Liberate yourself!


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
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After watching fight club (if you havent seen fight club, see it. now.), I've been pondering etc. And I've decided to liberate myself of some **** that I don't need.

For instance, I was just talkin to some guy from here and the subject went to porn...

Well, to make a long boring convo short: I just permanently deleted 17.2 gigs of porno that I had compiled over the years.

After pondering a bit, I realized that there was absolutely nothing good that I was getting from it. In fact, it only was a temptation for masturbation, and I don't need that ****. In terms of redeeming value, it was nothing but a corrupting influence and a cheap way to cheat myself. Using one of the philosophies of fight club, I freed myself of something, a smaller degree of how the narrator freed himself of the possessions that were cluttering his life.

So free yourselves today and now (no hesitation), get rid of something that's dragging you down, some dumb habit, whatever. It doesn't have to be porn, even though that's a good start.


Master Don Juan
Jan 29, 2004
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Making the most of MY life
tottaly agree, just deleted all my porn and i feal free. Not thinking about hot chicks on the internet rather than focusing on actually touching them not looking at them.. I wanked once a day meaning my testosterone levels were down for the day. Thus stoping me from really portraying my man abilities.. I now feal free. Great Post !


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Interesting post, but I partially disagree. I agree that basing your life off of a movie is a stupid idea, but taking ideas and messages from movies that you agree with and putting them into action can be pretty beneficial. I'm not trying to promote a WWTDD (What Would Tyler Durden Do) here, I'm just taking out an idea. Plus, what do I have to lose by doing this?


Don Juan
May 16, 2003
Reaction score
Fight Club in my opinion is by far the best movie i have ever seen. Think about it, Tyler Durden is a DJ..... NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN IN MOVIES.

Just the way it was put together, the whole ideal of it, it's the best ****ing movie in my opinion, so many DJ characteristics, many mind opening views on the media and what it does.

I've watched that movie probably about 10 times by now.

I think the girl should've been less skanky and dirty looking though, but that did help the atmosphere of the movie, more, hotter chicks would've been better but they avoided that because thats' just medai BS.

I love you Chuck Palakniak.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 16, 2003
Reaction score
Not to turn this into a movie discussion, but you ever read any of chuck's literature? Good stuff.

Leon Phelps

Don Juan
Sep 25, 2003
Reaction score
Porn is a harder addiction then cigarettes to quit. I am addicted to both, should have listened to my mother lol. The key is to cut back as much as you can, quitting cold turkey will just frustrate you trust me.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
I liked fight club too and I bought the dvd (An unusual task for someone who is too cheap to buy the bootleg version of most movies) Anyways TD was a character in the movie, I wuldn't call him a Dj because he treats Marla like sh!t. He f>cks her and then avoids her and treats her like sh!t.

I think that fight club had another Dj related message tho, once you get rid of that voice in your head, you are invincible and can take gunshots to the head and survive :) But seriously, how about: You need to be who you wanna be ALL THE TIME. You can't just turn it on or off when you feel like it.

Methinks that another underlying theme was the fact that we make ourselves feel better by putting others down, or finding out we are better than them, but in fact that only brings us down. To paraphrase TD "We are the everlasting crap of the universe"

The best metaphorical scene is either the restaurant scene, or the scene with the acid on the hand. It is my favorite movie, but it isn't the DJ movie everyone makes it out to be. More of a self-actualization movie, but I guess that is partially Don Juan don't expect TD to go cold approach halfway through the movie :)