Library approach


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
I was meeting my friend in the library for doing our group projects.

Our group is about 4-5 people and all are men.

Then, I saw this hot chick sitting alone on the table next to ours

playing her computer notebook.

None of us was bothering to approach her except me.

The question for you guys is Should i approach her?

Two issues here are:

1.Just approach and say hi casually and ask her name or whatever

and get back to work with a group.

2.Approach and then ****ed up like she turned me down

With this, I don't think I am able to sit with my friends doing the work

like nothing has just happened man!

What would u guys do in this situation?

PS I finally approach her when we and her come out of the library.

Mr Wright

Master Don Juan
Jan 19, 2010
Reaction score
London, UK
I'd make it really obvious that i was hitting on her but act like i knew i was doing something naughty the whole time by whispering and reprimand her for talking back.

Or if you're feeling really fun, casually write her a note like your in class at school about someone else in the library...just keep it fun.


Don Juan
Feb 25, 2011
Reaction score
Mr Wright said:
I'd make it really obvious that i was hitting on her but act like i knew i was doing something naughty the whole time by whispering and reprimand her for talking back.

Or if you're feeling really fun, casually write her a note like your in class at school about someone else in the library...just keep it fun.
What if you try to initiate the contact with her and she is like

having the facial expression "WTF! you are doing"?

Would you still sit there and act like nothing happened?

Also, would you ask her number right away there?