Bigpimp: Just a few questions...
1. How old are you?
2. Do you get woman?
3. If you do that everyday, why are you here?
Note: Im not trying to bring you down, Im trying to guide you and help you abit, there is obviously a reason you on these forums, Im guessing you want to learn more either that or you being immature on purpose.
It seems you striving to be like a "pimp" like 50cent, snoop dog, jayzee. Well, let me tell you a secret , they dont talk or do what you are describing.
Maybe ONCE they got the girl ALONE in the room they may "***** ass slaps" around but they are defintely suave around the ladies. Snoop aint the best looking guy and he is getting them. Why?
a) he is game
b) he is famous
-You have none of that from what I can tell-
Go read through some articles, quick tips and then come back to me and If you still talking the way you are, we can talk more