-LIFE CHANGING Journal- Want to live up the name!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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I think it is time I made one of these... I really help the fellow Dj's on this forum will assist me as I endeavour to achieve what I want in life.

I am 18 (turned 18 under 2 weeks ago) live in Australia and have just finished school for the rest of my life. I have four months off until University and even though I have improved over the course of this year I think its time to really implement the changes.. NOW.

I have been out with only three girls this year:

-One was a continuation from last year, who was my ex and I hooked up fingered her and got headjobs non stop. I ended this one as she wanted a relationship again but I was ****ing around with her..

-Other I got her number at school met up, got a hook up... She rejected second offer and called me arrogant and self absorbed

-Third was two days I was drunk off my head.. Kissed her cheeks and we hugging and all that.. Went for kiss I got denied.. Now I asked her out got the busy response... I would say this is off the list as well now.

I think my goals can come under a number of categories:


Current Situational Analysis:

I am currently 74 kg, 180 cm. Which is 5'11, 162.8 pounds.
I am 18 I attend the gym, play indoor soccer , swim laps at the pool, hit my punching bag at the backyard. I use to be about 187 pounds but I was very pudgy soft and I seriously wasn't happy about it.
I applied an emotional trigger that Jariel's post talks about after I got rejected by this chick about a year and a half ago. I am not big , I am not skinny. I am in a relatively normal state.

Where I want to be

-I am going to be ripped. I am going to get a six pac.. I am going to get bigger and musclier but not overly big a good size which would look ****ing awesome when I am ripped.
-I am going to have a body that when chicks see it they are honestly aroused.
I am going to limit my drinking to every second Saturday night.. As it would be detrimental to my sucess right?
-I want to be so confident in my looks that I really believe I am the great catch.
-I always hear from my cousins my age and younger that there friends think I am hot. Even if I am not good looking I believe I am but I want the further belief that if I am rejected she is honestly missing out. NOT the other way around. I am going to be so ****ing awesome that I am a physical stage that when I am rejected I won't be questioning and saying to myself is it because I am not a ****ing ripped ****.
- I want to be able to smile at the girls that rejected me or lost interest and make them know whats up.. Ie what they missed out on.
- In total boys, Djs I want to become great.
- Summer is coming I am getting a tan which will make me feel good and look good.
- My eating habits must be very good, only one day a week for maccas or the other bull****t.

How to get there

- I think my physical look is going to come from a combination of the weights, running, swimming in essence exercising. I have so much time off its not funny I am willing to exercise 2 times a day 6 days a week and swim on the seventh I have the time and I have the will to build my castle(body) two times faster.
- I understand my diet is equally important in me reaching my physicall excellence which I want. I really need feedback on this. I have the means of eating what I want nightly. My mum is pretty nice so I can ask her to buy and make me whatever food I want for dinner each night. Also cutting out the junk crap, max once a week.
- I want a tan, to get one I need to go the beach. I am a really good tanner so this is going to being awesome.

Would really love if all the exercise enthusiast would give me some replies to this section of my journal.


Current Situational Analysis:

I have had 1 gf I am 18. Hooked up with one girl besides that gf. Really I have done everything besides rooting, which was by choice. I have lots of friends and a good best mate who I have known for 13 years. Its wierd we tend to argue about dumb ****. But ultimately i know his parents well he knows mine very well, guess we are like bros.. I turned 18 recently and been out to the club twice. I can say hi to any girl with ease but approaching isn't as easy, though I can do it. I have plenty of female friends also and good parents. Not many real social massive problems.

Where I want to be

-I want to have the game and looks where I can pull chicks and get roots. Which isn't what I am after, but I want the game where I can do it
- In reality what I want is solid gfs, I would rather a good gf and not root for 4months then a ***** I can root daily.
- I want to be able to approach consistenly in obviously good situations and where IOI are shown. I want to be at a stage where I am not needy or wanting a girl.
- I want more friends, more options for going out and more options of people to kick it with.

How to get there

- It comes down to how much I want it. I know I am capable of more then I am showing. I have to approach chicks plain and simple when the situation is right.
-I have to be more involved in things when I go to university.
- I must talk to people I don't know constantly and make things a habit.

So suave is ultimately about girls and social so support in this segment would be really appreciated..


Current Situational Analysis:

-I am 18 and I have never had a job in my life, my parents provide for me in every facet of my life.. They give me money, they drive to places. I guess I am not that independent. I have finished high school, I have made university which I am stoked about seen as I never studied. I am naturally smart as well, in junior years use to be better then the rest.
- I am currently waiting for University to being which is a whopping 4months away. Too much time means boredome, boredom means thoughtless thinking about nothing which ends to bad emotions and bad bull****.
-Me making university meant the world to my parents, they never threatened to disown me or kill me but they would of been rather dissapointed I have made it and has improved relations greatly and they see me as more of an adult.

Where I want to be

- I want to not have to ask my parents for money eg I go out to the club and my parents give me 50 bucks.
- I am going to go out and give resumes and find myself a damn job. I want a job to give me money, keep me busy and appreciate the times I sit on my own and just relax.
- I want to be working hard and enjoying it I want to be able to have money to put the petrol in my car instead of asking my dad.
- I want to be able to occasionaly take my parents out for dinner and pay
- Graduate from university in three years with good marks and good career options

How to get there

- Get a job and start working is the first step, I might reassess my ambitions at a later point. But the starting point for this is applying for jobs its that simple. I do not have job experience, however my dads mate use to own a kebab shop and he bull****s I use to work there and references me.


- I want a car and my dad is buying me one since I made university.This isn't a goal or anything just something that would add to the quality of my life..
- I am not a masturbation freak either maybe once every 3 days or so.

I will update this as I feel neccessary but Ultimately when I think about it If could achive the following it would make things that much easier in life.

However right now I am where I am right now. I want to start building my bridge and hopefully good things are at the other end.

By writing this I hope people who are still in a rut worst then me, try to improve and people that have improved a lot can help me out.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
November 5th

Today was really a rainy day... I went to the track and then the sauna and then for a swim.

Also hit the punching bag in the backyard, really gets me going and kills the anger or stress I might have

I also made a call to that girl the third one I mentioned. I asked her out and got the busy, maybe it was legit as she said she works 9 hours 6 days a week now. I am not sure though I guess it would be in my best interest to leave it at that and make her make all the first contact?? Because 4 days ago she was msging me non stop now she has stopped.

Other then that today wasn't to eventful..
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Don Juan
Oct 29, 2006
Reaction score
Good idea bud! I'm at a similiar point in my life. Just one question...what is "rooting"


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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November 6th

Today I went to the library and attempted studying for my last exam which in realism doesn't mean anything.
Then went to the mall with my mate didn't do much.. I have noticed my eating is suffering lol do not know why ever since I got the busy excuse my eating is suffering. I ate like some seafood today and one apple all day fairly poor.
However I still went gym did a solid workout and then went for a run after it..
My weight has been on the decline slowly but surely.. I want to get thin then bulk I guess.

Also that girl is playing on my mind.. I am no contacting to get over her I guess that is the only way..


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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November 7th

Got an exam tomorow haven't studied.. lol

Today I went to the new house my family bought and helped out for around 2hours pulling out old carpet and nails so we can get the painting and new carpet in the nexxt two weeks.

Today i ate an apple for breakfast, a veggie delite subway it was like what? 250 calories.. Then another apple and some turkish food for dinner.. Was good.

Also exercised a good 1 hour of cardio and 15mins of abdominal workouts as in different variations of crunches.

My thoughts at the moment are lik this...

I have came to the conclusion that even if I get a particular girl I desire I still won't be happy, even if she is my gf I still won't... Because I will still be insecure about if I can keep her.. I think I need time to reflect upon myself and really love myself before I can love anyone else as lame as that sounds..



Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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November 8th

I finished my last exam EVER in high school today.. I have to clear my room of all the school junk now. Exactly 92 days until University starts. Haha if that is anything to be excited about..

My food consumption today included three apples, some turkish food for dinner, and the same food also for lunch.. a can of tuna and 4 slices of wholemeal bread..

When hard at the gym today was a good session I think my best on the bench press is like 4 reps of 60kg. Really need to up how much I can lift, which will obviously come with time.

My thoughts are constant I guess I mean I decided I will just keep improving until university and then when it starts I want to be truely irresitible hopefully I will have the body by then...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
November 9th

Today I made a resume and though my experience isn't great I went and gave out like 20 of them in my local mall... You know the middle aged managers seemed so ****y it was funny... some were acting rude and stuff I was shocked but it was fun.. Hopefully I get a job soon

Also bought some whey protein today and a copy of 'Think Rich, Grow Rich'... Also did a really good cardio session today...

I ate a massive breakfast at a family friend's house... then an apple and then sushi later in the afternoon... and for dinner had a protein shake...

Later that night after the gym went and watched saw 3 wasn't even that good to be honest.

About girls I think its dumb that I liked that girl so much as I had her and I ****ed it over.. I always seemed to do that.. However I believe If I achieve my goals both short term and long term I will be the type of man MOST girls will want so in the end she will be regretfulll if you's feel me..


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2006
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One word, EAT!

It is much easier to build muscle when you have some extra fat than it is if you get down to 5% BF. You are probably not even eating enough to sustain what muscle you do have. For an easy guide to how many calories to get per day, multiply your weight times 15 (this is what it takes to maintain your current muscle mass) and eat either 500 calories more or less, depending on if you are cutting or bulking. Do your best to get at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. 2 is better. The weight that you are losing is probably about 60% muscle. Eat big, Lift heavy and THEN drop the fat. Don't expect fast results either, but if you stick with it you can do it.

Last thing, Don't overdo the cardio when you are trying to bulk.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
November 10th

I am trying to drop weight and gain muscle. Yes I know my muscle gain won't be as prominent but I am trying to consume a lot of protein...

Today I woke up went back my high school with my mate did some things there. Also went into the mall and hung out a little. Came home chilled out , then went for a drive during the night with another mate.


8am- Green Tea
9.30am- 3 Weet Bix and some milk
11.30pm- Can of tuna
12.30- Green apple
2.00- Some sushi well a fair bit
5.00- Apple
7.00-Kebab LOL... Chicken..Onion.. Lettuce.Pineaple
9.30- Protein Shake
10.00- Like 10 little startbust lollies
11.00--- Brace for the baddy of ****ttt asss maccas ice cream

Was good until the icecream

Also struck a convo with some chick at maccas who was sitting down about going to the club she was underage she wasn't good looking heer friend was good though.. Convo's are easy to maintain just starting them is sometimes queer.. I mean you can at night be like " What you up to tonight"... " Hows your night been"

Besides that I got exxactly 100 days until university starts.. I want a job, I am working out, I am reading, I am thinking about my life and analysing and just thinking deeply..

About girls. I really can't wait for university to be able diverge right into a new pool of woman, where I get a crack with a brand new reputation...

That chick i sort of had oneitis for is slowly fading.. You know one thing about oneitis is you couldn't picture them getting diyck from any other guy.. lol


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
November 11th

Got a workout journal cranking in the Health and Fitness forum. Today was a day where I just counted calories, fat, protein, carbs just to get a rough idea of things. I didn't go out at all except went and ate dinner with my dad at a sushi bar.. And had some good chats with him bout life in general ambition and everything else.

I also bought tonnes of tunas, salmons, sardines, lean meats(Veal) and like 2 packs of eggs, asparagus..

Just stacking up on the healthy stuff.

Really at the moment I got exactly 99 days till university starts I want a job badddddd, I want to watch my diet, eat well, exerrcise well and hopefully I get closer to my phsycial goals.

Today I was thinking what I really want in life. I do not know whether this is the right mindset or not. But every person in my life besides my best friends and family I want to be better then in every aspect my motivation and determination is a result of my ambition to better then other people I know physically, academically and socially. I want to excel and be better, I don't want to waste the potential.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
November 12th

Today I counted calories, fat, carbs, protein again while chilling out and just enjoying my rest day..

My mate came over went for a drive.

Then my female cousin rang me up at like 3pm and said there was like a little turkish society/club forming and first meeting. It was based upon people around the age 16-19 and just doing fun things together and occasionally do charitable things.

There was about 30 people there. What happens I see that chick I was interested in and was msging me non stop and then lost interest after we went out and i got drunk and acted like a dumb ****t. Lol now I will be seeing her every 2 weeks for this thing..

Two weeks time we going for a barbeque at the beach and swimming should be good. Really I am the best looking guy there BY far out of 15 guys. There is like 1 or 2 other decent lookers so I should be able to really expand my network and pick up If I want too.

This turkish chick that lost interest aka missed oppurtunity maybe I will pick up in the future.

Until then still job hunting and eating well and exercising well tomorow hopefully just want to achieve my goals