Life is for Living


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2005
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Why are you uncomfortable with yourself?

Much of our obstacles and the feared consequences of our actions are instilled through conditioning and hard to drop, but neverthless self-imposed. That much should be obvious.

How old are you? 20, 30, 40? A quarter to half of your life is gone. This is an experiment, and you've got one shot, spread out over about 80 years, to bet on yourself.

The greatest contribution that you can make to history, to society, to yourself, is to fill your self, your entire individual self, with your spirit and your love. Every person I admire simply lived. They lived without fear or reluctance, and as a result, they bet all of their chips on themselves and overwhelmed their fellow humans with a love of life. When you really live, when you just say "fvck it, I'm gonna die," you become a whole person.

All of my heroes were and are carelessly eccentric. Howard Roark never gave a damn. Frank Lloyd Wright didn't create, he understood, and prevented that understanding from being corrupted. Steve Jobs is owned by nothing, save elegance and integrity of purpose. Miles Davis, Salvador Dali, and Picasso practically destroyed themselves for the sake of the creative spirit. Politicians, in their best moments, just call sh!t like it is.

When a person is an admirable person, they don't give a fvck. And their selves shine through. And those watching smile inside and know that that person is speaking from his powerful, compassionate soul.

Taking is not wrong. Stealing is. Taking for the sake of living is just as responsible as not taking for the sake of not disturbing. You have a good heart; you won't corrupt the world by acting in it.

The biggest mistake you can make is to submit to fear. Punishing yourself through inaction may be comfortable to you -- but that's only because it's familiar, it's "home" to your psyche. Don't deceive yourself. There's another home for you, if you want it. It's located closer to your heart than to your inhibitions. With time it will become comfortable to you, and it will be your new home.

So be yourself. With that, I mean trust that you passionately being you is your best shot at inspiring others (and as a consequence, immortality).

You can be a beacon for humanity. And why not go for it? You'll be dead soon.

Wait if you want.

Then you'll be dead, and oh so safe and secure (but you'll also be dead). And the world will be at a loss for what you could have contributed. And a teenager will be crying alone somewhere when they come to the realization that the greatest compassionate souls in the world are often extinguished at an early age and never re-ignited. They just emit a wisp of smoke that softens until they leave this world.

Go fvck sh!t up.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2005
Reaction score

Thanks man.

Did I mention I have the same birthday as Dali?

I guess I should have added something that may not be obvious:

If you put such a philosophy into practice, women will not be a problem.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
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I feel like "Fvck it, I'm just going to die." is more likely to backfire and make you apathetic about you and your life. I fear that someone who tries this is going to end up asking themselves: "What's the point of suffering if I have so little time?"

Personally, I would chalk up greatness to the belief that you and what you want are important, that who you are and what you do matter on a cosmic scale.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Visceral
I fear that someone who tries this is going to end up asking themselves: "What's the point of suffering if I have so little time?"
Exactly. Wat's the point of suffering.

Unless suffering is caused by physical pain, it is yours to retool and cast aside.

And if you put JUST in the phrase "Fvck it I'm JUST going to die," it miscommunicates what I was trying to say above.

Another way I could have phrased it is "Let me move past these silly fears and live passionately, because God knows I haven't lived yet, and one day--which is coming closer ever more rapidly--I'll have no more chances to give my best to myself and the world."

If you're going to give up, give up on your fears.


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2005
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Yeah I agree Flogger. The idea of being 80y/o man dying on a bed thinkin

"Damn, I wish I lived life to its fullest. So many wasted oppotunities, just because I didnt have any balls. Now its too late, I lead a boring, lonely, unfufilling life. and none of my dreams came true. I wish I could go back in time and slap myself when I was 20, I was such a fooool... *croak... dies*"

Its powerful man.. *shudders*


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2005
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I'm getting irritated with these pseudo-sociologistl pep talks which essentially end up spelling out one thing:

You only live once. So don't pass up oppurtunities.

Can we get them archived or something?


Don Juan
Apr 29, 2005
Reaction score
Ah stop moaning Q-unit.
This post is a breath of fresh air from the endless posts about the soul-less pursuit of money & social manipulation.

This post is EXACTLY what i needed to read right now. I had almost forgot this basic principle for living the most fulfiling life.

Cheers Flogger. Your posts are some of the most refreshing & interesting I've read here in quite some time.

Keep up the good work.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2001
Reaction score
You, sir, are an ambassador of good will. Keep on keeping on and spreading the message.
