for the AVERAGE guy in an urban environment in a major western civilized country.
This is a very interesting breakdown. I'm not so sure if the average "non-gamer/seduction community" man would be able to do this. He would probably get stuck in an LTR or two along the way. So that would take away his potential time to bang those 2 girls per year in his 20s. Unless, of course he happens to be a player who doesn't cold approach(must have a hell of a social circle haha).
Keyword urban environment also. Don't get stuck in a rural location where almost all of the 7's and above are in LTR's.;) I like this layout though, what type of layout would you make for the average pick up artist/seduction/gaming enthusiast?
On a side note: I read your blog, can't wait for Part II and beyond.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
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London, UK
Obviously guys tend to sleep with more women in their youth then settle down, no average man sleeps with 25 women aged 40-50 because they're married


Master Don Juan
Jul 18, 2005
Reaction score
Women are fungible to you? Do you enjoy the company of women?


Lifetime sex number goals for the average man? Fortunately for me I am not an average man, I'm extraordinary man, and I decide my own goals and my own rules.

It was an interesting post though.


Don Juan
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
"Between 40 and 50 he'd have to bang 35 more (3.5 per year).
Between 50 and the time he croaks he'd have to bang 25 more."

The "average man" usually gets married in his mid-30's, and banging 25 women after age 50 is probably unfeasible


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2005
Reaction score
I was at 52 by 19 years old, 11 years ago. I remember it well because a girl (#54) broke up with me after she asked me. Said that was just ridiculous.

I'm not so sure about milestone goals now because i've lost track, but if it's under 30 a year, I get depressed.

I think it is possible for most guys to get to a level where 12 a year is reasonable. Twelve NEW girls a year.

Plus there is an added benefit: old girls you've had sex with come back around every few years, so you can theoretically coast once you reach a certain level, especially if you are good at networking and keeping in touch with people.

I've been the anti-relationship type, so I don't have big blocks of monogamy dragging down my numbers.